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About 16 verbs use “être” as an auxiliary verb instead of “avoir.” We refer to verbs that take être as “coming/going” verbs because most of these verbs.

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Presentation on theme: "About 16 verbs use “être” as an auxiliary verb instead of “avoir.” We refer to verbs that take être as “coming/going” verbs because most of these verbs."— Presentation transcript:

1 About 16 verbs use “être” as an auxiliary verb instead of “avoir.” We refer to verbs that take être as “coming/going” verbs because most of these verbs express motion. These verbs are also “intransitive verbs,” i.e., they never take a direct object. Le Passé Composé avec Être

2 I. Form: A. Present tense of être + past participle (aux. v) (p.p.) suissommes esêtes estsont B. Past participles of verbs conjugated with être agree in gender (m/f) & # (s/pl) with the SUBJECT of sentences.  Therefore, pp’s of être verbs act like adjectives.

3 How to agree? (like all adjectives) If the subject is masculine  Add nothing to the p.p. If the subject if f.s.  Add –e to the p.p. If the subject is  Add –s to the p.p. If the subject is  Add –es to the p.p.

4 Example sentences/agreement: Marc went. Marc has gone. Marc did go.  Marc est allé. (m.s.) (m.s.) Marie went. Marie has gone. Marie did go.  Marie est allée. (f.s.) (f.s.) They (girls & boys) went.  Ils sont allés. ( They (all girls) have gone.  Elles sont allées. ( (

5 II. Verbs that take être as an aux. verb. (16) InfinitiveTranslation Past Participle Reg./Irr. in Present 1. aller to goalléirr. 2. venir to comevenuirr. 3 arriverto arrivearrivéreg. 4 partirto leave/go awaypartiirr. 5. entrerto go in/enterentréreg. 6. sortirto go outsortiirr. 7. monterto go up, come upmontéreg. 8. descendreto go downdescendureg.

6 InfinitiveTranslation Past Participle Reg./Irr. in Present 9. rentrerto return rentréreg. (used with returning home) 10. retournerto go back retournéreg. 11. naîtreto be born néirr. 12. mourirto die mortirr. 13. revenirto come backrevenuirr. 14. devenirto becomedevenuirr. 15. resterto remain, stayrestéreg. 16. tomberto falltombéreg.

7 III. Examples: (Remember that S + P.P agree!!) 1. We stayed home.  Nous sommes rest és à la maison. pl. auv. v. p.p. 2. Did they go out Friday night?  Sont-ils sortis vendredi soir? aux.v sub. pro. p.p. ( ( 3. She came down late.  Elle est descendue tard. f.s. aux. vp.p. (f.s) 4. The girls went to the movies together.  Les filles sont all ées au cinéma ensemble. aux. v p.p. 5. You (pl) didn’t fall.  Vous n’êtes pas tomb és. pl. aux. v p.p. ( (

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