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CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-1 CS321 Functional Programming 2 Dr John A Sharp 10 credits Tuesday 10amRobert Recorde Room Thursday 11amRobert.

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1 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-1 CS321 Functional Programming 2 Dr John A Sharp 10 credits Tuesday 10amRobert Recorde Room Thursday 11amRobert Recorde Room

2 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-2 Assessment 80% written examination in May/June 20% coursework probably two assignments – roughly weeks 4 and 7

3 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-3 Type Classes Programming with Streams Lazy Data Structures Memoization Lambda Calculus Type Checking and Inference Implementation Approaches Syllabus (Provisional)

4 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-4 Recommended Reading Course will not follow any specific text S Thompson, Haskell: The Craft of Functional Programming, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley, 1999 P Hudak, The Haskell School of Expression – Learning Functional Programming through Multimedia, Cambridge University press, 2000 R Bird, Introduction to Functional Programming using Haskell, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall, 1998 A J T Davie, An Introduction to Functional Programming using Haskell, Cambridge University Press, 1992

5 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-5 Notes will be handed out in sections mainly copies of PowerPoint slides some Haskell programs They will also be available on a course web page

6 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-6 Assumptions from CS221 Functional Programming 1 Familiar with principles of Functional Programming Able to write and run simple Haskell programs/scripts Familiar with concepts of types and higher-order functions Able to define own structured types Familiar with basic λ calculus

7 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-7 Type Classes Monomorphic functions add1 :: Int -> Int add1 x = x + 1 Parametric polymorphic functions map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map f [] = [] map f (x:xs) = f x : (map f xs)

8 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-8 Ad-hoc polymorphic functions add :: Int -> Int -> Int add x y = x + y add :: Float -> Float -> Float add :: Double -> Double -> Double add :: Num a => a -> a -> a add x y = x + y

9 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-9 This sort of type expression is sometimes referred to as a “Qualified Type”. Num a is termed a predicate which limits the types for which a type expression is valid. It is also termed the context for the type. Multiple predicates can be defined contrived :: (Num a, Eq b)=>a->b->b->a contrived x y z = if y == z then x + x else x + x + x

10 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-10 For completeness we could specify an empty context for any polymorphic function map :: () => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map f [] = [] map f (x:xs) = f x : (map f xs)

11 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-11 The predicate restricts the set of types for which the expression is valid. Num a should be read as “for all types a that are members of the class Num. Members of a class (which are types) are also called instances of a class.

12 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-12 Type classes allow us to group together types which have common properties (or more accurately common operations that can be applied to them). An obvious example is the types for which equality can be defined. An appropriate Class is defined in the standard prelude:- class Eq a where (==), (/=) :: a -> a -> Bool x /= y = not ( x == y )

13 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-13 class Eq a where header introducing name of class and parameters ( a ) (==), (/=) :: a -> a -> Bool signature listing functions applicable to instances of class and their type (==) and (/=) are termed member functions x /= y = not ( x == y ) default definitions of member functions that can be overridden

14 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-14 Having defined the concept of an equality class the next step is to define various instances of the class. The following examples are again taken from the standard prelude. instance Eq Int where (==) = primEqInt -- primEqint is a primitive Haskell function instance Eq Bool where True == True= True False == False= True _ ==_= False -- defined by pattern matching

15 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-15 instance Eq Char where c == d = ord c == ord d -- note the second == is defined on integers instance (Eq a,Eq b) => Eq(a,b) where (x,y) == (u,v)= x==u && y==v -- pairwise equality instance Eq a => Eq [a] where [] ==[] = True [] ==(y:ys) = False (x:xs)==[] = False (x:xs)==(y:ys) = x==y && xs==ys -- extend to equality on lists

16 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-16 These declarations allow us to obtain definitions for equality on an infinite family of types involving pairs, and lists of (pairs and lists of) Int, Bool, Char. The general format of an instance declaration is instance context => predicate where definitions of member functions We can define instances of Eq for user defined types.

17 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-17 Consider a definition of Sets data Set a = Set [a] To make the type Set a a member of the class Eq we define an instance of Eq. Note that we do not use the standard ( == ) on the type a as we do not require the elements of the Set s to be in the same order. instance Eq a => Eq (Set a) where Set xs == Set ys = xs 'subset' ys && ys 'subset xs where xs 'subset' ys = all ('elem' ys) xs

18 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-18 Some types (such as functions) can not be defined to be members of the class Eq (for obvious reasons, I hope). The error message that results from a mistaken attempt to test for equality can be obscure. It is possible to make a test for equality on functions type check ok and produce a run-time error message using the standard error function defined in the standard prelude. instance Eq (a->b) where (==) = error "== not defined on fns"

19 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-19 An a If the functions are defined to operate on a finite set of elements then a form of equality can be defined. instance Eq a => Eq (Bool->a) where f == g = f False == g False && f True == g True It is possible to have instances for both Eq (a->b) and Eq (Bool->a) as long as both are not required at the same time in type checking some expression.

20 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-20 Inheritance, Derived Classes, Superclasses, and Subclasses In general a class declaration has the form class context => Class a1.. an where type declarations for member functions default declarations of member functions where Class is the name of a new type class which takes n arguments (a1.. an ). As with instances the context must be satisfied in order to construct any instance of the Class. The predicates in the context part of the declaration are called the superclasses of Class. Class is a subclass of the classes in the context.

21 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-21 Consider a definition of a Class Ord whose instances have both strict ( ) and non-strict ( = ) versions of an ordering defined on their elements. class Eq a => Ord a where ( ),(>=):: a->a->Bool max,min:: a->a->a x < y= x <= y && x /= y x >= y= y <= x x > y= y < x max x y| x >= y = x | y >= x = y min x y| x <= y = x | y <= x = y

22 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-22 Why define Eq as a superclass of Ord ? the default definition of ( < ) relies on the use of ( /= ) taken from the class Eq. Therefore every instance of Ord must be an instance of Eq. given the definition of non-strict ordering ( <= ) it is always possible to define ( == ) and hence ( /= ) using x==y = x<=y && y<= x so there will be no loss of generality in requiring Eq to be a superclass of Ord.

23 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-23 It is possible for some types to require a type to be an instance of class Ord in order to define it to be an instance of the class Eq. For example consider an alternative way of defining equality on Set s. instance Ord (Set a) => Eq (Set a) where x == y = x <= y && y <= x instance Eq a => Ord (Set a) where Set xs <= Set ys = all ('elem' ys) xs

24 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-24 Numeric Class Hierarchy OrdEnumIntegralNumRealRealFracFractionalFloatingEq All but IO, (->) Int, Integer All but IO, (->), IOError Int, Integer, Float, Double (), Bool, Char, Int, Integer, Float, Double, Ordering Int, Integer, Float, Double RealFloat Float, Double Show All Prelude Types Read All but IO, (->) Bounded Int, Char, Bool, (), Ordering, tuples Monad IO, [], Maybe MonadPlus IO, [], Maybe Functor IO, [], Maybe

25 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-25 Operations defined in these classes (red means must be provided) Eq== /= Ord >= max min compare Num+ - * negate abs signum fromInteger RealtoRational Enumsucc pred toEnum fromEnum enumFrom enumFromThen enumFromTo enumFromThenTo Integralquot rem div mod quotRem divMod toInteger Fractional / recip fromRational RealFracproperFraction truncate round ceiling floor

26 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-26 Floatingpi exp log sqrt ** logBase sin cos tan asin acos atan sinh cosh tanh asinh acosh atanh RealFloatfloatRadix floatDigits floatRange decodeFloat encodeFloat exponent significand scaleFloat isNaN isInfinite isDenormalized isIEEE isNegativeZero atan2 ShowshowsPrec showList show ReadreadsPrec readList BoundedminBound maxBound Monad>>= >> return fail Functorfmap

27 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-27 By introducing type classes Haskell has enabled programmers to use numerical types in a manner similar to the way they are used to in traditional imperative languages. But what else are type classes useful for? They can provide a mechanism for adding your own numerical types eg complex numbers They can provide a mechanism for a sort of object-oriented programming

28 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-28 Imperative O-O Classes = Data + Methods Objects contain values which can be changed by methods Classes inherit data fields and methods FP Classes = Methods Methods/Functions can be applied to variables whose type is an Instance of a Class Classes inherit methods/functions

29 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-29 Implementing Type Classes – An Approach using Dictionaries A function with a qualified type context=>type is implemented by a function which takes an extra argument for every predicate in the context. When the function is used each of these parameters is filled by a 'dictionary' which gives the values of each of the member functions in the appropriate class. For example, for the class Eq each dictionary has at least two elements containing the definitions of the functions for (==) and (/=).

30 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-30 We will write (#n d) to select n th element of dictionary {dict} to denote a specific dictionary ( contents not displayed) dnnn for a dictionary variable representing an unknown dictionary d:: Class Inst to denote that d is dictionary for the instance Inst of a class Class

31 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-31 The member functions of the class Eq thus behave as if defined (==) d1 = (#1 d1) (/=) d1 = (#2 d1) The dictionary for Eq Int contains two entries: d1 :: Eq Int primEqIntdefNeq d1

32 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-32 Evaluating 2 == 3 =>(==) d1 2 3=>(#1 d1) 2 3 =>primEqInt 2 3 =>False Evaluating 2 /= 3 =>(/=) d1 2 3=>(#2 d1) 2 3 =>defNeq d1 23 =>not ((==) d1 2 3) =>not ((#1 d1) 2 3) =>not (primEqInt 2 3) =>not False =>True

33 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-33 Now consider a more complex example We have seen definitions of (==) in the instances of the class Eq defined for pairs and lists. eqPair d (x,y) (u,v) = (==) (#3 d) x u && (==) (#4 d) y v eqList d [] [] = True eqList d [] (y:ys) = False eqList d (x:xs) [] = False eqList d (x:xs) (y:ys) = (==) (#3 d) x y && (==) d xs ys

34 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-34 The dictionary structure for Eq (Int, [Int]) is d3 :: Eq (Int, [Int]) eqPair d3 defNeq d3 d2 :: Eq [Int] d1 :: Eq Int eqList d3 defNeq d3 primEqInt

35 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-35 (2,[1]) == (2,[1.3]) (#1 d3)(==) d3(2,[1]) (2,[1,3]) =>eqPair d3 =>(==)(#3 d3)2 &&(#4 d3)[1] [1,3]d1(#1 d1)primEqIntTrue(==)d2(#1 d2)eqList d2 =>(==)(#3 d2)1 &&(==)[][3]d2d1(#1 d1)primEqIntTrue(#1 d2)eqList d2False

36 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-36 Dictionaries for superclasses can be defined in a similar way as instance dictionaries. For example for the Ord class which has Eq as a context class Eq => Ord a where ( ),(>=) :: a->a->Bool max,min:: a->a->Bool the dictionary would contain the following (<)(<=)(>) (>=)maxmin Eq a defLessThan d x y = (<=) d x y && (/=) (#7 d) x y

37 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-37 Combining Classes A dictionary consists of three (possibly empty) components: Superclass dictionaries Instance specific dictionaries Implementation of class members instances of Eq have no superclass dictionaries Eq Int has no instance specific dictionary Classes with no member functions can be used as abbreviations for lists of predicates class C a where cee :: a -> a class D a where dee :: a -> a class (C a, D a) => CandD a

38 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-38 Contexts and Derived Types eg1 x = [x] == [x] || x == x Since the (==) operation is applied to both lists and an argument x if x::a then we would seem to require instances Eq a and Eq [a] giving a type signature (Eq [a], Eq a) => a -> Bool with translation eg1 d1 d2 x = (==) d1 [x] [x] || (==) d2 x x

39 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-39 However, given d1::Eq[a] we can always find Eq a by taking the third element of d1 ((#3 d1)::Eq a). Since it is more efficient to select an element from a dictionary than to complicate both type and translation with extra parameters the type of eg1 is (by default) derived as Eq [a] => a -> Bool with translation eg1 d1 x = (==) d1 [x] [x] ||(==) (#3 d1) x x

40 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-40 If you definitely required the tuple context then this can be produced by explicitly defining the type and context of eg1 eg2 = (\x y-> x ==x || y==y) The type derived for this is (Eq b, Eq a) => a -> b -> Bool with translation \d1 d2 x y ->(==) d2 x x || (==) d1 y y

41 CS321 Functional Programming 2 © JAS 2005 1-41 If you wished to ensure that only one dictionary parameter is used you could explicitly type is using Eq (a,b) => a -> b -> Bool with translation \d1 x y ->(==) (#3 d1) x x || (==) (#4 d1) y y


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