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S HARING THE EXPERIENCE Jain Center of South Florida.

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Presentation on theme: "S HARING THE EXPERIENCE Jain Center of South Florida."— Presentation transcript:

1 S HARING THE EXPERIENCE Jain Center of South Florida

2 S ELECTED T OPICS Spiritual Summer Camp Community Programs : Interfaith Programs Participation County Library Religious Display Responsibility & Building Confidence Unique Methodology of Teaching

3 S PIRITUAL S UMMER C AMP Objective : Jain spiritual learning fun for our kids. Volunteer opportunities for High School kids Social Benefit – Long lasting friendship Ability to address time consuming & Repetitive topics then regular Pathshala allows Excellent opportunity to recruit more students-parents Camp Details : Week long camp at Jain center from 8A-4P. Snacks, Lunch included Participation : 6 years and older Participation of out of town families Discount for Volunteer Parents Samanijis, local leaders, Medical students for lectures Daily Email with activities updates, Menu, special instructions


5 Activities Yoga, Meditation Learn Jain Rituals, reciting Prayers-Shloks-Mantra Spiritual Board games, spiritual quizzes Outdoor activities (Bowling) Participate in skit Spiritual DVDs Lunch & snacks Sample Flyer :

6 C OMMUNITY P ROGRAMS I NTERFAITH P ROGRAMS P ARTICIPATION Objective : Disseminate Jainism knowledge to other faiths Stage opportunities for kids Knowledge about other faiths Social Benefit – Long lasting friendship with others Details : Present Jain principles Present Jainism principle related skits Present Jain festivals

7 INTERFAITH PROGRAM PARTICIPATION HINDU CELEBRATION MONTH – INTERFAITH EVENT Jain Kids Presented Six Principles of Jainism Kids performed skit on Aparigraha


9 C OUNTY L IBRARY EXHIBIT Pathshala kids did project to Prepare Jain symbols. Ten designs were selected to be part of the County Library Display. County Library Display was placed in very visible area for the month of January 2012.

10 R ESPONSIBILITY & B UILDING C ONFIDENCE The main goals are to encourage leadership, volunteerism, build confidence and independence Observe, help and facilitate discussion of topics for encouragement Acknowledge and make kids feel important Make kids realize that being Jain is “cool” Let kids be responsible to do research for activities and new projects Put 3-R’s in action Actively encourage High school kids to lead younger groups to showcase leadership and responsibility

11 R ESPONSIBILITY & B UILDING C ONFIDENCE Results: Active Participation in temple activities Improvement in behavior given responsibility Developing bond and respect with elders Kids come up with their own dialogues, acting Prepare their own speeches for MC duties Are comfortable being vegetarian at schools

12 U NIQUE M ETHODOLOGY OF T EACHING Explain the concept of Jainism with Scientific explanation appropriate to kids age Give positive reinforcement Instead of tradition teaching make it interactive Technology used as a educational tool

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