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Warm-Up Pick up a Big Bang Theory Reading from the front table

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up Pick up a Big Bang Theory Reading from the front table"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up Pick up a Big Bang Theory Reading from the front table
Begin reading & answering the questions as you go Underline the most important sentence in each paragraph Circle any unknown words You have 15 minutes from the bell to complete Approximately 2.5 days

2 2.1 – Big Bang Theory Objective Agenda SWBAT outline Big Bang Theory as it relates to the expanding universe & astronomical hierarchy Warm-Up Objective Big Bang Balloon Lab Exit Ticket & Cleanup

3 Activity Directions Answer the following questions with your table partners. 1 person will write down the answer. 1 person will collect and return the cards.

4 What are your ideas about the Universe? Part I
How Big: Place the 7 objects in order from smallest to largest.

5 What are your ideas about the Universe? Part II
How far? Place the 7 objects in order from closest to Earth to farthest.

6 What are your ideas about the Universe? Part III
How old? Place the 7 objects in order from youngest to oldest.

7 Class Answers How Big? How Far? How Old?

8 Actual Answers – How Big?
Smallest Telescope (40 feet) Moon (2,000 miles) Saturn (75 thousand Miles) Sun (875 thousand miles) Pleiades Star Cluster (60 trillion miles) Whirlpool Galaxy (600 thousand trillion miles) Hubble Galaxies (600 million trillion miles) Largest

9 Actual Answers – How Far?
Closest Telescope (350 miles) Moon (250,000 miles) Sun (93 million) Saturn (120 million) Pleiades Star Cluster (2,400 trillion) Whirlpool Galaxy (200 million trillion) Hubble Galaxies (30 billion trillion) Farthest

10 Actual Answers – How Old
Youngest Telescope (1990) Pleiades Star Cluster (80 Million Years) Moon, Saturn, and Sun (4.5 Billion Years) Whirlpool Galaxy (10 Billion Years) Hubble Galaxies (10 Billion Years) Oldest

11 Definition of Hierarchy:
an arrangement or classification of things according to relative importance Astronomical Hierarchy The universe is made up of many different structures arranged in a fairly well-defined hierarchy.

12 Astronomical Hierarchy
Universe Galaxy Solar System Planets

13 Scale of the Universe

14 How Big is the Universe??

15 The Formation of the Universe
Discuss with your classmates why the statement on this poster is inaccurate (white boards).

16 Big Bang Theory... The show?
Change link

17 Origins of the Universe, Galaxies, Solar Systems and Planets

18 Step 1. Big Bang Theory (Draw Visuals)
A theory explaining that the universe formed through expansion from a single point. Occurred roughly billion years ago

19 Step 2. Solar Nebula Space clouds that are made of dust and particles.
Nebulas condense to form galaxies, stars and planets.

20 Galaxies and Solar Systems Form
Step 3 Contraction Phase: nebula begins to collapse and spin due to collision with another nebula or supernova

21 Galaxies and Solar Systems Form
Step 4 Accretion and Spinning Nebula Phase: nebula flattens and rotation increases. Rotation increases due to the compaction of gases.

22 Galaxies and Solar Systems Form
Step 5 Protostar and Planetismals Form: the building blocks (planetismals) of planets begin to form through a process of repeated collisions. The Sun (protostar) is forming through the same process.

23 Galaxies and Solar Systems Form
Step 6 Main Sequence: star is turned “on” and begins fusing hydrogen into helium. Planets and the star continue to condense as particles collide together. Discuss main sequence and current stage of our star. Our star is currently in main sequence. It is a young star

24 Galaxies and Solar Systems Form
Step 7 Civilized Universe: all bodies in space have established their orbits and rarely collide Planets orbit in the same direction as star spins. They all spin in same direction because the nebula they formed from was spinning counterclockwise

25 Critical Thinking Break
5 minutes with your table partner. 3 minutes with the people who also answered and have a consensus answer. Explain why some planets might spin or orbit in a different direction. BONUS QUESTION: Explain the formation of the Earth-Moon System. Explain why planets closer to the sun have solid surfaces and why planets farther from the sun are gas giants. BONUS QUESTION: Explain why objects outside of Neptune’s orbit are made of ice. Explain why objects become smaller as the distance from the Sun increases. Also explain why Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are much smaller than the gas giants. Solid, gas and ice bodies. Objects closer to the sun (too hot for gas and gas was vaporized). Asteroid belt is gas zone (cold region/ice line). Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus (cool enough for gas, collected gas materials). Solar winds pushed Pluto and comets out. BQ1. Earth-Moon system: another body (size of mercury), Thea, collided with Earth. Explains why the moon orbits Earth (lost its core) and why Earth is tilted at 23 degrees. Explains why the rocks on Earth and moon are the same. 3. Largest object in the middle (most gas and dust). Pluto formed from what was left (outskirts of our solar system, nothing to form from). 3b. MVEM are smaller because gas went to the sun. Gas giants did not have anything taken from them.

26 Test Review New Notebook Rubric Honors Project #2
Moon drawings – draw what you see on the moon (dark spots)

27 Skip if not brought up during whiteboard discussions

28 Galaxy Formation
In the video, look for the 7 steps of formation of the universe

29 But how do we know about the Big Bang?
Ask the students: “How do we know?”

30 The Expanding Universe
1929 – Edwin Hubble found that the universe is expanding Proof comes from Red Shifts: meaning wavelengths of light from other Galaxies are becoming longer and redder This proves these galaxies are moving Away from us

31 Doppler Effect

32 Doppler Effect Demonstration
How does the pitch change and what is happening to the wavelength of sound: When the ball is moving towards the observer (YOU)? When the ball is moving away from the observer (YOU)? Explain the connection between redshift (light) and changes in pitch in questions 1 and 2. You may use your phone ONLY to help you answer the questions above. Make a Doppler ball

33 Colored image that Hubble took
These are galaxies NOT stars; Image takes up about a baseball size of sky; galaxies we can’t see; spiral galaxy; ellipitical galaxy. Hubble measured light to these galaxies and saw red shift

34 Support for the Big Bang Theory
Cosmic background radiation Radio signals coming from every direction in space. Believed to be created by the big bang explosion. Being Cosmic Background Radiation was recorded in sound waves, lets take a listen…

35 Definition of Hierarchy: an arrangement or classification of things according to relative importance
Astronomical Hierarchy: the universe is made up of many different structures arranged in a fairly well- defined hierarchy.

36 Astronomical Hierarchy
Universe Galaxies Solar Systems Planets

37 Warm Up – 2.1b Describe the process that formed the Milky Way Galaxy.
During what phase is our Sun currently in right now? Explain two pieces of support for the Big Bang Theory.

38 Big Bang Balloon Lab You are working in pairs (2) You need:
The partner next to you or I will assign you a partner You need: 1 balloon 1 permanent marker 1 piece of string Ruler

39 Big Bang Balloon Lab Expectations:
You are following the procedure exactly as it says Do not get up out of your seat unless authorized Talk quietly with only your table partner

40 Exit Ticket Using the word bank, answer: Which was created first?
Word Bank: Planets Universe Galaxies Solar Systems Using the word bank, answer: Which was created first? Which was created last? Which was formed from colliding asteroids? The milky way is one of these.

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