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Critiqued by Demetrius Chavis. What’s WHUT?  WHUT-TV is an on-campus operated television station located at Howard University in Washington DC. It is.

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Presentation on theme: "Critiqued by Demetrius Chavis. What’s WHUT?  WHUT-TV is an on-campus operated television station located at Howard University in Washington DC. It is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Critiqued by Demetrius Chavis

2 What’s WHUT?  WHUT-TV is an on-campus operated television station located at Howard University in Washington DC. It is the premiere place for intellectual conversations for media with a foundation of education, current news, and social justice.

3 Ownership: Howard University, PBS affiliate Circulation/Distribution/Reach: WHUT’s broadcast signal reaches more than two million households within a sixty-mile radius.

4 Contact! WHUT Howard University Television 2222 Fourth Street, NW Washington, DC 20059 202-806-3200 For general questions, please contact: For question about pledge, donations, planned giving, please contact: For questions about production, studio rentals, and studio tours, please contact: For questions about volunteering, please contact: General Manager: Jefferi K. Lee | 202.809.3010 |

5 Coverage Area/Market:  WHUT airs a variety of PBS programming, as well as new shows produced by Howard University, and international programs that focus on the Caribbean and African regions. There is more than 3,500 hours of public affairs and educational programming. The station’s signal reaches over 2 million households in the greater Washington metro area.  WHUT services approximately 20-50 staff employees.

6 History  “Howard University Television went on the air November 17, 1980 as WHMM. The station’s debut received considerable local and national attention as it was the first and only Public Broadcasting Station (PBS) member station licensed to and operated by a predominantly African-American institution, historic Howard University, Washington, DC.  The station’s first anniversary gala was hosted by Bill Cosby and attended by several prominent national leaders. Over the years, the station was hailed as a forum for local issues and for its unique original productions. By 1990, the station was producing a live weeknight edition of its flagship series, Evening Exchange. This series, now a weekly, has been airing for over 25 years.

7 History (Cont.)  In fall 2007, WHUT also began a digital simulcast to this viewing area, the ninth largest media market in the United States. WHUT has thousands of loyal viewers and donors who tune daily to its unique mix of PBS series such as NOVA, The American Experience, Sesame Street, and its original productions on local and national topics. Specials also highlight special events and renown speakers at Howard University, such as Cornel West, Toni Morrison and Nobel Laureate Ivar Giaever.

8 Notable Information WHUT has won numerous awards such as the Telly, Aurora, and Cine Golden Eagle.” WHUT has received numerous awards for their programming including 13 Emmys wins.

9 Web & Branding  Branding: WHUT is branded as the leader of public broadcasting with special emphasis on issues affecting African Americans.  Web: The web content for WHUT is really strong and welcoming. Their website is CLEAN and PROFESSIONAL, while still implementing CREATIVITY and PROGRESS. 

10 General Content & Programming  WHUT specializes in programming that captivates, challenges, and inspires. WHUT distributes multiple programming that streams through their channels. But, it is home to three original content producing shows  Rock Newman Show  New View with Ed Gordon  Vocal Point.

11 Questions & Concerns  Despite WHUT’s captivating and educating content and programming, it seems a little lackluster and boring. We understand the PBS (appropriate) approach and the ideology of the station/site, but where’s the excitement?  What is your age demographic?  How are you targeting your young adult audience?  How exactly are students being involved in production, programming, and planning?  What can we (the student body) help to promote and elevate this station’s already high standards?

12 Notes from Nayo “Hey, well spotlight news network is a student run network that produces what is going on in campus. For example we do stories on homecoming, strikes, water damage. Basically like a regular news story but focus strictly on Howard University. Spotlight is filled with not only reporter but future videographers and editors. We are ran by WHUT and we go to them for funding advisement. Honestly in terms of cameras and equipment they support us but when it comes to air time our footage is not up to date so we don't get any air time. I definitely would want more shows that deal with college life, I want shows that are for college students ran by college students.” -Nayo Campbell

13 Vision/Recommendation Programming for the students and younger demographics. Consider students when making huge adjustments.

14 Works Cited q=whut&biw=1280&bih=617&sou rce=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=wJ Q3VYvvD4KFsAWQ- 4CACw&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tb m=isch&q=whut+howard+univers ity+television q=whut&biw=1280&bih=617&sou rce=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=wJ Q3VYvvD4KFsAWQ- 4CACw&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tb m=isch&q=whut+howard+univers ity+television


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