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WELCOME Please sign in at the door Thanks!

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME Please sign in at the door Thanks!"— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME Please sign in at the door Thanks!

2 Kindergarten Goals Learn to read to at least a level E (see books at your table) Learn 100 sight words (or more  ) Learn to write own stories Learn to count to 100 or higher Learn beginning math concepts of patterns, cardinal and ordinal numbers, one to one correspondence

3 Please Help!!! We need your help. It is difficult for us to be constantly tying shoes. Please, please, please practice with your child at home!!!! This is not a skill we work on in the classroom but it is vital for your child to know how to tie his/her own shoes.

4 Eagle Time Eagle Time is to work on previously taught skills and review If your child does not reach the expected goals they will be pulled for intervention during the school day by either the teacher or the interventionist. Eagle Time/ intervention is from 10:15-11:00.

5 Eagle Time Centers Word work Writing Read to self Listening Technology
Art/ fine motor skills/ puzzles Math Skills

6 C Scope District wide curriculum
This will insure vertical alignment throughout the school district and grades

7 Kindergarten Schedule
We are learning routines right now but hope to be on the regular schedule next week. 7:55-8:00 Put things away, get ready for the day, lunch count 8:00-8:10 Announcements, Pledge, 8:10-9:00 Journals, Calendar 9:00-9:45 Language Arts 9:45-10:15 Recess/Restroom 10:15-11:00 Eagle Time 11:00-11:10 Get ready for lunch 11:10-11:40 Johnson/Parker Lunch 11:15-11:45 Hernandez/Meador/Taylor Lunch 11:45-12:15 Restroom/Recess 12:15-1:00 Math 1:00-1:30 Science/Social Studies 1:30-1:50 Pack up/Restrooms 1:50-2:50 PE/Music~ Conference Time 2:50-3:00 Wrap up the day

8 Important things to know…
We eat lunch at 11:10 or 11:15 Please only send water for drinks! Send jackets – we will be playing outside! Please send any money in a sealed envelope with name and purpose in the behavior folder

9 In the morning… After 3:10… Pick students up at the office.
If you arrive to school before 7:50am, students must sit quietly in the cafeteria. A student is considered tardy after 8:00 After 3:10… Pick students up at the office.

10 Library Children can check out books each week. Please make sure to send them back on your class Library day! Library Time: Coming SOON! Computer Lab We will be going to the computer once a week –Times to be determined

11 P.E. If you child doesn’t wear tennis shoes to school, make sure they have a pair to change into for PE. Make sure that girls wear shorts under skirts. If your child needs to sit out at P.E., please send a note and we will get it to Mrs. Hampton.

12 Lunch If you drop a lunch off for your child make sure it is here by 11:00. You are more than welcome to come eat with your child at the parent tables.  However, your child’s friends are not allowed to eat with you. When you leave make sure you go out the front doors.

13 Tuesday and Behavior Folders
Tuesday Folders-Go home every Tuesday; please return on Wednesday. Behavior folder (blue folder) Your child will color the date box with the color they ended on. If they are on Green, they had a great day. If they are on red, orange, or yellow I will send a note with what happened. Please initial these each night and bring back every day.

14 Red Reading Folders Folders will go home on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Please have your child read their book at least 2x. They will keep the same book for the entire week. We do this to work on fluency and comprehension. Extension Activities: write about what they read We will begin this in October

15 Sight words We will be learning over 100 sight words this year. The more words your child can (almost) instantly recognize, the more time their brain spends on making meaning in a text not just decoding words. Please practice these with your child daily. You can find them in our weekly newsletter and in his/her blue folder.

16 Coming Up… We will start guided reading groups in October.
We are working very hard now to establish routines and work quietly so that guided reading will be possible. This will help support their reading at home.

17 Why guided reading is important:
The goal is to support your child and help them learn to read with out frustrating them. They will be able to move up levels when they are ready and will move in and out of groups. We work on fluency, phrasing, inflection and reading for meaning (comprehension).

18 Conferences We will have a conference with each parent starting in October. If you would like to schedule a conference before then, our conference time is from 1:50-2:50 Monday, Thursday, and Friday or after school if needed. You can call or .

19 Report Card This year your child will have a numerical grade on their report card. You may access the grade book at any time to see what your child’s grade is. The report card grade will be an average for each subject but in the grade book you can see the specific grade for each assessment. 100 (4) Understands concepts with minor or no prompting 88 (3) Understands concepts with some prompting 76 (2) General understanding with misconceptions and errors 64 (1) No evidence of understanding Incomplete (0) Does not attempt the task

20 Temperature Due to budget cuts our A/C will not go any lower than 72. Please dress with that in mind (but girls are not allowed to wear spaghetti strap shirts  ) Heater-Will not get any warmer than 68 degrees. Dress in layers!

21 Birthdays You are welcome to bring a treat for your child’s birthday (if you want to). We will have the treats at 1:15. Please drop them off in the office by 12:00. Please no cake that needs to be cut. Cookies or individual treats are best!


23 BYOT Be looking for a note from your teacher.
This a new area for Kinder and we may have some kinks to work out as we grow! What we mean by NON gaming devices - The device can be an internet‐ready cell phone, tablet, laptop, or eReader. How ever if you don’t have a device (or do not want to send it with your kindergartener  it is completely ok.) We have IPADS, computers, and a SMART board in the room to use.

24 Wish List Books Devices (Smart Phones) Legos Board Games

25 Check out our website Go to Campus – Crestview
Campus Staff or Kindergarten– Follow us on Twitter! @CVKinder (to receive updates via text; text “follow CVKinder” to 40404)

26 Orientation Packets If you want to review the information again you can visit our website and I will have it posted there.

27 Thanks for coming! We are looking forward to a great year.

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