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Whitewater Park Willimantic Whitewater Partnership (WWP) 28 Bridge Street Willimantic Connecticut.

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Presentation on theme: "Whitewater Park Willimantic Whitewater Partnership (WWP) 28 Bridge Street Willimantic Connecticut."— Presentation transcript:

1 Whitewater Park Willimantic Whitewater Partnership (WWP) 28 Bridge Street Willimantic Connecticut


3 Site History The Mill  Windham Cotton Manufacturing Company  Built 1823  Used until the 1920s  Razed in 1939  Dam used for power  Created 300Hp  Was raised 2ft in 1877 for more power

4 Site History Smithville Dam  Broken dam still in river  Wall and weir waste gate still on north side of river  South side of river was a former quarry site (date unknown)  Other dams upstream and downstream of site

5 Site History Other uses  Scrap yard circa 1940s-1950s  Gas station circa 1960s-late 1980s  Home fuel delivery  Car wash  Future Whitewater Park

6 Current Site The site is undergoing remediation to prepare the property for future use as park. It will provide access to the river, a place to gather, and rest along the Rails-to-Trails pathway (3 trails meet at the site.

7 Site Remediation  Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III  Several Grants to cover cost of remediation  DECD (state) and EPA (federal)  Discovered contamination; Extractable Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (ETPH), Arsenic, Lead, and Poly-aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)  Clean site to a level to allow use by visitors  Leave site prepped to construction of park

8 Where the contamination is

9 Tank Removal The 3 tanks from the former gas station along with the pump islands were removed through a grant from the State of Connecticut. This work was completed in the fall of 2012. Some “hot spot” clean up was also done at this time.

10 Sampling

11 Vegetation and more Trees: Red Maple American Elm Red Oak Black Birch American Basswood Green Ash Cottonwood Eastern Hemlock White Ash Lianas: Bittersweet Poison Ivy Grape Virginia Creeper Shrubs: Japanese Barberry Multi-flora Rose Witch Hazel Common Elderberry Silky Dogwood Sweet Pepperbush Japanese Knotweed Mountain Laurel Shadbush Winged Euonymous Herbs: Deer Tongue Garlic Mustard Canada Mayflower Panicum Grass Cinnamon Fern Land Animals: Deer Red Tail Hawk Beaver Crow Gopher/Fox?

12 What is next? Design

13 Concept

14 Design Considerations  Upstream/Downstream flow  Floodplain Management  Restoration of Fish passage: American Shad, American Eel, Blueback Herring  Whitewater Enhancements  Access to and from river  Viewing area  Other site uses

15 Questions

16 Environmental Engineer Skills range from sustainability, water quality and treatment, management and restoration of water resources, and resource recovery from wastes. This encompasses fundamental civil engineering skills so they can solve environmental problems that require knowledge of geotechnical engineering (e.g., solid waste management and groundwater management), transportation engineering (e.g., urban planning, public transit, and sustainable cities), structural engineering (e.g., green building design), and health and safety. Other skills and needs: research, writing, presentations, budgets, project management, physically demanding (e.g., weather, confined spaces, heights, odor, and bugs), travel, and crazy hours. Median Salary; $80K

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