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District of Columbia Public Schools | 825 North Capitol Street, NE | Washington, DC 20002 | T 202.442.5885 | F 202.442.5026 |

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1 District of Columbia Public Schools | 825 North Capitol Street, NE | Washington, DC 20002 | T 202.442.5885 | F 202.442.5026 |

2 WHO WE ARE ENROLLMENT  DCPS is home to 46,500 students  6,450 of those are Special Education students MENTAL HEALTH STAFFING  172 School Social Workers  110 School Psychologists  School Counselors  DBH School Mental Health Providers (Specialists, Social Workers, LPCs, Psychologists) Mental Health in DCPS

3 OUR MISSION: Intellect and Citizenship The mission of the DC Public Schools is to ensure that every DCPS school provides a world-class education that prepares all of our students, regardless of background or circumstance, for success in college, career, and life. Mental Health in DCPS Response to Intervention (RTI) School Culture Early InterventionProgress Monitoring Whole Child

4 Commitment to Trauma-Informed Practice DCPS began to implement services with emphasis on trauma in 2010. Since that time, we have become a district that continues to provide a continuum of services, but we are now moving to developing systems that are also trauma informed. Mental Health in DCPS Staffing Increasing the workforce of trained clinicians Training multiple disciplines on crisis intervention Policies Early childhood suspensions Screening Prevention Response to Intervention Social Emotional Learning

5 Focus on Trauma Getting to Know Our Students Inquiry: Do we have students that… Mental Health in DCPS Witness domestic violence?Have immigrated to the US? Are homeless?Have been abused or neglected? Live in unsafe home environments?Have a parent who is incarcerated? Witness community violence?Are exposed to substance abuse? Have an unstable caregiver?Have lost a loved one? Live with a family member with an untreated mental illness? Have been involved with the foster care system?

6 Trauma Prevalence in DCPS Mental Health Services in DCPS The answer is YES! Many students within DCPS have complex trauma backgrounds.

7 Trauma Prevalence in DCPS Mental Health Services in DCPS Using the Child PTSD Symptom Scale (CPSS) we have been able to not only identify whether our students have been trauma exposed, but also gather data about the prevalence of multiple traumas. Rates of Multiple Trauma Exposure (Poly-victimization) (Based on a sample of 122 students who received trauma treatment)

8 Seven Domains of Impairment In schools, the following areas of impairment often impede optimal academic progress and health social/emotional development:  Attachment  Biology  Affect Regulation  Dissociation  Behavioral control  Cognition  Self-concept DCPS is responding to the potential impact of trauma that our students bring to schools in a variety of ways.

9 Response to Intervention  Response to Intervention is an educational practice framework that is scientific and outcomes driven to match instruction or services to student needs.  Academic  Behavior  Principles of RTI for Behavior  We can effectively intervene.  We will intervene early.  We offer tiers of support based on need.  We use a problem solving method and make data based decisions. Tier 3 5% Tier 2 15% Tier 1 80%

10 Early Intervention DCPS ECE Suspension Policy In order to comply with the intent of DCMR and also to support healthy child development, early childhood students may not be suspended for any length of time. This includes in-school and out-of-school suspensions. RTI Plans All DCPS schools were required to develop RTI plans for their schools. This included the review of all relevant, available data to identify “early warning indicators” and plan appropriate tiers of support for the student population. Screening for Trauma Exposure Through RTI team meetings, students that are presented as “at risk” of academic failure or behavioral concern are screened using tools such as the Child PTSD Symptom Scale (CPSS). Mental Health in DCPS

11 Social/Emotional Interventions at Each Tier Tier 1: Universal Prevention and Promotion (School Culture Activity and Socio-Emotional Learning Programs for All Students) Tier 2: Early or Targeted Intervention (Individual or Small groups for student with the highest risk) Tier 3: Intensive Intervention (Students with the highest need) 3 Tiers of Intervention 11 Tier 1 (Universal)Tier 2 (Targeted)Tier 3 (Intensive) School CulturePrimary ProjectTrauma Treatment Bullying PolicyTeacher or Parent ConsultationCannabis Youth Treatment (CYT) Discipline PolicyExpressive Therapy (play, art, movement) Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Social Emotional Learning (SEL)Trauma TreatmentFunctional Behavior Assessment (FBA2) Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) Response to Intervention Team Meetings Services to students with MH Diagnosis Teacher WorkshopsCognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Possible transition to Sped Eligibility Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) Services to students with IEPs Teacher and/or Parent Consultation

12 Evidence-Based Treatments Mental Health in DCPS TreatmentTarget Population Cognitive Behavioral TherapyElementary, Middle, and High School Students Child Centered Play Therapy*Elementary School Students Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) Middle and High School Students Motivational Enhancement Therapy Middle and High School Students Structured Psychotherapy for Adolescents Responding to Chronic Stress (SPARCS) Middle and High School Students Cannabis Youth Treatment (CYT) High Schools

13 Trauma-focused Interventions: CBITS and SPARCS Evidence-based InterventionDescriptionPopulation Served Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) 10-session group intervention aimed at relieving symptoms of PTSD, depression, and general anxiety among children exposed to trauma. CBITS also includes 1-2 individual sessions for student to create a trauma narrative. Middle and High School Students Structured Psychotherapy for Adolescents Responding to Chronic Stress (SPARCS) 16-session group intervention aimed at relieving Complex PTSD symptoms such as problems with regulation, sense of self, relationships. Middle and High School Students Mental Health Services in DCPS DCPS is in its’ fifth year of offering two treatments recognized by the National Registry of Evidence-based Practice (NREP):

14 Distinctive Elements CBITS CBITS is similar to TF-CBT and includes developing a trauma narrative CBITS is designed to focus on one specific trauma at a time. Includes Parent and Teacher Education Sessions SPARCS Treats complex trauma and chronic stress Includes mindfulness practice as a core treatment for affect regulation Focuses on strengthening communication and self- awareness Mental Health Services in DCPS

15 Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) Child PTSD Symptom Scale Results 97% of CBITS participants reported reduced PTSD symptom scores by the end of the intervention. Mental Health Services in DCPS PRE POST 14 12 *14 MAX = 51 MIN = 0 35 % of the pre and post CPSS participants decreased their PTSD symptom scores into the non-clinical range. Non-clinical RangePTSD Symptom Severity Range

16 Structured Psychotherapy For Adolescents Responding to Chronic Stress (SPARCS) Child PTSD Symptom Scale Results 61% of SPARCS participants reported reduced PTSD symptom scores by the end of the intervention. Mental Health Services in DCPS PRE POST 22 17 *14 MAX = 51 MIN = 0 Non-clinical RangePTSD Symptom Severity Range Reductions in PTSD symptoms did not reach the non- clinical range for participants.

17 Other Evidence-based Practice and Treatment Mental Health Services in DCPS Child Centered Play TherapyCannabis Youth Treatment An evidence-informed, early intervention approach to help young children self- regulate emotions, develop improved executive functioning skills and increase emotional literacy using play. This school based intervention includes a parent interview, 4 assessment sessions and 10 individual child centered play sessions. CYT is an effective brief treatment approach which consists of two individual motivational enhancement therapy (MET) sessions, followed by three group cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) sessions. CYT is a 5-session individual and group therapy intervention that was specifically designed as a marijuana abuse/dependence treatment for adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18.

18 Future Plans  Making the link between academic achievement, mental health and student engagement- Education and Awareness  Improving data collection  Expanding access to services  Strengthening universal (preventative) supports Mental Health Services in DCPS

19 Q & A For questions or additional information please contact: Deitra Bryant-Mallory (202) 907-8084 or deitra.bryant- mallory@dc.govdeitra.bryant-

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