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The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome …

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1 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome …

2 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Paul’s Letter To The Church In Rome Rom 1:17 The Just Shall Live By Faith

3 Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Outline  Introduction 1:1-17  Indictment of & remedy for sin 1:18 – 5:21  Anticipated questions re: justification by grace through faith 6:1 – 11:36 Lesson 1 – General Introduction

4 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21  A “Case Study” to illustrate 4:1-22  Physical lineage to Abraham was never intended to be the “determining criteria” re: one being a child of God Mt 3:9  Paul will show just how great a faith Abraham had…and also God’s response

5 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21  A “Case Study” to illustrate 4:1-22  If Abraham was justified by works, he could boast…reality Ù God knew better v. 2  What did the Scripture say? v. 3 “Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as (for) righteousness.”

6 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21  A “Case Study” to illustrate 4:1-22  If one could be justified by works, he would place God in the position of Debtor…He would owe such a man his salvation v. 4  The one who “…does not work but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is reckoned as righteousness” v. 5

7 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21  A “Case Study” to illustrate 4:1-22  Proof Ù Paul quotes David vv. 6-8 Psa 32  Lawless deeds can be forgiven  Sins can be covered  The Lord will not take into account (impute) the sins of such a man

8 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome “Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness.” In His “ledger,” God credits righteousness to those who display the faith He demands. Rom 1:17 A Greek accounting term logidzomai

9 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Gen 12:4 TextEvent In Abraham’s LifeAge Left Haran Heb 11:875 Gen 15:1-6??Told of his “numberless seed” Gen 16:1686Ishmael is born Gen 17:1-5 Rom 4:17ff 99Isaac is promised Gen 22:1-19 Jas 2:21-23 ??Isaac is sacrificed

10 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome “Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness.”  The type of faith God seeks is displayed by Abraham  It was not a “one-time experience of faith” (Calvinism Ù “Irresistible Grace”)  It was a lifetime of faith (obedient trust) that was continually displayed through whatever happened to him

11 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome “Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness.”  It was as if God made a “credit entry” in His ledger every time Abraham exhibited his faith  His faith was credited as righteousness Rom 4:5  It is the same requirement believers in God have today Gal 3:1-9

12 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21  A “Case Study” to illustrate 4:1-22  The “blessing of forgiveness” (justification) was never intended only for Jews vv. 9-10a  Proof Ù Abraham blessed before he was circumcised vv. 10b-11a Gen 17  God had already counted his faith as righteousness Gen 15:6

13 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21  A “Case Study” to illustrate 4:1-22  Abraham = a “father to all who believe” like he did vv. 11b-12 Gal 3:24-29  Based on original promises, not Law v. 13  If righteousness is based on Law, God’s promises are nullified…faith is void v. 14

14 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21  A “Case Study” to illustrate 4:1-22  Law brings about wrath (condemnation) … not salvation (grace) vv. 15-16a 7:7-13  God had “descendants” for Abraham on the basis of faith, not Law or physical lineage vv. 16b-17a (Jews & Gentiles alike)

15 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21  A “Case Study” to illustrate 4:1-22  Abraham’s faith illustrated vv. 17b-21  Re: the promise of Isaac  Abraham never doubted, despite advanced age Gen 17:17 [a laugh of joy, not doubt]  Sarah believed Heb 11:11 Gen 18:9-15  Therefore, “reckoned…as righteousness”

16 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21  A “Case Study” to illustrate 4:1-22  Abraham’s faith illustrated vv. 17b-21  As with any other event recorded where his faith was “counted as righteousness,” Abraham = the father of the faithful  We can have faith like him…it can also be “counted as righteousness” for us

17 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21  Abraham is an example for us 4:23-25  Not written just to emphasize him  Written to help us have the same faith  Especially re: the resurrection of Christ  His death & resurrection = facts we must believe to be saved 10:9

18 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21  Abraham is an example for us 4:23-25  Jesus died for our transgressions  Jesus was raised for our justification  It will be reckoned (imputed, credited) to us if we believe these truths of the gospel

19 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome The Calvinistic Doctrine Of Imputation  A misunderstanding of Rom 4:24  Calvinists teach the “it” = Christ’s perfect life  Christ’s perfect life must be “imputed” to cover sinners bearing inherited sin (Adam’s guilt, sin)  Depraved sinners can’t do anything to save themselves  The only way for God to look on them favorably is for Him to not see them, but to see His Son’s perfect life imputed (credited) to them

20 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome The Calvinistic Doctrine Of Imputation  A misunderstanding of Rom 4:24  The passage doesn’t even state that Christ’s life was what was “imputed” (credited, counted)  The only “life” implied by the text was His resurrected life, not His perfect earthly life

21 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome …

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