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Religion and Philosophy Understanding the connection between religion and philosophy.

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Presentation on theme: "Religion and Philosophy Understanding the connection between religion and philosophy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Religion and Philosophy Understanding the connection between religion and philosophy.

2 How do we define them? Religion- A set of beliefs and practices influenced and decided on by ideas of the supernatural. Philosophy- A system of thinking that uses strict logic and analytical thinking to answer fundamental questions. (Ex. Why are we here? What is the meaning of life? etc.)

3 Why should we understand philosophy? Philosophy is used to answer big questions, the same questions that religion asks. While religious scholars do use critical thinking to understand their beliefs and practices, religion often uses faith as a way of accepting a particular view point. Faith is a belief that doesn’t require reason and evidence to support it.

4 What does philosophy deal with? Epistemology- The study of how we obtain knowledge. Metaphysics- The study of what is beyond the natural world. Ethics- The study of right and wrong.

5 How do we use philosophy in religion? While most religions use faith, many people use philosophy to draw conclusions based on certain assumptions. (Ex. If this religion is true, what does that mean for me?) Many times, philosophy is used to help interpret certain holy books and find out their meanings. This can include finding out if certain stories are literally true or are just metaphorical and what certain commands should be followed and why. This is why many religions have authorities to help the average person know what to believe and how to behave in specific situations.

6 Belief in a deity or higher power. Theism- A belief in an intervening higher power. Monotheism- Belief in one deity. Polytheism- Belief in multiple deities. Atheism- No belief in deities. (Atheistic religions do exist.) Deism- Belief in a creator, but does not intervene and uses natural laws.

7 What do you need to have to be a religion? Divinity or ultimate reality Scripture Ritual Good and evil Soteriology (A way of achieving some form of salvation or enlightenment.)

8 What are some major categories? Western Monotheism: Includes the religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Focuses on the worship of one God with the aide of a holy text and morality is often based on the authority of that God. Eastern Religions: Includes Hinduism, Buddhism and many others. Focus more on the here and now and can even sometimes mix with each. Some are polytheistic and atheistic.

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