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Access and Benefit Sharing. Three pillars of the Convention on Biological Diversity: –Conservation – Sustainable Use – Equitable Sharing of the Benefits.

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Presentation on theme: "Access and Benefit Sharing. Three pillars of the Convention on Biological Diversity: –Conservation – Sustainable Use – Equitable Sharing of the Benefits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Access and Benefit Sharing

2 Three pillars of the Convention on Biological Diversity: –Conservation – Sustainable Use – Equitable Sharing of the Benefits (Abs negotiations started in 2006, 14 years after the signing of the CBD)

3 NGO campaigns on biopiracy –No patents on life –Respect for indigenous people (Fundamental argument, possible undermining of land use rights, conflicts within communities) -Bioprospectors are nearly all from rich countries. Bio-patents will imply a significant shift from poor to rich. -Derivatives

4 Between 70 and 90% of the value of the patent is in the derivative, not the genetic material. Legal problems with definitions (date, use, geographical limitations etc.)

5 So do we need a regime? No: governments will use this regime to further marginalise the position of indigenous people. Yes: This is only way to get some compensation, even if imperfect. Conclusion: To what extent do you have faith in your own government, answer will vary from case to case.

6 The bio-economy will grow strongly in this century (allergies, weight loss), so no regime would be risky. There already is a regime. Bonn Guidelines, regional agreements. United States developed a regime

7 All in all, I think the ABS negotiations will be one of the more important regimes for the next 100 years, remarkably little attention from NGOs

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