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TOVE (Toimialaverkot) Helsinki University of Technology Laboratory of Telecommunications Software and Multimedia Vesa-Matti Puro

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Presentation on theme: "TOVE (Toimialaverkot) Helsinki University of Technology Laboratory of Telecommunications Software and Multimedia Vesa-Matti Puro"— Presentation transcript:

1 TOVE (Toimialaverkot) Helsinki University of Technology Laboratory of Telecommunications Software and Multimedia Vesa-Matti Puro

2 TOVE (Toimialaverkot) Goals zTo learn Object-Oriented methods in network programming zTo create a flexible framework for network programming zTo create a flexible call admission control software for an ATM switch (for network architecture research) z”Support standards - use imagination in areas not standardized”

3 Virtual Exchange To the public network Controller FSR Cluster Terminals GSMP connections PC

4 Progress in 1996 and 1997 GSMP-kytkentäkenttä VAT (PC:ssä) Switch Controller FSR-kytkentäkenttä VAT (PC:ssä) Switch Controller 19961997 SCP

5 Results CPCS / SAR SSCOP UNI-SSCFNNI-SSCF UNI 3.1 (Q.2931) MTP-3 (BISUP) Call Control GSMP Switching hardware Switch control (TCAP) (INGW) BISUP= Broadband ISDN User Part GSMP= General Switch Management Protocol INGW= Intelligent Network Gateway MTP-3= Message Transfer Part Level 3 SSCF= Service Specific Coordination Function TCAP= Trasaction Capabilities Application Part UNI= User-Network-Interface Broadband-SSP

6 Current Modules zProtocol Framework zCPCS zSSCOP zUNI-SSCF/NNI-SSCF z(DSS2) zCall Control zSwitch z(Virtual Exchange) z(FSR Interface) z Scheduling Framework z ATM Forum UNI 3.1 z SCCP z MTP3 z GSMP z IN Triggers to CC

7 OVOPS++ Framework A A F P PP P M M S Adapter: Connects OVOPS++ world to the “outer world” Protocol: Context of the protocol (state variables, parameters etc.) State: Functionality of the protocol (dataless singleton classes) Mux: Multiplexes connections by session keys extracted from the information chunks Factory: Creates new Conduit instances when information chunk containing new session key arrives at Mux

8 ATM Switch Software with OVOPS++ An example of object instances in ATM protocol software (three links, point-to-point connections).

9 ATM Switch & IN Interface Controller PC Call Control ATM connection to the FSR cluster CORBA interface Service workstations Control requests Triggers


11 Further development zArchitectural refinements zIDL Interfaces and metadata zSupport of SCP Initiated Call zPoint-to-Multipoint Support zControl and management of A/V Streams zINGW & TCAP zDSS2 & BISUP zILMI z CORBA over ATM z NT and SUN & HP- UX Support z ATM Forum UNI 4.0 & PNNI

12 CORBA Management

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