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Introduction to Greenhouse You will need to take notes.

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1 Introduction to Greenhouse You will need to take notes.

2 Essential Question  What are some things that we use plants for?  Where are places that you see plants growing?  Are there times of the year that you see different types of flowers?  What types of flowers or plants does your family grow?  What types of flowers or plants does your family buy?

3 Floriculture  The “culture of flowers”  Art & Science of using plants for their aesthetic characteristics.

4 Horticulture  The cultivation of plants.

5 Greenhouses  Enclosed structure that allows light in for plant growth.  Allow plants to be grown all year long.  Has the ability for a grower to control environmental conditions affecting a crop. Temperature Water

6 Types of Plants Grown  Annuals – bloom and die in a season.  Perennials – come back every year.  Biennials- grows leaves 1 st year, 2 nd year blooms, then dies.

7 Top Producing States 1. California 2. Florida 3. Texas 4. Michigan 5. Ohio

8 What are common greenhouse crops? CropSalesPercentage Bedding & Garden Plants $2.18 Billion46% Potted Flowering Plants $832 Million18.7% Foliage Plants$585 Million13.2% Cut Flowers$424 Million9.5% Propagative material $306 Million6.9% Cut Cultivated Greens $111 Million2.5%

9 #1 Bedding & Garden Plants  Annual flowers or vegetables (bloom & die in one year, do not come back).  Produced in the spring for outdoor planting.  Most are planted as seeds in the winter or early spring in greenhouses.  Cannot withstand frost. Petunias Marigolds Tomatoes Hanging Baskets



12 #2Potted Flowering Plants  Young plants are grown to the flowering stage, then the entire plant and pot are sold. Poinsettias Easter Lilies


14 #3 Foliage Plants  Plants grown for their leaves rather than flowers.  “Houseplants”  Most come from Florida Philodendrens Scheffleras


16 #4 Cut Flowers  Supply flowers to florists.  Grow flowers, cut them when they reach maturity and sell them to a “wholesaler”. Roses Carnations Chrysanthemums


18 #5 Propagative Materials  Cuttings or starts of plants.  Large greenhouses sell starts of plants to smaller greenhouses.


20 What do greenhouses grow?  The first thing to consider is, CAN THIS CROP MAKE A PROFIT?  What climate are we in?  Customer location

21 Assignment - Divide the class into 5 groups. - Each group should be assigned one of the following types of plants. - Bedding & Garden Plants - Potted Flowering Plants - Foliage Plants - Cut Flowers - Propagative Materials Each group then needs - Old Plant Catalogs - Computer Paper - Scissors & Glue FIRST GROUP TO COVER THEIR PAPER IN PICTURES OF THEIR ASSIGNED PLANT, WINS!

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