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Accelerator Systems F. Willeke, Director Photon Sciences Accelerator Division NSLS-II Project Advisory Committee Meeting March 29-30, 2012
Outline Overview Injector Status
Magnet Production and Girder Integration Other Production Vacuum Components Power Supplies, Electrical Utilities Mechanical Utilities Installation and Testing Insertion Devices Commissioning with Beam Plans for Start-up of Operations
Overall Status of NSLS-II Accelerator Systems
Significant progress has been made since the last PAC. The large production contracts have all been placed by now Production RF power systems (LINAC, Booster, Storage Ring) is complete. Production well advanced for magnets (78%), vacuum chambers (90%), utilities (~75%), and power supplies (55%). Frontend & instrumentation production starting up Superconducting 500MHz cavities & cryo-plant are in production. Installation: progressing well Overcoming initial challenges due to difficulties in taking over buildings, under estimated labor, additional installation tasks identified, late utility installations by vendors Commissioning The LINAC commissioning with beam has started The Authorization Base for commissioning of the booster synchrotron is well under way, and Storage Ring effort has begun. Good progress made on commissioning software and database.
Overall Status of NSLS-II Accelerator Systems cont’d
Insertion Devices Damping Wiggler: Production started and first article expected to be delivered in June EPU: Vendor design nearly complete IVU: Contracts placed for two IVU20, one IVU21, and one IVU21 undulator ID’s for NEXT and ABBIX Projects: Design, production, installation and commissioning plan being integrated with the NSLS-II Project. Schedule Performance Cumulative schedule variance for Accelerator Systems: being ~3 1/2 months late Detailed installation schedule is being continuously optimized on weekly basis based on latest progress and production information Additional labor resources being provided to reduce the schedule variance
LINAC 200MeV s-band LINAC was delivered on schedule last fall
Installation now complete LINAC frontend successfully tested with beam and demonstrated that it met all specifications (charge, pulse length) LINAC RF power units (solid state modulators) successfully tested LINAC with beam commissioning started this week
Magnetic Measurements Equipment received at BNL
Booster Progress Magnet Production Girder Integration Completed large PS Production of 3GeV booster synchrotron components (magnets, vacuum, girders, power supplies) at BINP and their subcontractors has progressed very well Shipping of components to BNL started in November. Containers with components are arriving since December 2011. Close coordination with BINP for installation and commissioning plan Installation of utilities in service building and booster tunnel has begun Booster on track for start of commissioning in February 2013 Magnetic Measurements Prepare for Shipment Vacuum Chambers Assembly Packaging (Girders) Equipment received at BNL
Booster Magnet Girders at BINP - Ready for Shipment
Storage Ring Magnets Storage ring magnet production well underway at all manufacturer’s. ~80% of the production complete; 63% of the magnets delivered to BNL. All technical issues resolved at this point. Quadrupoles: BINP Production of 120 magnets nearing completion (April). TESLA Production of 120 magnets ramping up (10 magnets /month, 16 received) Sextupoles: Danfysik production: 169 sextupoles proceed. steadily,14 magnets /month, 87% complete) IHEP Production rate is no issue, 89% complete, however quality needs to be watched Large Aperture Quadrupoles and Sextupoles: Buckley Production of 60 quadrupoles and 30 sextupoles going well, ~93% of the production complete, quality ok Dipoles: Technical issues resolved, production picking up speed, Buckley Production of 60 magnets at rate of 1 magnet / week, 8 units received Correctors: Production of 189 units close to completion (>95% ) Fast correctors: Production of 90 units started in February. Production of Storage Ring Magnets no longer a limiting factor for accelerator schedule.
Magnet Production Summary
Fabrication Results and Magnetic Data
Sextupole transfer function uniformity Typical lower order terms Typical systematic terms Magnetic measurement data: 1. Transfer function and harmonic data for each quadrupole and sextupole 2. Hall probe scan for one magnet per type 3. By mapping at three vertical planes for all the main dipole magnets Saturation in strong quad Current dependence of first systematic harmonic
Girder Status Magnet Production not limiting girder integration anymore Magnet Girder Vacuum Integration fully developed Alignment of better than 30 micron routinely achieved 2 Shift 6 days/week operation established Rate 2 girders /week (goal) Girder installation will be completed Dec 2012 Present Status: 27 Girders installed 9 Girders being integrated
Vacuum production on track for installation, no technical issues
Vacuum Systems The production of vacuum chambers for multi-poles and dipoles (150 units) nearing completion (welding at APS was completed in February, chamber assembly will be completed in July). Production of 27 “day-1/2” chambers for ID straights started Design of injection straight vacuum completed; finalizing of drawing packages while injection kicker and injection septum design is being completed; RF straight vacuum system design underway Gate valves in production (40% complete) Shielded Bellows in production, sufficient units for P1 and P2 ready Absorbers: production well underway, most units for P1 and P2, crotch absorbers delayed due to manufacturing issues. Ion and TSP pumps are in hand, in-house assembly of integrated NEG pumps keep up with chamber production. Vacuum instrumentation and infrastructure: pump controllers and HV supplies, RGA, cables, TSP power supplies and cables and termination; production far advanced or complete Vacuum production on track for installation, no technical issues
Power Supplies Power supply production has progressed well.
Overall, about 55 % of the production is at hand. In-house testing of components set up Integration in progress Main Dipole PS will be completed end of 2012 PSC Regulator Controls Interface Excellent performance: 2.5 ppm << 10 ppm (spec) Power Converter
Utilities Electrical Utilities:
All 575 equipment enclosures at hand, 65% installed, 40% fully functional All cable at hand, a significant fraction already installed (P1:100%, P2: 60%, P3: 10%) All UPS units received, 40% installed All cable tray installed (99% complete) Electrical Utilities Hardware at hand, significant fraction already installed. Mechanical Utilities: Process chilled water, compressed air systems and central DI-water systems either already in operation or ready for operation Di-Water secondary systems, all 13 pump skids delivered, RF and Injector systems are complete and operational DI-Water piping installation underway ~75% complete Mechanical utilities available for start-up of testing and commissioning
Beam-line Frontends Final Drawing packages released after numerous revisions and design changes Materials such as GLIDCOP at hand Production of components has started Tables for installing components have been delivered Vacuum components such as pumps at hand Contracts placed for brazing of absorbers and masks Materials for safety shutters available Integration and assembly of components started Beamline frontends are delayed with respect to the project baseline schedule, but are not near the critical path.
RF Systems Storage Ring RF Transmitter Systems are complete, installed, and tested The IOT transmitter for the Booster is complete and partially installed The design of superconducting cavity completed, construction started. The 3rd harmonic niobium cavity and its cryostat is complete, the design of auxiliary systems in progress The liquid Helium cryogenic plant vendor design phase is completed (FDR) and manufacturing of the systems started. Liquid Nitrogen system contract awarded in February. The low level RF controls have been successfully tested at CLS which demonstrated the superiority of the FPGA based system compared to conventional systems. NSLS-II CLS
RF Systems HV PS HV Transformer Circulator, loads,
Klystrons HV Transformer Circulator, loads, Water manifolds and waveguides
Instrumentation Production of BPM buttons completed this month.
BPM electronics development successful, 200 nm resolution and stability confirmed with beam tests at ALS, full production started Transverse Damper System in production, electronics tested Beam Current monitors have been received Optical-,X-ray- monitors (emittance, bunch length ) designed and components are on order. The design of photon BPMs has started. Injector Instrumentation well advanced, systems for the first step of commissioning installed and tested
Pulsed Magnets The NSLS-II Storage Ring injection septum being built in industry, design complete, production started The NSLS-II kicker systems are being built in-house. A prototype kicker and pulser has been produced. Long lead items such as coated ceramic chambers and IGBT based switching elements are on order. Pulsed magnets for booster injection and extraction are part of the BINP booster scope. The systems have been built and bench tests have demonstrate that they meet requirements. Prototype Kicker-Pulser Assembly Test: 3 x 10-5 amplitude reproducibility
Controls Controls Software for accelerator systems developed, built and tested ready for use in integrated testing and commissioning. Controls hardware (VME crates, digital I/O output modules, network hardware, computers) at hand and partially installed Optical fiber cables for connecting the network hardware available, being installed Timing system hardware at hand, software well developed Cell controller hardware (real time control) is in production. The IRMIS data base system developed, semi automated link of data from component testing High level application programs well advanced commissioning will start with full suite of high level applications C Controls efforts are on schedule
Status NSLS-II Project Beamline Insertion Devices
Damping Wiggler (DW) Contract was issued on Nov.7, FDR was completed on June 6th, 2011; PM & hi-m materials available, production started, first article in May’12. In-Vacuum Undulators IVU 21(SRX), IVU20 for HXN & CHX and & IVU22 (IXS) IVU20, IVU21 contract awarded in November/December 2011, vendor design in progress, IVU22 award in March’12 Elliptically Polarized Undulator (EPU) Contract was issued on April 28, CDR was completed on June 9th, 2011, FDR October 2011, production has started Three Pole Wiggler (3PW) Contract was issued on March 25, FDR was completed on May 20th, 2011, in production
ID-Magnetic Measurement Facility
State of the Art Facility Completed: Clean Room has been completed Hall probe bench in operation Calibration Dipole in operation Flip/long coil system (IFMS) received Helmholtz Coil System in place Hall Probe Bench Calibration Dipole System Flip/Long Coil System
Installation Installation had a late start (~3 months)
Start-up slow, but speeded up significantly now After injector building BORE Aug’11, concentration on injector installation LINAC complete, Booster well underway Challenging Coordination issues resolved : Building contractors, AD contractors, AD technicians, temporary labor, laboratory services now work together closely At present: ~4 months behind schedule, we have added some 12 FTE’s (electricians, cable pullers, surveyors, electrical technicians to catch up with the work)
Installation Progress
completed LINAC installation Completed LINAC to Booster Transfer line Part 1
Installation Progress
Di-ionized Controls Computer rooms equipped with Water distribution systems and pumps sealed electronic racks, servers, network Skids for Injector and Injector Complex hardware completed and installed Completed and installed
Installation Progress
Personal Protection System PLC Cabinet with the 2 redundant Safety PLCs
Integrated Testing and Hardware commissioning
Integrated testing is the demonstration of the proper functioning of the hardware systems in the final, installed configuration, in presence of the neighboring systems and by using the computer control system for extensive test of the full functionality of the systems. Plans for integrated testing have been developed, they will happen module by module, a module being as small as one of the 30 cells Resources have been revisited and revised by adding labor. Integrated testing started with the completion of the 1st storage ring cell (#25) in February: First cell pumped down,
Commissioning with Beam
LINAC and LtB-Transfer-line beam commissioning started benefiting from well developed plans and all software systems in place and tested. The ASE and SAD for the booster synchrotron have been reviewed by the lab safety committee with no major concerns raised The documentation for the Storage ring has been started Data-base for commissioning and operations has been developed. Many of the needed data are already available. Commissioning data taskforce continues with a more pragmatic approach making sure that all needed data exist and are accessible. Commissioning plan is concentrating on creating high level controls software in support of commissioning.
Accelerator Schedule DESIGN Production Installation Testing
Commissioning now
(from Apr-9-Dec12: 3 months, Mar 12 3.5 months)
Cost and Schedule Performance & Cost index Schedule Index Forecasted and realized SV based on 3.5 months delay Accelerator schedule performance continues to be explained by an overall delay (from Apr-9-Dec12: 3 months, Mar months)
NSLS-II Start-Up of Operations Schedule
Float could become user operation
First Part of Commissioning Goals
Beam Stored Injection set-up for beam accumulation Beam Orbit Corrected to 30 microns Beam Vacuum Conditions checked and compared with expectations Beam Optics Verified and Corrected, confirm 2nm horizontal emittance RF Parameters measured, confirmed and RF loops tested and optimized Alignment of Quadrupoles and Sextupoles confirmed/corrected Dynamic Aperture measured, compared with Simulations and improved Orbit Feedback commissioned and turned on, differential orbits control with submicron precision Injection Optimized for low loss and high efficiency Top-Off Injection Mode set-up and top-off interlocks tested Beam Loss Control and Monitoring, commissioned, interlock tested Local Orbit interlock at ID locations, implemented and tested Active Damper Systems Tested and Commissioned Single Bunch limitations explored and Touschek Lifetime measured vs Bunch Intensity Radiation Monitoring Tested with Increased Beam Currents Vacuum Component Temperatures Monitored vs Beam Current and Compared with expectations Beam Current Increased to 50 mA - 200mA Vacuum conditioning with high Beam intensity Accelerator ready for Insertion Device/Frontend Commissioning
Insertion Device Installation
Schedule for Installation of 12 Project IDs: 6 DW, 2 EPU, 1 IVU21, 2 IVU20, 1 IVU22 Serial Activities: Rigging, Installation in the Tunnel, survey, cabling, electrical connections Parallel Activities: Vacuum installation and connections, pump-down, vacuum conditioning, installation of instrumentation, testing of operations software
Time for ID, Frontend & Beamline Commissioning
Time Needed for Insertion Device Commissioning ID integration into the lattice h Implementation of feed forward corrections h Vacuum conditioning h High Beam Intensity tests, temperature monitoring and check h Total shifts Time Needed for Frontend Commissioning Frontend functionality test with beam: XBPM, shutters, slits: h EPS interlock settings h Temperature monitoring and heating tests h Vacuum Conditioning h Top-off safety tests h Total shifts Time Needed for Beamline Commissioning (dedicated non-parasitic times only) 2 shifts Note: Commissioning of Insertion Devices and Frontend is interleaved First beam to Exp. Floor could be delivered after 1st ID and FE is fully accommodated
High Intensity Commissioning
High Intensity studies and commissioning will continue during 1st year of operations High Intensity Commissioning has to be taken in small steps Need to be careful not to damage vacuum and frontend components RF systems are very delicate, there is the possibility of damaging the superconducting cavity The impact of high intensity operations on radiation levels needs to be carefully monitored and inacceptable conditions must be first corrected Vacuum conditions are expected to improve slowly, we need to keep the pressure always under control We will not rush to get to high intensity early on During the first year(s) of operation we will regularly work on improving intensity Step by step procedure, increase from mA (established at end of project) to 300mA in 6 modules of 50mA each, allocated time: X 12 shifts - radiation monitoring with beam loss h - LCM adjustments h - injection optimization h - feedback and RF adjustments h - monitoring of critical FE components, special set-up h - trouble shooting h - recovery from trips h Intensity Ramp-up 1st Year mA 2nd Year mA 3rd Year mA
NSLS-II Availability NSLS-II is designed for high reliability and availability >95% DOE definition: Reliability User time delivered at scheduled time/ total scheduled user time However: during the first years of operation the reliability is expected to suffer from teething problems. Expectation: FY14 70% FY15 85% FY16 90% FY17 95% FY18 >95%
Environmental Impact: Dust, Humidity, Temperature
NSLS-II Electronics/PS Rack Solution Dust causing frequent failures on TEVATRON QP electronics )copied from H. Edwards/P. Czarapata, FNAL, Groemitz Miniworkshop 2005 Lifetime of film capacitors vs int.temperature C. Chen et al IEEE PESC, Aachen 2004
NSLS-II Performance Simulation
2 years
Operation Cycle
Summary NSLS-II Accelerator made good progress; overall about 65% complete LINAC is being commissioned All large construction contracts placed There are no major technical issues with construction any more Keeping pace with Installation schedule to start storage ring commissioning by mid 2013 is the largest challenge Labor for installation has been increased by ~12 FTE already, project EAC accounts for additional labor that will be most likely be necessary to maintain schedule Integrated testing started Cost performance is good, schedule performance well understood - and so are the required measures for keeping pace with the schedule Plans for start-up and operations well developed
ID type, incl. period (mm)
NSLS-II Project, NEXT, and ABBIX Insertion Devices BL ID straight type ID type, incl. period (mm) Length Kmax FE type # of ID's (base scope) # FE's Project CSX lo-β EPU49 (PPM) x2 4m (2 x 2m) 4.34 canted 2 1 NSLS-II IXS hi-β IVU22 (H) x2 6m (2 x 3m) 1.52 std HXN IVU20 (H) 3m 1.83 CHX SRX IVU21 (H) 1.5m 1.79 XPD DW100 (H) 6.8m (2x3.4m) ~16.5 DW ESM EPU56 (PPM) & EPU180 (EM) 4m 3.64 6.8 NEXT SIX 7m (2 x 3.5m) 3.5 ISR IVU23 (H) 3.0m * canted** SMI IVU22 (H) 1.3m 2.05 ISS FXI FMX ABBIX AMX 0 (joint w/FMX) LIX Same device PPM: Pure Permanent Magnet EM: Electro Magnet H: Hybrid Magnetic Design * Depending on location within ID straight section ** Off-center canting magnet location in ID straight section
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