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By Keaton & Lucas The Garden Group

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1 By Keaton & Lucas The Garden Group
Bee Friendly Flowers By Keaton & Lucas The Garden Group

2 Intro Flowering plants are important to bees. This where they get there pollen and nectar. With these materials, they make their honey and other foods. It is also important to have your plants bloom year round. If the plants only bloom in one season, the bees will die. So here are year round blooming plants to help save the Honey Bees! In the Winter, all the pollen and nectar they have collected will keep them unstarved.

3 The Following Plants Are Fall Bloomers

4 Goldenrod Grow 4 feet tall Well drained soil Dig 1 inch hole
Plant early summer Full sun

5 Sedum Partial sun Perennial 2-24 inches tall
White, pink, red, yellow, orange Plant in early summer

6 The Following Plants Are Spring Bloomers

7 Calliopsis
Grows 1-2 ft. tall. 2-3 inches in diameter. Needs full sun. Plant in early spring. Dig 1 inch deep. Spread 4-6 inches apart.

8 Marigold Plant in full sun.
Plant in full sun. Grows 6 inches-2ft tall. Grows in any soil. Blooms in spring, summer, fall Plant in early spring. Water every day. 1 inch deep & 2-3 feet apart.

9 Poppies
Plant in end of winter early Spring. Plant in any soil. Grows 5-6 inches high. Sprinkle seeds on top of soil. Spread 8-10 inches apart.

10 The Following Plants Are Summer Bloomers

11 Cosmos Cosmoses- Cosmos grow 4 to 5 ft. tall. They need full sun. Can grow in poor soil. Requires little water. Plant in and eight inch deep. To much fertilizer will kill Cosmo. Do not have problem with insects. Rake garden soil to plant Cosmo. Plant at the end of winter. Spread out each Cosmo about 2 inches.

12 Buttercups Well drained soil and full sun. Plant in early spring. 4-6 inch deep hole. Plant 3 inches apart.

13 Asters
Annual Asters grow 1-3 ft. If grown right before winter Plant 2-04 weeks before frost Dig up hole 1 inch. Separate 3-4 inches apart.

14 How Can We Safely Care For Our Plants
The first thing is to use no fertilizers The fertilizer kills flowers and honey bees Use Bee Friendly Pesticides; Biobit, Dipel, Amitraz, Javelin, Petroleum Oil, Sulfur, Propargite, and Rotenone. Scrub soap on your flowers Let Surrondings Grow Freely Hand Pick Bugs

15 Pesticides Can Be Bad Pesticides can get into a honey bees system.
Then the pesticides gets into their eggs. The pesticides can damage the queens eggs. Therefore, those are reason why pesticides can be harmful.

16 Alternatives Natural Predators can keep bad bugs away
Building a bat house could keep away bugs.

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