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Katherine Swanson. Bullying has always concerned me Personal experience with bullies Apathetic authority figures in my schooling career.

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Presentation on theme: "Katherine Swanson. Bullying has always concerned me Personal experience with bullies Apathetic authority figures in my schooling career."— Presentation transcript:

1 Katherine Swanson

2 Bullying has always concerned me Personal experience with bullies Apathetic authority figures in my schooling career

3 Defining Bullying The different kinds of bullying How to identify bullying in schools

4 What policies does Johnston County have in place What policies do other counties enforce to end bullying

5 What major effects does bullying have on children How harmful is bullying to students’ ability to learn

6 Is Johnston County effective in ending bullying in their schools What more needs to be done to help stop bullying in JCS

7 Lack of Organizational Skills Repeated information Difficulty with Interview

8 Completing the paper on time Learning what policies Johnston County has in place concerning bullying

9 Preventing bullying in schools begins with awareness Raising awareness at my school is important to me


11 I learned that I have a passion for helping others I learned that I have a difficult time engaging students in awareness activities I’m not particularly good at organizing things on my own

12 I could never be a teacher, especially at the high school level I may want to look in to psychiatry of some kind for a career path, preferably children psychiatry

13 This project was definitely worth while I learned to be more organized with my time and I learned how to better speak in front of a group of people If I could go back, I would chose this subject again

14 Do you have any questions?

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