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1 Board Meeting 13th April 2011. 2 Agenda Creation status Closing 2010 Administration process proposal Budget 2011 Projects 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Board Meeting 13th April 2011. 2 Agenda Creation status Closing 2010 Administration process proposal Budget 2011 Projects 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Board Meeting 13th April 2011

2 2 Agenda Creation status Closing 2010 Administration process proposal Budget 2011 Projects 2011

3 3 Creation status Association created on the 8th Feb 2011  Association nr: 833.563.956 Bank account created – ING bank  BE78 3630 8493 7886 VAT nr required – 100% refundable  VAT nr: 833.563.956 Cash status: 50.000€

4 4 Admin process (1/3) Budget approval process  Yearly expenses budget: Budget proposal to be submitted to the assembly by the president  latest in November Approval required from the assembly before end December  Project budget: Project scope and cost estimate submitted to the assembly by the president Approval required from the assembly prior any commitment Standard project form to be filled-in

5 5 Admin process (2/3) Purchase order approval  Expenses within the approved budget If < 5.000€  Approval from president only If > 5.000€  Double approvals required : President + CFO  Budget overspending (>10%) Additional budget required from Board After approval see approval process above

6 6 Admin process (3/3) Payment approval process  If < 2.000€  1signature required: president or CFO  If > 2.000€  2 signature required: president + CFO

7 7 BU-2011 proposal Budget limited by the limited nbr of contributing members  Your commitment is required to enlarge the membership.  Solution proposed: Budget defined based on members arrival

8 8 BU-2011 proposal Option 1: 6 Members contributing

9 9 BU-2011 proposal Option 2: 8 Members contributing

10 10 BU-2011 proposal Turnover

11 11 BU-2011 proposal Overheads

12 12 BU-2011 decision taken by the Board meeting Projects OBJECTIVESMAIN ACTIVITIESCOST CATEGORYTOTAL COST CommunicationCommunication material to enhance EU-ASE visibility and develop membership Design and printing, videos and filming, advertising, logistics, etc. 10000 € Coalition to Save EnergyParticipation to Coalition’s activities Membership fee10000 € Development of EU-ASE strategy and organization Meetings and discussions with the support of Fleishman Hillard Consultancy12000 € TOTAL32000 €

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