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Mastitis Control Don Crowley, Tom Weldon Teagasc/Dairygold.

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Presentation on theme: "Mastitis Control Don Crowley, Tom Weldon Teagasc/Dairygold."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mastitis Control Don Crowley, Tom Weldon Teagasc/Dairygold.

2 Mastitis Control/SCC Control Don Crowley B.Agr.Sc Tom Weldon B.Agr.Sc Joint Program with Dairygold Co-op. On-Farm Investigation Recommendations to Tackle problem.

3 Teagasc Dairygold Joint Programme on Milk Quality Don Crowley, Tom Weldon & Ger McMahon Goals: Reduce SCC & Mastitis Method: Visit farm at milking.(800 farms visited) Analyse Records, Equipment and Practices Recommendations made. Usually 1 follow up call

4 Results (SCC) of Farms Visited ’07 vs’08 24% 11% 27% 13%

5 Typical scenarios Scenario 1: A high cell count on a farm, but no cases of mastitis, using no tubes !!! Scenario 2: A farm with a low cell count, getting a lot of cases of Clinical mastitis and using a lot of tubes. Scenario 3: High incidence of E.coli mastitis.

6 Recent survey results: 65% of clinical mastitis cases occurring in the first 5 Days of Lactation. 5% in the second 5 days. 30% in the remainder of lactation. Prevention is time well spent.

7 Mastitis 2 Categories of Bacteria Contagious Bacteria: –Staph Aureus –Strep Agalactiae Environmental Bacteria: –E. Coli –Strep Uberus

8 Approach to Mastitis Problem Assess the present situation Farm Visit (at milking) Costs: Co-op fines, tubes, treatments, vet bills, milk lost, cull rates Labour, frustration Analysis of records(not always available)

9 Case Study - SCC Farmer A 14 Unit parlour, no ACR ’ s, 100 cows (30 Aut, 70 Spring) 1700 Gallon average, 23% Replacement rate

10 Case Study Observations & Recommendations Milking practices observed: Cow teats scored for damage i.e. odema, congestion Hyperkeratosis 50% > score of 4 Cow comfort and stress e.g. electrical issues measured Milking machine tested

11 Case Study -Teat End Damage

12 Case Study Recommendations/Goals Stop over milking (Teat end damage). Stop spread of infection. Pre-spray & dry wipe, Disinfect clusters(between each cow) for 2 wks. Wear gloves Post spray all cows.


14 Case Study - Financial Reward Bonus=€ 3,082.00 Additional milk sales=€ 4,500.00 Reduced Vet and tube=€ 1,500.00 3 cows not culled =€ 2,200.00 Reward=€11,282.00 pa

15 Main Mastitis Causes: Main cause Milking machine =33% Milking practices =33% Infection Control/Hygiene =33%

16 Cubicle Bedding

17 Teat End Damage

18 Teat end damage

19 Teat end Damage

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