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Feature Selection with Kernel Class Separability 指導教授:王振興 電機所 N28961523 林哲偉 電機所 N26974164 曾信輝 電機所 N26974172 吳俐瑩 Date: 2009.01.14 Lei Wang, “Feature selection.

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Presentation on theme: "Feature Selection with Kernel Class Separability 指導教授:王振興 電機所 N28961523 林哲偉 電機所 N26974164 曾信輝 電機所 N26974172 吳俐瑩 Date: 2009.01.14 Lei Wang, “Feature selection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Feature Selection with Kernel Class Separability 指導教授:王振興 電機所 N28961523 林哲偉 電機所 N26974164 曾信輝 電機所 N26974172 吳俐瑩 Date: 2009.01.14 Lei Wang, “Feature selection with kernel class separability,” IEEE Tras. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 30, no. 9, pp.1534-1546, 2008 2015/12/241

2 Outline Introduction Feature Selection Feature Selection Criterion Characteristic Analysis Experimental Results Conclusions Future work 2015/12/242

3 Introduction Classification can often benefit from efficient feature selection. A class separability criterion is developed in a high-dimensional kernel space. The criterion is applied to a variety of selection modes using different search strategies. 2015/12/243

4 Feature Selection Feature selection often consists of a selection criterion and a search strategy. In this paper, the author compared 5 different selection criteria, and 3 search strategy. The author executed 30 trials for each. 2015/12/244

5 Flow Chart 2015/12/245 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 30 randomly chosen data

6 Feature Selection Criterion Correlation coefficient –Higher relevance –Cannot handle linearly nonseparable data Kolmogorov-Smirnov test –Less possibility or higher test value –Needs a sufficient number of samples 2015/12/246

7 Feature Selection Criterion Class separability (Non-kernel) –Simple –Cannot handle linearly nonseparable data Radius-margin bound –Well handles linearly nonseparable data –Not computationally efficient Kernel class separability –Better performance than above 2015/12/247

8 Characteristic Analysis In “Class separability” approach, the criterion is tr(S B )/tr(S W ). –tr( . ) denotes as “trace” of a matrix – In “Kernel-based class separability” approach, the criterion is T Φ =tr(S B Φ )/tr(S W Φ ). –T * = max( T Φ ) Using Gaussian kernel function 2015/12/248

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11 Experimental Results Synthetic Dataset 600 data points 52 features 2 classes 2015/12/2411

12 Implementation 2015/12/2412

13 Time Cost 2015/12/2413

14 Use SVM test error to evaluate the significance of KCSM and RMB. SVM Classifier 2015/12/2414

15 15

16 Conclusions and Discussions From our simulation results, the proposed kernel-based class separability measure is the best choice for feature selection in these 5 measures. However, the time cost increases dramatically with the growing number of data. 2015/12/2416

17 Future work 2015/12/2417 US Postal Service  7291 training samples and 2007 test samples. Each sample is characterized by 256 features. We will try to implement the USPS dataset for further investigation.

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