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The Use of Virtual Hypothesis Copies in Decoding of Large-Vocabulary Continuous Speech Frank Seide IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "The Use of Virtual Hypothesis Copies in Decoding of Large-Vocabulary Continuous Speech Frank Seide IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Use of Virtual Hypothesis Copies in Decoding of Large-Vocabulary Continuous Speech Frank Seide IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 2005 Present by shih-hung 2005/09/29

2 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 2 Outline Introduction Review of (M+1)-gram Viterbi Decoding with reentrant tree Virtual Hypothesis Copies on word level Virtual Hypothesis Copies on sub-word level Virtual Hypothesis Copies for Long-Range acoustic Lookahead (optional) Experimental Results Conclusion

3 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 3 Introduction

4 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 4 Introduction For decoding of LVCSR, the most widely used algorithm is a time-synchronous Viterbi decoder that uses a tree-organized pronunciation lexicon with word-condition tree copies. The search space is organized as a reentrant network which is a composition of the state-level network (lexical tree) and the linguistic (M+1)-gram network. –i.e. a distinct instance ( “ copy ” ) of each HMM state in the lexical tree is needed for every linguistic state (M-word history). Practically, this copying is done on demand in conjunction with beam pruning.

5 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 5 Introduction

6 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 6 Introduction

7 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 7 Introduction One observes that hypotheses for the same word generated from different tree copies are often identical. –i.e. there is redundant computation Can we exploit this redundancy and modify the algorithm such that word hypotheses are shared across multiple linguistic state? frank funny seide

8 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 8 Introduction A successful approach to this is the two-pass algorithm by Ney and Aubert. It first generates a word-lattice using the “ word-pair approximation ”, and searches the best path through this lattice using the full range language model. –computation is reduced by sharing word hypotheses between two- word histories that end with the same word. An alternative approach is start-time conditioned search, which uses non-reentrant tree copies conditioned on the start time of the tree. Here, word hypotheses are shared across all possible linguistic states during word-level recombination. ?

9 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 9 Introduction

10 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 10 Introduction

11 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 11 Introduction In this paper, we propose a single-pass reentrant-network (M+1)-gram decoder that uses three novel approaches aiming at eliminating copies of the search-space that are redundant. 1.State copies are conditioned on the phonetic history rather than the linguistic history. –Phone-history approximation (PHA) analog to the word-pair approximation (WPA). 2.Path hypotheses at word boundaries are saved at every frame in a data structure similar to a word lattice. To apply the (M+1)- gram at a word end, the needed linguistic path-hypothesis copies are recovered on the fly, similarly to lattice rescoring. We call the recovered copies virtual hypothesis copies (VHC).

12 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 12 Introduction 3.For further reduction of redundancy, also multiple instances of the same context-dependent phone occurring in the same phonetic history are dynamically replaced by a single instance. Incomplete path hypotheses at phoneme boundaries are temporarily saved as well in the lattice-like structure. To apply the tree lexicon, CD-phone instances associated with tree nodes are recovered on the fly (phone-level VHC).

13 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 13 Review of (M+1)-gram Viterbi decoding with a reentrant tree := time of the latest transition into the tree root on the best path up to time t that ends in state s of the lexical tree for the history ( “ back-pointer ” ) := probability of the best path up to time t that ends in state s of the lexical tree for history :=probability that the acoustic observation vectors o( 1 ) … o( t ) are generated by a word/state sequence that ends with the M words at time t.

14 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 14 Review of (M+1)-gram Viterbi decoding with a reentrant tree The dynamic-programming equations for the word-history conditioned (M+1)-gram search are as follow: Within-word recombination (s>0)

15 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 15 Review of (M+1)-gram Viterbi decoding with a reentrant tree Word-boundary equation:

16 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 16 Virtual hypothesis copies on word level A. How it works B. Word hypothesis C. Word-Boundary assumption and Phonetic-History approximation D. Virtual hypothesis copies: redundancy of E. Choosing F. Collapsed hypothesis copies G. Word-boundary equations H. Collapsed (M+1)-gram search : Summary I. Beam pruning J. Language model lookahead

17 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 17 How it works The optimal start time of a word depends on its history. The same word in different histories may have different optimal start times - this is the reason for copying. However, we observed that start times are often identical, in particular if their histories are acoustically similar. For two linguistic histories and we obtain the same optimal start time. then we have computed too much.

18 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 18 How it works It would only have been necessary to perform the state-level Viterbi recursion for one of the two histories. This is because:

19 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 19 How it works We are now ready to introduce our method of virtual hypothesis copying (word-level). The method consist of –1.predicting the sets of histories for which the optimal start times are going to be identical - this information is needed already when a path enters a new word; –2.performing state-level Viterbi processing only for one copy per set. –3.for all other copies, recovering their accumulated path probabilities. Thus, on state-level, all but one copy per set are neither stored nor computed - we call them “ virtual ”.

20 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 20 How it works The art is to reliably predict these sets of histories that will lead to identical optimal start times. An exact prediction is impossible. We propose a heuristic, the phone-history approximation (PHA). The PHA assumes that a word ’ s optimal boundary depends only on the last N phones of the history.

21 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 21 How it works Regular bigram search Virtual hypothesis copies

22 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 22 Word hypotheses p(O|w)

23 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 23 Word-Boundary assumption and Phonetic-History approximation

24 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 24 Word-Boundary assumption and Phonetic-History approximation Intuitively, the optimal word boundaries should not depend on the linguistic state, but rather on the phonetic context at the boundary. And words ending similarly should lead to the same boundary. Thus, we propose a phonetically motivated history-class definition, the phone-history approximation (PHA): –A word ’ s optimal start time depends on the word and its N-phone history.

25 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 25 Virtual hypothesis copies: redundancy of

26 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 26 Virtual hypothesis copies: redundancy of

27 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 27 Choosing

28 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 28 Collapsed hypothesis copies The most probable hypothesis is only know when the end of he word is reached - too late to reduce computation.

29 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 29 Collapsed hypothesis copies

30 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 30 Word-boundary equations

31 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 31 Collapsed (M+1)-gram search : Summary

32 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 32 Language model lookahead M-gram lookahead aims at using language knowledge as early as possible in the lexical tree by pushing partial M-gram scores toward the tree root.

33 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 33 Virtual hypothesis copies on the sub-word level In the word-level method, the state-level search can be interpreted as a “ word-lattice generator ” with (M+1)-gram “ lattice rescoring ” applied on the fly; and search-space reduction was achieved by sharing tree copies amongst multiple histories. We now want to apply the same idea to the subword level: the state-level search now becomes sort of a “ subword generator, ” subword hypotheses are incrementally matched against the lexical tree (frame-synchronously) and (M+1)-gram lattice rescoring applied as before.

34 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 34 Virtual hypothesis copies on the sub-word level

35 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 35 Virtual hypothesis copies on the sub-word level

36 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 36 Virtual hypothesis copies on the sub-word level

37 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 37 Experimental setup Philips LVCSR is based on continuous-mixture HMM. MFCC feature. Unigram lookahead. Corpora for Mandarin: –MAT-2000, PCD, National Hi-Tech Project 863 Corpora for English: –Trained on WSJ0+1 –Test on 1994 ARPA NAB

38 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 38 Experimental result

39 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 39 Experimental result

40 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 40 Experimental result

41 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 41 Experimental result

42 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 42 Experimental result

43 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 43 Experimental result

44 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 44 Experimental result

45 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 45 Experimental result

46 Speech Lab NTNU 2005 46 Conclusion We have present a novel time synchronous LVCSR Viterbi decoder for Mandarin based on the novel concept of virtual hypothesis copies (VHC). At no loss of accuracy, a reduction of active states of 60-80% has been achieved for Chinese, and of 40-50% for American English.

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