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Road map in the field of nuclear physics at the JINR (draft) M.G. Itkis JINR, Dubna 99 –th Session of the JINR Scintific Council 19 - 20 January 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Road map in the field of nuclear physics at the JINR (draft) M.G. Itkis JINR, Dubna 99 –th Session of the JINR Scintific Council 19 - 20 January 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Road map in the field of nuclear physics at the JINR (draft) M.G. Itkis JINR, Dubna 99 –th Session of the JINR Scintific Council 19 - 20 January 2006

2 Nuclear Physics with Neutrons The scientific program in the field of nuclear physics with neutrons will be implemented using existing neutron sources at JINR (IBR-2, EG-5) and other Russian and foreign neutron centers. Experimental activity will be concentrated on the topics, which are most important for the modern nuclear physics, both in fundamental and applied research fields: Fundamental research Experiments with polarized neutrons/nuclei Fundamental properties of the neutron Ultracold neutrons and neutron optics Nuclear fission (n,p), (n,  ), nuclear structure studies Applied research Nuclear data for science and technology Environmental studies – REGATA project Neutron logging in space

3 Financial resources Salary 261,1 k$ International collaboration 35,6 k$ Materials and equipment 142,1 k$ IBR-2 plus Infrastructure 295,8 k$ Total 734,6 k$ Salary 82 k$ International collaboration 19,6 k$ Materials and equipment 216 k$ Infrastructure 50 k$ Total 368 k$ Theme 1036 Nuclear Physics with Neutrons Theme 0993 IREN Project Extra-budget funds 6 RFBR Grants~200 k$ a year 2 ISTC Grants~150 k$ a year 1 INTAS Grant~20 k$ a year

4 Personnel About 140 people are working in the filed ~100 for the theme 1036 ~40 for the theme 0993 (IREN project)

5 Summary Fundamental research Fundamental research Experiments with polarized neutrons/nuclei Experiments with polarized neutrons/nuclei Test of the Time Reversal Invariance in Nuclear Reactions with Polarized Neutrons Test of the Time Reversal Invariance in Nuclear Reactions with Polarized Neutrons Investigation of parity violation effect in lead at IBR-2 Investigation of parity violation effect in lead at IBR-2 Study of neutron spin precession at IBR-2 Study of neutron spin precession at IBR-2 Search for the weak neutral current in the nucleon-nucleon interaction at ILL Search for the weak neutral current in the nucleon-nucleon interaction at ILL Fundamental properties of the neutron Fundamental properties of the neutron Direct measurement of the neutron-neutron scattering cross-section at the reactor YAGUAR, Snezhinsk. Direct measurement of the neutron-neutron scattering cross-section at the reactor YAGUAR, Snezhinsk. Measurement of neutron mean square charge radius Measurement of neutron mean square charge radius Ultracold neutrons and neutron optics Ultracold neutrons and neutron optics Neutron lifetime measurement Neutron lifetime measurement UCN weak upscattering UCN weak upscattering Test of the equivalence principle Test of the equivalence principle Precise measurement of the free falling acceleration for neutron Precise measurement of the free falling acceleration for neutron Nuclear fission Nuclear fission Neutron-induced fission studies at n_TOF (CERN) Neutron-induced fission studies at n_TOF (CERN) Measurements of prompt fission neutron emission at Geel (Belgium) Measurements of prompt fission neutron emission at Geel (Belgium) Studies of LCP-accompanied fission at Jyvaskyla (Finland) and Uppsala (Sweden) Studies of LCP-accompanied fission at Jyvaskyla (Finland) and Uppsala (Sweden) Experiment with Mini-Fobos at IBR-2 – search for exotic fission modes Experiment with Mini-Fobos at IBR-2 – search for exotic fission modes Applied research Applied research Nuclear data for science and technology Nuclear data for science and technology Measurements of fission cross sections at n_TOF (CERN) Measurements of fission cross sections at n_TOF (CERN) (n,p), (n,  ) measurements (n,p), (n,  ) measurements Measurements of prompt fission neutron emission at Geel (Belgium) Measurements of prompt fission neutron emission at Geel (Belgium) Measurements of delayed neutron emission at IBR-2 Measurements of delayed neutron emission at IBR-2 Measurements of total, fission, and capture cross sections for minor actinides and constructive materials at IBR-2 Measurements of total, fission, and capture cross sections for minor actinides and constructive materials at IBR-2 Environmental studies – REGATA project Environmental studies – REGATA project Neutron logging in space Neutron logging in space

6 Recommendations on the future of the IREN project  To realize the I st stage of the project including: disassembling and removal of the IBR-30 reactor, disassembling and removal of the IBR-30 reactor, design of the linear electron accelerator, design of the linear electron accelerator, design of a nonmultiplying target; design of a nonmultiplying target;  Close down temporarily all other developments.

7 Direct measurement of the neutron-neutron scattering cross- section at the reactor YAGUAR, Snezhinsk. Supported by ISTC Grant N 2286 Motivation Charge symmetry of the strong interaction Test QCD at low energy Verification of indirect methods of neutron-neutron scattering length extraction Applied aspects: precise neutronics of YAGUAR Fulfillment of “old dream” of experimentalists - direct measurement of neutron-neutron scattering Energy of YAGUAR pulse ~30 MJ Number of neutrons, flied out from the reactor per pulse ~10 18 Duration of the pulse ~1 ms Maximum of thermal neutron flux in central cavity of the reactor ~10 18 n/cm 2 /s Number of n-n collision per pulse ~10 7 Expected number of n-n scattered neutrons, counted by the detector 100  300

8 The subcritical assembly at DUBNA (SAD) ( accelerator driven system for nuclear waste incineration) Most important issues:  operational safety of sub-critical systems;  measurement of the ADS power;  monitoring of the subcriticality;  radiation protection;  coupling of an accelerator with a sub-critical reactor system Thermal power : up to 30 kW Proton energy : 600 MeV Beam power : up to 1 kW Fuel : MOX, UO 2 +PuO 2

9 Experiments with Mini-Fobos detector at IBR-2 Search for Cluster Collinear Tripartition in fission Fine structures in the mass-tke distributions

10 NEUTRON LOGGING IN SPACE: SEEKING WATER ON MARS AND OTHER PLANETS From orbital data – to data on the surface HEND: 2002-2006 DAN:2009-2012

11 Heavy Ion Physics Staff 310 people (including 100 younger than 35 years old) Staff 310 people (including 100 younger than 35 years old) Budget 4.6 M$ Budget ~ 4.6 M$ Out budget staff 110 people Out budget staff 110 people The scientific activity of the FLNR in the field of heavy-ion physics will be developed in three main directions. They are: The scientific activity of the FLNR in the field of heavy-ion physics will be developed in three main directions. They are:  Physics and chemistry investigations of the superheavy nuclei with Z  112; structure and properties of the neutron reach light exotic nuclei;  acceleration technology;  heavy ion interaction with matter and applied research. To accomplish these tasks the FLNR Cyclotron Complex will be developed for producing intense beams of accelerated ions of stable ( 48 Ca, 58 Fe, 64 Ni, 86 Kr) and radioactive ( 6 He, 8 He) isotopes. The U-400 and U-400M cyclotrons will be reconstructed; the facility DRIBS will be developed to be employed in the work; the set-up MASHA will be put into operation.

12 Chart of the nuclides 2004

13 Search in Nature Chemical properties (relativistic effect) Astrophysics (search for SHE in cosmic rays) Nucleosynthesis (test of the r-s process) Atomic physics (structure of SH-atoms) Elements with Z ≥ 120



16 Development of the FLNR cyclotron complex for producing intense beams of accelerated ions of stable and radioactive isotopes Development of U400 and U400M, project design for modernization of the U400 cyclotron Development of U400 and U400M, project design for modernization of the U400 cyclotron Development of ECR-ion sources Development of ECR-ion sources

17 U400  U400R Cyclotron average magnetic field level from 0,8 up to 1,8 T,  power consumption factor 4 less! Cyclotron average magnetic field level from 0,8 up to 1,8 T,  power consumption factor 4 less! Beam intensity of masses A ≈ 50 and energy ≈ 6 MeV/n up to 4 pμA; Beam intensity of masses A ≈ 50 and energy ≈ 6 MeV/n up to 4 pμA; Ion energy variation on the target with factor 5; Ion energy variation on the target with factor 5; Energy spread on the target up to 10 -3 ; Energy spread on the target up to 10 -3 ; Beam emittance on the target – 10 π mm·mrad. Beam emittance on the target – 10 π mm·mrad.

18 U-400M Low energy beam acceleration and extraction U-400M Low energy beam acceleration and extraction  Ion energy range 3  12 Mev/n  Energy spead in beams 10 -2  Beam emittance on the target 20  mm mrad  Ion masses range Li ÷ U  Extraction By stripping  Free shielded area for channels and installation -300 м 2

19 Dubna Radioactive Ion Beams

20 Radiation effects and modification of materials, radioanalytical and radioisotopic investigations using the FLNR accelerators Investigations of radiation effects in condensed media; Investigations of radiation effects in condensed media; Investigation of materials with low energy ions using ECR ion source; Investigation of materials with low energy ions using ECR ion source; Production of ultra-pure radioisotopes; Production of ultra-pure radioisotopes; Design of accelerator complexes for condensed matter investigations and production of radionuclides. Design of accelerator complexes for condensed matter investigations and production of radionuclides.

21 Low and Intermediate Energy Physics The future research programme in the field of low and intermediate energy physics will arise from the modern trends in this field with the utilization of experimental facilities and nuclear physics techniques that have been created in the DLNP up to now.

22 The fundamental research will be concentrated on the following topics: Non-accelerator physics The experimental investigation of neutrino properties via nuclear spectroscopic methods (NEMO, TGV, SuperNEMO, G&M and GEMMA) Searching for the dark matter in the Universe (DM-GTF, EDELWEISS-2) Experimental investigation of the space symmetry in nuclear semi-leptonic processes (AnCor) Accelerator physics Experimental investigation of the muonic catalysis on nuclear fission reactions (TRITON) Systematic experimental investigation of decay characteristics of radioactive nuclides and nuclear structures (YASNAPP-2 ISOL) Low and Intermediate Energy Physics

23 The applied research will be mainly concentrated on improvement and further development of proton and heavy ion therapy as well as on both innovative nuclear energy systems and waste transmutation issues.

24 Nuclear Theory The scientific programme of BLTP in the field of nuclear theory will be concern with theoretical understanding of the nuclear many-body system. Many essential questions will be addressed to the nuclear structure and dynamics, nuclear astrophysics. Much of what we know about nuclei, their structure and dynamics comes from nuclear reactions. Since many-body reaction models do not exist, a synthesis between microscopic structure theory and reaction must be made to incorporated and imbed the important few-body and many-body correlations into the reaction matrix elements. The study of symmetries in nuclei and how these symmetries can be broken will give guidelines to how to unify the large body of present knowledge. In many of the astrophysical models nuclear theory has to bridge a gap between experimental data and astrophysical application. The strategy of the BLTP is close collaboration with the JINR experimental groups.

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