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Roma Presented by: Joe Callahan, Jasmine Lopez, Neil Northey, Serina Valdez 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Roma Presented by: Joe Callahan, Jasmine Lopez, Neil Northey, Serina Valdez 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roma Presented by: Joe Callahan, Jasmine Lopez, Neil Northey, Serina Valdez 1

2 Agenda ● History and Overview ● Key Beliefs ● Cultural Patterns ● Current Issues & Concerns 2

3 Background and Context ● Genetic and linguistic studies show the Roma to be of Hindu descent from Northern India. ● Their migration to Europe began around 1050 A.D. ● Currently there are approximately 12 million Roma worldwide with the majority (10 million) residing in Europe’s main countries. ● Approximately 1 million Roma reside in the USA and 800,000 in Brazil. 3

4 History: Discrimination, Oppression, and Persecution In India they were in the lowest caste system (slaves/laborers) and in their migration to Europe many were enslaved, branded, expelled or killed. During WWII they were the first targets of the Nazi’s. 2 million Roma died in concentration camps and as recently as the 1980’s, Roma women in Czechoslovakia were sterilized to limit the Roma population. In the 21 st century, the Roma are still a persecuted minority and targeted by racist groups and denied access to jobs, housing, healthcare and other social services. 4

5 European-Dwelling Roma Location of Roma in Europe. 5

6 Demographics in Europe 8-10 Million currently living in Europe: 6

7 Religious Beliefs & Practices Centuries ago, Roma were the last people to be goddess-worshipping in Europe. o Kali - The Trinity Today, there is no single religion. Romani people adopt the religion of their host country in order to have formal religious affiliations, these are usually supplemented by these core beliefs... 7

8 Religious Beliefs & Practices ● The existence of Del The existence of Beng ● The existence of bibaxt (bad & muló ● The power of good luck charms, amulets & talismans ● The power of cures ● The power of healing rituals ●Marimé ●Pregnancy ●Baptism ●Three names ●Marriage ●Death ●Reincarnation ●No exposure of legs 8

9 Ontological Beliefs Spiritualism - Spirit realm is real and interactive with other realms. Materialism - Matter and energy are real. 9

10 Epistemological Beliefs Common Knowledge justifies claims by noting that most people in some social reference group believe it to be true. Religious Faith justifies claims by citing revelation, special teachers, important texts, or insights from personal prayer or meditation. Empiricism justifies claims by citing sensory experience, life experience, or scientific evidence. 10

11 Education ● Until this century, no formal education ● High illiteracy rate ● Once children of both sexes reach puberty, they are usually taken out of school o boys work with male elders ● However, some Roma people in Eastern Europe have become doctors, teachers, nurses, etc... 11

12 Ethical Teachings ●The Roma live by a complex set of rules that govern things such as cleanliness, purity, respect, honor and justice. ●These rules are referred to as what is "Rromano" which means to behave with dignity and respect as a Roma person. ●Ethically, Roma only have an obligation to their own community ●They use the world of the “gadze” (non-Roma) only for survival (food, trade, jobs, healthcare) 12

13 Core Values ● They place a high value on the community and extended family. ● Males have more authority than women. Women gain respect and authority once they have children. ● Codes of cleanliness - they may appear dirty to outsiders but they place a high value on personal hygiene. ● Roma only trust other Roma’s - they believe in their own uniqueness and separateness. ● The needs of the community come before the needs of the individual. 13

14 Important rituals, ceremonies, and social beliefs ● Sex ● Pregnancy ● Birth ● Death ● Marriage ● Washing of body/clothes ● Horsemeat 14

15 Cultural Patterns ● The cultural patterns of the Roma are diverse and some are influenced by the country of residence. ● Language: Roma language traced back to early language of N. India. ● Colorful dress of women ● Occupations: traders, fortune tellers, metal workers, recyclers ● View of cleanliness/impurities ● Unique beliefs and customs around birth, death, marriage & community. ● Social organization, community focus, nomadic life and gender roles 15

16 Poverty or Wealth 2011 Survey: FRA – EUROPEAN UNION AGENCY FOR FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS ● 90% of Roma’s live in households with incomes below poverty level. ● 41% of Roma’s go to bed hungry at least once a month due to poverty. ● 1 out of 3 working age Roma’s are unemployed. ● 42% of Roma’s live in homes without electricity or other utilities. ● Almost all Roma’s report experiencing discrimination when job hunting. Roma’s are the Slumdogs of Europe 16

17 Challenges ● Long history of persecution and discrimination ● stereotyped as: Thieves, outsiders ● Lack access to government services and health care, housing, schooling, and employment. 17

18 Response to challenges 1.Minority status recognition 2.Establishment of political parties 3.Development of cultural organizations, publication of books and newspapers in their language. 4.Gained attention of European Union which is actively working to improve the Roma status in all EU member states. Euro MPs demonstrate on behalf of Roma people in the parliament in Strasbourg. They show placards which translate as 'equal rights for all citizens'. Photograph: Johanna Leguerre/AFP/Getty Images 18

19 Roma Websites 19

20 Sources Cited ● (Slide # 3) ● ● 1.1575257 (#4) 1.1575257 ● (# 4) ● (# 8) ● (# 3) ● (#9, #11) ● (#7) ● (#13) (#13) ● (#12) ● (#14) ● (#11) (#11) ● 20

21 Thank You Questions? Comments? Concerns? 21

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