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Standard recombination between an F’ and the chromosome.

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Presentation on theme: "Standard recombination between an F’ and the chromosome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standard recombination between an F’ and the chromosome

2 Recombination between an F’ and a strain with a deletion (this doesn’t give Lac+)

3 Recombination between an F’ and a strain with a deletion (this does give Lac+)

4 Jeffery Miller made a series of ordered deletions of the lacI gene Ach!! about 1 amino acid apart!

5 He used these map mutations in lacI

6 An example from Miller’s work Schmeissner_JMB_1977 Horizontal red lines show where the mutations must lie—between the endpoints of the deletions to their immediate left and right

7 LacI monomer

8 LacI dimer bound to lacO

9 LacI dimer bound to DNA w/ HTH shown

10 Close up of LacI HTH bound to DNA

11 Binding of regulators to DNA is often at inverted repeats Regulator proteins bind as back-to-back dimer. This puts each binding domain in the right orientation with respect to the inverted repeat (protein toe binds 5’ end, heel binds 3’ end of the repeat) Binding sites have inverted repeats Inverted repeats are on the same side of the helix (spaced ~10 bp apart)

12 LacI dimer forms back to back

13 Other Helix-Turn-Helix (HTH) DNA-binding proteins TraR repressorCrp activator

14 Close up of Crp HTH bound to lac DNA

15 Mutations that give rise to stop codons

16 Frequencies of lacI mutations generated by different mutagens

17 Locations of nonsense mutations in LacI


19 Activity of suppressed nonsense mutations

20 Recombination frequencies between closely linked nonsense mutations

21 lacI(amber1) x F’ lacI(amber2) How frequent are LacI+ relative to distance separating the two mutations? Would expect that mutations that are close together would recombine less that ones that are far apart

22 Location of mutations in lacI that give different lacI phenotypes

23 cAMP levels during growth of E. coli

24 Effect of cAMP on LacZ induction Note that cAMP has less effect on induction on poor carbon sources than on glucose— Why is this?

25 cAMP alleviates diauxic growth

26 Adenyl cyclase activities of various E. coli strains


28 Effect of cAMP on cya mutants 1100 5336

29 Correlation of physical and genetic maps Answers “where are mutations located in a particular piece of genetic material”

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