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EnviroFlash! – What’s New in 2010 Prepared by Jessica Johnson Sonoma Technology, Inc. Petaluma, CA Scott Jackson U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Research.

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Presentation on theme: "EnviroFlash! – What’s New in 2010 Prepared by Jessica Johnson Sonoma Technology, Inc. Petaluma, CA Scott Jackson U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 EnviroFlash! – What’s New in 2010 Prepared by Jessica Johnson Sonoma Technology, Inc. Petaluma, CA Scott Jackson U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park, NC Presented at the 2010 National Air Quality Conferences Raleigh, NC March 15-18, 2010 3802

2 2 Outline EnviroFlash upgrades –Sign-up page –Automatic Twitter feeds –Real-time alerts EnviroFlash growth

3 3 Sign-Up Page Navigable –Zoom in and out –Pan Click on a city to –View forecasts –View current conditions –Subscribe

4 4 Customizable Sign-up Page Customized links HTML tool for web page content Link to images stored in EnviroFlash New, customizable header text

5 5 Twitter (1 of 3)

6 6 Twitter (2 of 3) Forecasts will automatically be posted daily Twitter followers can choose to receive tweets as text messages or emails

7 7 Twitter (3 of 3) Plug in your agency’s Twitter username and password You can use a different Twitter account for each EnviroFlash city

8 8 Real-Time Alerts (1 of 2) Configure real-time alerts the same as forecast and action day emails

9 9 Real-Time Alerts (2 of 2) Real-Time Alerts are available via –EnviroFlash emails –EnviroFlash Twitter –RSS feeds

10 10 EnviroFlash Growth During the past year Number of subscribers has grown from 21,168 to 132,465—an increase of over 500% Number of participating agencies has grown from 54 to 82

11 11 Questions? Thank You! Contact: Jessica JohnsonScott Jackson Data Management CenterU.S. EPA (707) 665-9900(303) 312-6107

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