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Emergency Contacts (ECON) draft-hardie-ecrit-iris-02 Andrew Newton, VeriSign Ted Hardie, Qualcomm Hannes Tschofenig, Siemens Andrew Newton IETF ECRIT Working.

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Presentation on theme: "Emergency Contacts (ECON) draft-hardie-ecrit-iris-02 Andrew Newton, VeriSign Ted Hardie, Qualcomm Hannes Tschofenig, Siemens Andrew Newton IETF ECRIT Working."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emergency Contacts (ECON) draft-hardie-ecrit-iris-02 Andrew Newton, VeriSign Ted Hardie, Qualcomm Hannes Tschofenig, Siemens Andrew Newton IETF ECRIT Working Group 2 August 2005 Paris, France

2 Service Type + Current approaches to service type are hierarchical lists. ▪ Certain functions are duplicated in the list. ▪ Hierarchy implies preference order. – Do forest rangers have a policing function or just a fire prevention function? + We have broken it down into: ▪ Function ▪ Area ▪ Target + We are not wed to this solution. + Many of the approaches are questionable as to their true applicability to users and user interfaces. + query added to support locally-scoped queries.

3 Caching + We added caching of answers by end clients. + In the case of civic addresses… ▪ If your civic address does not change within X number of minutes, do not requery. + In the case of geo… ▪ If your coordinates stay within polygon Y for X number of minutes, do not requery.

4 Database Replication in ECON + We take no single position on database replication with ECON. ▪ It most likely will differ greatly throughout the world. ▪ Isn’t it out of scope? + But we have identified 3 methods of conducting database replication with ECON. ▪ Serialized database entries to a file as specified in IRIS. – And the file transfer protocol of your choice. Many people like SFTP. ▪ ECONREP (ECON Replication) – Interactive IRIS profile. – Replication of entries before they become active. – Incremental replication. ▪ Anything you find that works better for your situation. – RDBMS replication – Shared Network Memory – Osmosis, crystal balls, and strong hope

5 Caching / Database Replication + Problematic ▪ Are the requirements for a cache or for database replication? ▪ What are the aggregation properties? – What about aggregation of data from different schemas? ▪ How are relationships managed? ▪ Do we really know all the requirements for specifying this? ▪ Intermixing server-to-server semantics with server-to-client semantics is bad. – If a client detects a one millimeter change in location, does it requery? + Charter Issue ▪ Isn’t this out of scope for the working group?

6 Object Signing Considered Harmful + My house is on fire. Who do I call? ▪ Please update your client with the proper trust anchors. – My house is still on fire. ▪ Please cryptographically verify these URIs. – It’s getting hotter. ▪ Please check this CRL. – Did I mention that my house is on fire? + Object signing is useful for diagnosing problems. ▪ But that happens after the incident, not during. ▪ All the mechanisms to get object signing to work seem to be a pretty heavy price to pay for a diagnostic tool.

7 Don’t Believe the FUD + IRIS was created in the CRISP working group by TLD operators. ▪ We know a thing or two about high resolution loads, operations of highly available services, and moving data around the globe. + If simple framing of XML is a concern, then we have bigger problems to worry about in ECRIT.

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