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SLAM Writing Technique. S Re-state your question as a statement. For Example: What does the word unique mean?

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Presentation on theme: "SLAM Writing Technique. S Re-state your question as a statement. For Example: What does the word unique mean?"— Presentation transcript:

1 SLAM Writing Technique

2 S Re-state your question as a statement. For Example: What does the word unique mean?

3 S Re-state your question as a statement. For Example: The word unique describes something that is an original or is not a copy of something else.

4 L Locate evidence from the text to support your statement. For Example: Walt Disney said it best when he stated, “The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.”

5 a Analyze the evidence using your own words. For Example: In other words, it is important to like who you are and what you are. You are the only human like you. You will always be you and no one else, so when you decide to get used to you, you will begin to enjoy your unique qualities.

6 m Make a meaningful connection. For Example: Everyone has qualities; potentials, assets, capabilities, abilities, talents. Learn what yours are and SHINE!

7 October 5, 2015 “America has believed that in differentiation, not in uniformity, lies the path of progress. It acted on this belief; it has advanced human happiness, and it has prospered.” - Louis D. Brandeis, U.S. Supreme Court justice (born 1856, died this date in 1941)

8 slam Let’s put it all together!

9 slam The word unique describes something that is an original or is not a copy of something else. Walt Disney said it best when he stated, “The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.” In other words, it is important to like who you are and what you are. You are the only human like you. You will always be you and no one else. So when you decide to get used to you, you will begin to enjoy your unique qualities. Everyone has qualities; potentials, assets, capabilities, abilities, talents. Learn what yours are and SHINE! s l m a What does the word unique mean?

10 S Re-state your question as a statement. In this case, you will state your reason. For Example: People should be prosecuted for online piracy because… People should not be prosecuted for online piracy because… Online piracy causes… Opponents to prosecuting people who download or upload online media may say… although… Those that suggest there should be fines for online piracy may have a point, although…

11 L Locate evidence from the text to support your statement. For Example: According to a struggling musician, “_______”. Statistics show that… Many people feel that… Surveys have been done that suggest… Personally, downloading music and videos…

12 a Analyze the evidence using your own words. For Example: In other words, … This evidence proves that… Considering these words…

13 m Make a meaningful connection. For Example: The next time you… Some may assume that… In view of the owner of the music or video…

14 Time to share Take out your SLAMs from yesterday. Read these to your partner. Check to see if your partner has 2 reasons and a counterclaim. Your partner will choose the one that is your very best SLAM and tell you why. Put a big star next to this one. Switch and repeat the directions. Be ready to share!

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