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Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) By Doug Lambert.

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Presentation on theme: "Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) By Doug Lambert."— Presentation transcript:

1 Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) By Doug Lambert

2 Service Area:

3 Why have an AVL System? Number One is SAFETY. Aiding in keeping track of crews during outages and for playing back after the outage for discussion. Productivity and improved customer service. “Big Brother” is not watching you!

4 Software and components involved Trakit AVL Software by IDA Corporation SQL Server (Key for Integration) LCRA Radio Network Data Capable radios SBEC LAN NISC MapView (GIS) Milsoft’s Outage Management System 60+ Fleet of Vehicles


6 Installed in Truck

7 Antenna on roof

8 SBEC Control Center


10 Screen Shots

11 Query Specific Vehicle

12 Follow a Vehicle

13 Setting up vehicles in software

14 Other Available Features Monitor Speed Alarm settings for traveling outside of defined area or into restricted areas. Replay and record location of each vehicle Multiple definable alarm settings ie. Time out when queried, powered up alarm… We don’t utilize these features.

15 Integration with our GIS



18 Future Plans Integration with Milsoft’s DisSpatch OMS utilizing the SQL server database. –Allow for display and assignment of trucks moving across the connectivity maps where our outages also display. –Minimize the need for additional applications to accomplish one task.

19 Issues Encountered Reliability Mic laying in seat… Antenna Connection poor Dead batteries in trucks “Are you spying on me?” attitudes

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