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Published byLeo Hutchinson Modified over 9 years ago
Physics at LHC Prague, 6-12 July, 2003 R. Kinnunen Helsinki Institute of Physics A/H -> and H + -> in CMS R. Kinnunen Physics at LHC Prague July 6 - 12, 2003 Helsinki Institute of Physics Helsinki, Finland
Physics at LHC Prague, 6-12 July, 2003 R. Kinnunen Helsinki Institute of Physics Contents H/A -> Cross sections and branching fractions Hadronic trigger -jet identification and hadronic jet suppression tagging with impact parameter measurement b-jet tagging in bbH/A Signal to background ratios and expected discovery reaches, tan mesurement from event rates H + -> Cross sections and branching fractions Trigger for H + -> in fully hadronic events polarization in H + -> and W + -> Signal to background ratios and expected discovery reaches, tan mesurement from event rates
Physics at LHC Prague, 6-12 July, 2003 R. Kinnunen Helsinki Institute of Physics - Efficient background reduction with b tagging in bbH/A Relative to SM, H/A -> ZZ, WW are strongly suppressed but - Higgs boson mass reconstruction for H,A -> Hbb, H , H couplings are enhanced at high tan How to search for heavy neutral MSSM Higgs bosons use bbH for production with H/A -> decay channels - 3 final states for H/A -> (jet+jet, lepton+jet, lepton+lepton) - H/A -> bb may be also viable (under study)
Physics at LHC Prague, 6-12 July, 2003 R. Kinnunen Helsinki Institute of Physics Production and decay of H, A Production through gg -> H/A and gg -> bbH/A gg->bbH/A dominates the production at large tan ~90% of the total production cros section BR(H -> ) ~ 10% for tan > 10 For large m A, enhancement of BR(H-> ) for larger | | parameter due suppression of H,A -> decays HIGLU,HQQ from of M. Spira et al. Pole mass for Yukawa coupling g g g g H H b b
Physics at LHC Prague, 6-12 July, 2003 R. Kinnunen Helsinki Institute of Physics Final states investigated for H, A -> H -> -> 2 jets BR ~ 42.0% Backgrounds from QCD multijet events, Z, * -> , tt, Wt, W+jets H, A -> -> lepton + jet BR ~ 45.6% H, A -> ->2 leptons BR ~ 12.4% Backgrounds from Z, * -> , tt, bb, Wt, WW, W+jets Simulation tools PYTHIA for event generation HDECAY for normalization of cross sections and branching fractions for two- jet and two-lepton channels Full simulation for trigger, selection, b tagging, mass reconstruction Fast simulation for signal to background ratios
Physics at LHC Prague, 6-12 July, 2003 R. Kinnunen Helsinki Institute of Physics Hadronic Tau trigger Level-1 output rate of 1-Tau and 2-Tau triggers: 3 kHz at low luminosity 6 kHz at high luminosity HLT output rate on tape for ’s: 4 (10) Hz at low (high) luminosity 93 (112) GeV for 1-Tau for low (high) luminosity 66 (76) GeV for 2-Tau for low (high) luminosity Trigger requirements: Efficiency: 78 (54)% for H-> , m H = 200 GeV, 1 or 2 Tau 81 (72)% for H+-> , m H+ = 200 GeV, 1 Tau Level-1 1-Tau and 2-Tau triggers on the calorimeter jet reconstructed in 12x12 trigger towers with maximum E t in the central 4x4 towers and no significant activity in the neighbouring towers (trigger tower = HCAL cell + 5x5 ECAL cells, x = 0.087x0.087 in the barrel) The required Level-1 rate can be achieved with the thresholds of
Physics at LHC Prague, 6-12 July, 2003 R. Kinnunen Helsinki Institute of Physics Level-2 Tau trigger Reconstruction of a jet centered at the hardest Level-1 jet Isolation in the EM calorimeter: Suppression of 3 for QCD background with E t em < 5.6 GeV Signal efficiency ~ 85% same for m H = 200 and 500 GeV Efficiency (QCD vs H-> 1/3 prong jets) as a function of E t cut-off - sum of the E t deposits in ECAL within 0.13 < R(jet direction, cell) < 0.4 jet definition: E t em < E t cut- off
Physics at LHC Prague, 6-12 July, 2003 R. Kinnunen Helsinki Institute of Physics Level-3 Pixel Tau trigger 1. Reconstruction of tracks around the Level-1 jet direction 2. Small signal cone ( R S = 0.07) around the hardest track 3. Larger isolation cone around jet direction Accept tracks only in the signal cone HLT efficiency for 1 or 3 tracks in the signal cone and for R = 0.35: QCD suppression ~ 10 3 signal efficiency ~ 40% using track counting in the Pixel (vertexing) detector: - good efficiency required, high p t accuracy not needed Efficiency (QCD vs H-> 1/3 prong jets) as a function of the isolation cone size
Physics at LHC Prague, 6-12 July, 2003 R. Kinnunen Helsinki Institute of Physics Off-line jet identification Exploits further the narrowness and the isolation of the jet in the full tracker Define a narrow signal cone r = 0.03 (0.07 for HLT) around the leading track direction 1. Leading track cut: Find the leading track in the L1 jet, set a cut p t > 40 GeV jet isolation: No track, p t > 1 GeV, allowed within 0.03 < R < 0.4 3. Number of tracks in the signal cone: 1 or 3 tracks in the signal cone (p t leading > 40 GeV) 4. Further reduction of hard QCD jets: Very hard QCD jets can be further suppressed with a cut in p t leading / E t jet
Physics at LHC Prague, 6-12 July, 2003 R. Kinnunen Helsinki Institute of Physics Simulation of the QCD di-jet background using (for the moment) a rejection factor as a function of E t jet (initial QCD di-jet rate ~10 12 events for 60 fb -1 ) efficiency verified with full simulation and complet reconstruction for p t gen < 170 GeV Suppression of ~ 1000 per jet can be obtained Signal efficiency (per event) including Level-1 and HLT trigger from full simulation: m H = 200 GeV 0.8% m H = 500 GeV 8.9% selection efficiency for hadronic QCD jets from fast simulation
Physics at LHC Prague, 6-12 July, 2003 R. Kinnunen Helsinki Institute of Physics impact parameter tagging in H -> The lifetime is small, c ~ 90 m, but can be still used to further supress the fake ’s from Z -> ll and from QCD multi-jet events using impact parameter measurement (1 or 3 prong ’s) and vertex reconstruction (3 prong ’s) S. Lehti CMS full simulation and reconstruction Best separation combining the measurements in the two jets into one variable sqrt( ip ( 1 ) 2 + ip ( ) 2 ) where ip ( 1 ) and ip ( ) are significansies of the impact parameter measurements of the leading tracks in jets 1 and 2 Signal efficisiency ~ 60% QCD suppression factor of ~ 9
Physics at LHC Prague, 6-12 July, 2003 R. Kinnunen Helsinki Institute of Physics B jet tagging in gg -> bbH/A Tagging of the associated b jets is the most efficient way to reduce the Z, * -> (bbZ ~ 1-2 %) and to further reduce the QCD multijet events Associated b jets in gg -> bbH/A are soft and uniformly distributed over | | < 2.5: Efficiencies (E t threshold + tagging propability) relatively low Significance of the signed transverse impact parameter CMS full simulation and complete reconstruction Tagging algorithm: at least 2 tracks, p t > 1 GeV, ip > 2, inside the jet cone Efficiency per jet: 32% non- jets in bbH ~ 2 % light quark and gluon jets non- jets in gg -> bbH/A jets in QCD di-jet events
Physics at LHC Prague, 6-12 July, 2003 R. Kinnunen Helsinki Institute of Physics Higgs boson mass reconstruction in H -> The neutrinos from H -> ( -> hadrons+, -> l+ ) are emitted close to the directions of the visible ’s (jets or leptons): neutrino reconstruction possible using the E t miss measurement in events with 0) m H = sqrt(2 E E (1-cos jj Higgs boson mass from full simulation for H -> -> two jets, m H = 500 GeV, tan = 20, with jet jet < 175 o Efficiency ( cut E E >0) 36% fit 14.9% Efficiency and resolution sensitive to the E t miss measurement and to the cut jet, e, jet E t miss jj
Physics at LHC Prague, 6-12 July, 2003 R. Kinnunen Helsinki Institute of Physics Event selection for A,H-> -> 2 jets Basic event selection: - 2 jets passing the Level-1 and HLT triggers and the off-line selection (1 or 3 hard tracks, isolation) - tagging with impact parameters - Higgs boson mass reconstruction ( cut, E , E > 0) i) Further selection with E t miss : - E t miss > 40 GeV -central jet veto beyond 30 GeV ii) Further selection with b-jet tagging: - one b-tagged jet, E t > 20 GeV - central jet veto beyond 30 GeV Two alternatives for further reduction: larger staistics but poor S/B much improved S/B but lower statistics Total background
Physics at LHC Prague, 6-12 July, 2003 R. Kinnunen Helsinki Institute of Physics Leptonic final states, H/A -> -> e , ll Event selection: - 2 isolated leptons, p t > 20 GeV - one tagged b jet, veto on second central jet beyond 30 GeV - impact parameter tagging lepton+lepton final states can be used to double the statistics lepton + jet final states, H/A -> -> l + jet Event selection: - one isolated lepton (p t > 20 GeV), one jet (E t > 40 GeV) - one tagged b jet, second jet veto - Higgs boson mass reconstruction Reach not yet optimized for large m A (> 200 GeV) in CMS H/A -> -> e m A = 200 GeV tan = 20 H/A -> -> ll - Higgs boson mass reconstruction
Physics at LHC Prague, 6-12 July, 2003 R. Kinnunen Helsinki Institute of Physics Expected 5 -discovery reach for H/A -> Results for H/A -> from full simulation and complete reconstruction Variation of BR(H -> ) due to H -> i j decay modes ~ 40% at m H =500 GeV, tan =20, for -200 GeV < < 500 GeV Higgs boson mass resolution ~ 2%
Physics at LHC Prague, 6-12 July, 2003 R. Kinnunen Helsinki Institute of Physics Measurement of tan in H -> from event rates using the tan dependence BR ~ tan 2 * x - Luminosity uncertainty L/L ~ 5% - Theoretical uncertainty on the cross section for gg -> bbH: dx/x ~ 30% - The gg -> bbH component is selected by b jet tagging: 1b or 2b tagging, less theoretical uncertainty and higher experimental purity with 2b tagging tan /tan = ½ * sqrt((N S +N B ) / N S 2 + ( L/L) 2 + ( x/x) 2 ) tan /tan 1b tagging 2b tagging H/A -> -> 2 jets, m A = 500 GeV, tan = 40, 60 fb -1 16% 19% H/A -> -> lepton + jets, m A = 200 GeV, tan = 20, 30 fb -1 16% H/A -> -> e , m A = 140 GeV, tan = 14, 30 fb -1 18% dominated by rate uncertainty up to tan ~ 30 Precision of Higgs boson mass measurement in H/A -> -> 2 jets m A = 500 GeV, tan = 40, 60 fb -1 m H /m H = 1.5% m A = 200 GeV, tan = 40, 60 fb -1 m H /m H = 1. 2%
Physics at LHC Prague, 6-12 July, 2003 R. Kinnunen Helsinki Institute of Physics How to search for charged Higgs bosons at LHC If m H+ < m top : Production through tt events, t -> bH + accessible through the H + -> t 2 -> lepton+qq final state If m H+ > m top : Production through gg -> tbH +, gb -> tH +, qq’ -> H +, gg -> H + H -, gg -> W + H - -gg -> tbH +, gb -> tH + most promising processes, cross sections large enough and the associated top and b jets can be used for background reduction H+H+ H+H+ - gg -> H + H -, gg -> W + H - have small production cross sections -Event rate sufficient for qq’ -> H + -> but suppression of the qq’ -> W-> background is difficult tg b g g t b
Physics at LHC Prague, 6-12 July, 2003 R. Kinnunen Helsinki Institute of Physics One tagged b jet enough to suppress the backgrounds, use gb -> tH + Event generation with PYTHIA Normalization of the production cross sections to T. Plehn, MADPH-02-1275 T. Plehn Normalization of branching fractions to HDECAY HDECAY tan = 30 H + ->
Physics at LHC Prague, 6-12 July, 2003 R. Kinnunen Helsinki Institute of Physics Trigger for H + -> , -> jet + -Cut on the leading track and isolation needed Level-1: single Tau trigger (E t > 93 GeV, low luminosity) High Level Trigger: cut on E t miss in the calorimetry (possible due to off-line E t miss > 100 GeV) Level-3 Single Tau: - Reconstruction of tracks in the full tracker within the L1 jet Efficiency for p t leading track > 20 GeV and isolation in 0.065 < R < 0.4: QCD rejection ~ 30 Signal efficiency ~ 58% QCD rejection ~ 100 for E t miss > 65 GeV Efficiency (QCD vs H-> 1/3 prong jets) as a function of p t cut for the leading track
Physics at LHC Prague, 6-12 July, 2003 R. Kinnunen Helsinki Institute of Physics polarization in H + -> and W + -> H+H+ ++ ++ ++ H + -> leads to harder pions from and from the longidutinal components of and a 1 than the corresponding decays in W + -> W+W+ ++ ++ ++ TAUOLA interfaced to PYTHIA -> LL ,a 1 T L,a 1 L Large suppression of W -> in tt, Wt, W+jet using the cut: p leading track / E jet > 0.8: Signal, m H+ = 400 GeV 46% Signal, m H+ = 200 GeV 22% tt background 1.8% jet = calorimeter jet from -> hadrons + tt background Signal
Physics at LHC Prague, 6-12 July, 2003 R. Kinnunen Helsinki Institute of Physics Event selection for gb -> tH ±, H ± -> Quasi two-body decay between the jet and E t miss in fully hadronic events -> almost background-free situation in m T ( -jet,E t miss ) - E t jet > 80 – 100 GeV, containing a hard track with p t track /E t jet > 0.8 - E t miss > 100 GeV - Veto on 5 th jet, veto on second top quark Cut on ( jet, E t miss ) -> low mass background can be suppressed ( jet, E t miss ) > 20 o m T ( jet, E t miss ) - Reconstruction of associated hadronic top from two jetand one b-tagged jet ( jet, E t miss ) tt background Signal background 30 fb -1
Physics at LHC Prague, 6-12 July, 2003 R. Kinnunen Helsinki Institute of Physics Expected 5 -discovery reach for charged Higgs boson H + -> tb and qq’ -> H + -> are also promising good background knowledge needed Excess of ’s can be measured in tt, t -> bH +, H + -> for m H+ < m top No sensitivity for intermediate tan with gb -> tH + (with SM decay channels): H + -> Wh, h -> bb accessible (in MSSM) only at small tan tan measurement from event rates using ~ tan 2 at high tan Expected uncertainty for tan >30 with 20% theoretical uncertainty : tan /tan < 14% for m H+ = 200 GeV tan /tan < 20% for m H+ = 400 GeV
Physics at LHC Prague, 6-12 July, 2003 R. Kinnunen Helsinki Institute of Physics Conclusions H/A -> accessible for 30 fb -1 with e and ll final states for tan > 14 at m A = 140 GeV jet+ lepton final states for tan > 10 at m A = 200 GeV and for 60 fb -1 with 2 jet final states for tan > 18 at m A = 200 GeV tan > 25 at m A = 500 GeV tan determination with event rates: tan /tan = 16% for H/A -> -> 2 jets, m A = 500 GeV, tan = 40 16% for H/A -> -> lepton+jet, m A = 200 GeV, tan = 20 18% for H/A -> -> e , m A = 140 GeV, tan = 14 14% for gb -> tH +,H + -> , m A = 200 GeV, tan = 30 H + -> accessible in gb -> tH + in fully hadronic final states with 30 fb -1 for tan > 20 at m A = 200 GeV tan > 32 at m A = 400 GeV Search for H/A and H + can start early, with < 10 fb -1 With ~ 60 fb -1 masses in the 500 – 800 GeV range accessible more specifically : m H /m H in H/A -> -> 2 jets, tan = 40, 60 fb -1 : 1.2% for m A = 200 GeV 1.5% for m A = 500 GeV
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