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CD-REDD2 Forest National GHG Inventories Kick off meeting Sandro Federici, Gea Galluzzi Bonn 27 th May, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "CD-REDD2 Forest National GHG Inventories Kick off meeting Sandro Federici, Gea Galluzzi Bonn 27 th May, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 CD-REDD2 Forest National GHG Inventories Kick off meeting Sandro Federici, Gea Galluzzi Bonn 27 th May, 2010

2 Setting the context REDD+ will be an instrument to award developing countries for mitigation actions Common approach to monitoring, reporting and verifying results to ensure comparability in outcomes of different actions and/or different countries Under the UNFCCC such an approach is based on the National System and the National GHG Inventory Developing countries should become familiar with these instruments to ensure a prompt start of REDD+

3 Setting the context The National System includes all institutional, legal and procedural arrangements made within a Party for monitoring and reporting purposes, in particular for: production of estimates for the National GHG Inventory reporting and archiving inventory information, aimed at ensuring the transparency, consistency, comparability, completeness and accuracy of National GHG Inventory It collects data from the monitoring instruments (inputs) and elaborates it in the National GHG Inventory (outputs).

4 Setting the context The National GHG Inventory is the instrument for calculating and reporting national sectoral GHG balances. (reporting) To ensure equivalence among GHG balances of different countries and sectors, estimates reported in the Inventory have to comply with the five reporting principles of Transparency, Consistency, Comparability, Completeness, and Accuracy

5 Setting the context Challenges: Science and methodologies are continuously evolving National circumstances (including technical skills) are highly variable in time and space Therefore a standardized system aimed at high quality estimates may: be complex for currently available technical skills be unable to address specific circumstances be soon outdated be costly deliver POOR QUALITY data at HIGH COSTS

6 CDREDD approach On the contrary Building a national GHG inventory with a stepwise, learning by doing approach - based on IPCC guidelines – allows: starting with current technical skills and data availability gradually and continuously improving quality of estimates while technical skills are being further developed This approach addresses different national circumstances in a cost-effective way

7 Why a NATIONAL inventory? To ensure permanence (through continuity of inventory activities) To avoid accounting for mere displacement of emissions For coordination, consistency and continuous improvement of inventory activities Why follow UNFCCC guidelines? For ensuring application of the principles of estimating science: transparency, consistency, comparability, completeness, accuracy For consistency and comparability among national mitigation efforts (fundamental for rewarding REDD+ achievements either through a fund or a market mechanism) CDREDD approach

8 Why follow IPCC guidelines? To make GHG Inventories compliant with the 5 principles of estimating science For a “learn by doing” approach and continuous improvement of methods, data and technical skills, thanks to: o Key category analysis o Uncertainty analysis o Tiered approach (+ Independent review based on UNFCCC guidelines) To cover all possible national circumstances through a tiered approach CDREDD approach

9 CD-REDD2 Programme Scope of the programme Build capacity on National GHG Inventory for the AFOLU sector with focus on forest related GHG fluxes (reporting) Provide trained experts from developing countries for the UNFCCC inventory review process for the AFOLU sector (verification)

10 CD-REDD2 Programme Outputs Acquire knowledge on IPCC Guidelines Decision-making autonomy Institutional Arrangements for National Systems Documentation and Category-by-Category Description Key Category Analysis Quality Assurance and Quality Control Measures Inventory Archive System Zero order draft of the National GHG Inventory for the forest sector National Inventory Improvement Plan

11 CD-REDD2 Programme Methodological Approach  output by output  evolutionary approach (progressively increasing quality and completeness)  based on land classification and stratification of data

12 CD-REDD2 Programme Output by output Practical exercises to verify the learning progress will ensure the achievement of each output before moving to the next  Evolutionary approach Start from Tier 1 and only forest-related GHG emissions/removals, and then progressively:  increase in coverage (C pools and categories)  increase in complexity and (hopefully) quality

13 CD-REDD2 Programme Land classification and stratification  Start with IPCC land categories in order to identify and track land uses and land-use changes (each category having different methodologies for GHG estimation)  Stratify data within each land category to increase homogeneity in measures thereby reducing uncertainty

14 CD-REDD2 Programme Activities Global Regional National

15 CD-REDD2 Programme Global Activities  3 workshops to establish a common methodological approach for the year’s activities and monitor results WS1: National System, functions and process, followed by mail-based tests for verification of lessons learned WS2: Data collection methodologies, review and update of activities in light of any new UNFCCC/IPCC decision/guidelines WS3: Revision of the zero order draft of the National GHG Inventory for the forest sector and planning of potential improvements Participation of delegates from all countries involved and experts from all agencies Scheduled around the annual COP

16 CD-REDD2 Programme Regional Activities  one workshop and one training course (carried out together) Basic elements and steps for the National GHG Inventory preparation process, followed by tests for verification of the lessons learned Participation of delegates from target countries of the region

17 CD-REDD2 Programme National Activities  2 training courses per country NA1: Training on methodologies contained in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for the AFOLU sector, assisted preparation of the Country Plan, followed by verification of lessons learned Between the first and the second course, participants will be requested to collect available in-country data for the forest sector NA2: Assisted application of methodologies to the national data for preparation of a zero-order draft of the National GHG Inventory for the forest sector. Review by UNFCCC reviewers

18 CD-REDD2 Programme Material  relevant UNFCCC materials on National System and National GHG Inventory: - Decision 19/CMP.1 on “Guidelines for national systems under Article 5, paragraph 1, of the Kyoto Protocol” - Updated UNFCCC reporting guidelines on annual inventories following incorporation of the provisions of decision 14/CP.11 - FCCC/SBSTA/2006/9 - Annotated outline of the National Inventory Report - Common Reporting Format tables for National GHG Inventories

19 CD-REDD2 Programme Material  2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventory: -Volume 1 -Volume 4 -Glossary

20 CD-REDD2 Programme Lessons  National System: - Role and responsibilities of involved entities; - Strategy for data collection and selection; - Quality Assurance (QA) activities including review procedures conducted by personnel not directly involved in the inventory compilation/development process for verification; - Archiving of data; - Improvements; - National GHG Inventory process (within a time cycle of 2 years);

21 CD-REDD2 Programme Lessons  National GHG Inventory general issues: - Key Category analysis - Uncertainty analysis - Timeseries - Description and documentation - Quality Control (QC) activities, to measure and control the quality of the inventory as it is being developed

22 CD-REDD2 Programme Lessons  National AFOLU GHG Inventory: - Land Representation Methods - Carbon Stock Changes Methods - Forest Land - Other land uses: Cropland, Grassland, Wetlands, Settlements and Other Land - Other GHG sources: Livestock, Soils

23 CD-REDD2 Programme Lessons  Most relevant elements for monitoring: - Remote sensing - Forest Inventory - national statistics from agriculture and natural resources

24 Time (trimesters) 2010201120122013 IIIIIIVIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIVIII ScaleScale GlobalGlobal Project kick-off meeting I Worksh op (before COP16) Exercis es II Workshop (after COP17) Exer cises III Workshop (after COP18) Proj ect Eval uati on Web remote assistance RegionalRegional Worksh ops and training courses Exercise s NationalNational In country visit for setting up the National GHG Inventory for the AFOLU sector Training courses Exercises Collection of available national data Training courses submissio n of the zero draft forest GHG Inventory

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