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Deforestation: Mayan & Roman Empire

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Presentation on theme: "Deforestation: Mayan & Roman Empire"— Presentation transcript:

1 Deforestation: Mayan & Roman Empire
Prompt: How did excessive use of resources, imperial governments cause damage which generated social tensions and economic difficulties by concentrating too much wealth in the hands of elites? By: Allie Cawyer

2 Mayan:Reasons The Mayans used the wood for fuel
Used trees to make plaster to build buildings Also used for Construction

3 Mayan:Results Drought Climate change Soil nutrient depletion
Limited resources Led to collapse of Mayan empire

4 Roman: Reason & Results
Elitist Roman society Warfare Diseases Climate Changes Soil erosion

5 Mayans vs. Romans Mayan: Similarities: Roman:
Used trees for fuel, plaster and construction for general population Drought Population increased Swift collapse Similarities: Deforestation resulted in soil erosion Climate change Lack of water Deforestation weakened agriculture and farm land Roman: Used tree for growth and development for rich Diseases Population decreased Weakened over time, then finally collapsed

6 Bibliography Diamond, Jared. “Collapse: How Societies Choose To Fail Or Succeed.” New York: Penguin Group, 2005. Dubh, A. “Earth Changes: Causes of Ancient Deforestation.” Last accessed on September 7, Himmelsbach, Vawn. “CBC NEWS: Discover lost Mayan in Guatemala’s Mirador Basin.” Last accessed on September 7,2011. Murray, Louise. “Earth Times: 8,00 years of man made environmental impact.” Last accessed September 7, Wells, H.G. “The Outline of History.” Last accessed on September 7,

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