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Local Correlation-based Fingerprint Matching

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Presentation on theme: "Local Correlation-based Fingerprint Matching"— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Correlation-based Fingerprint Matching
Authors: Karthik Nandakumar, Anil K. Jain Source: To Appear in Proceedings of ICVGIP, Kolkata, December 2004 Speaker: Shu-Fen Chiou(邱淑芬)

2 Outline Introduction Proposed Method Experimental Results Conclusions

3 指紋 特性: 唯一/萬人不同的關鍵性 特徵本身之永久不變 事後追查的能力 特徵取得之變動性

4 指紋辨識 Query Minutiae Template Minutiae

5 Proposed Method Minutiae Extraction Fingerprint Alignment
Local Correlation-based Matching

6 Minutiae Extraction

7 Minutiae Extraction

8 Fingerprint Alignment

9 Fingerprint Alignment

10 Local Correlation-based Matching

11 Experimental Results Data : 160 users

12 Experimental Results

13 Experimental Results

14 Conclusions The performance of our algorithm is slightly inferior to that of the 2D dynamic programming based minutiae matcher, mainly due to the inability to handle fingerprint images of very low quality. However, integrating the proposed algorithm with the 2D dynamic programming based matching yields a better matcher.

15 Comment R tree db Location, relation,… Template image R tree Match
Query image

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