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Moving to a Results Based-Management Environment Progress Report April 2013 1.

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1 Moving to a Results Based-Management Environment Progress Report April 2013 1

2 GENERAL STANDARDS: Article 88 states that “In order to facilitate the formulation of the budget, the General Secretariat shall: Prepare, as far as possible, a classification of the mandates in each area, according to the level of priority the General Secretariat believes they should have” GENERAL ASSEMBLY: As stated in its 2013 Budget Resolution and in previous resolutions, instructs the Secretary General: a. To provide member states with a detailed report, on an annual basis, regarding the results achieved and the resources allocated for compliance with the mandates of the Organization. This information should be broken down by pillar, responsible area of the General Secretariat, and object of expenditure; b. To continue, in consultation with the member states and in coordination with the Working Group on the Review of OAS Programs, the implementation of a planning process that identifies strategic objectives, establishes operational results, and aligns programs and projects to the mandates issued by the political bodies. The formulation of strategic objectives to guide the Organization’s planning process will be in keeping with the essential purposes of the Organization as set forth in the Charter of the Organization of American States, and will be adopted in due course by the General Assembly;. The main requirements regarding the follow-up of mandates are the following: Mandates regarding Mandates Follow-Up 2

3 Mandates regarding Mandates Follow-Up (Continued) c. To continue, in consultation with the member states and in collaboration with the Working Group on the Review of OAS Programs, the evaluation of the Organization’s programs and projects pursuant to the mandates issued by the political bodies and, subsequently, to define and establish the operational results in accordance with the strategic objectives and the alignment process referred to in the previous paragraph, which will be adopted by the General Assembly, taking into account the comparative advantages of the Organization, and to allocate budgetary resources accordingly; and d. To ensure that the budget formulation process be guided by strategic objectives, programmed results, and related indicators.

4 MEMBER STATES: During the 2008-2009 CAAP Sessions, the CAAP, at the request of the Permanent Mission of Mexico, instructed the GS/OAS to develop reporting tools that would inform the CAAP on the implementation of General Assembly mandates for the preceding three years. This was fully supported by all CAAP delegates. During the 2010-2011 CAAP Sessions, the CAAP validated the classification structure for mandates, and on that accomplished an exercise of prioritization. Later, a new exercise to identify obsolete mandates began under the leadership of the Permanente Mission of Mexico. GENERAL SECRETARIAT: The GS, through SAF, identified and classified more than 2300 mandates approved since 1935 to 2012, and linked to them the programmed resources from all the existing funds In 2012, programmed results at the level of Sub-pillars and Groups of Mandates were identified. In the first quarter of 2013 a first draft of the Results Based Budget was elaborated and the quarterly report to incorporate results by all the areas of the General Secretariat was redesigned. Background 4 Development of a Mandates Management Tool further responds to requests from stakeholders that we more adequately account for compliance with mandates. In addition, it supports the GS/OAS transition to results-based budgeting.

5 Challenges identified in January 2013 5 Increase accuracy of programed results Develop the capacity to report compliance with these mandates

6 Advances from January 2013 6 Workshops with 42 areas of the Organization with the objective of obtaining a more precise identification of programmed results. First integral reports on the mandates compliance in process of incorporation to the quarterly report. Achieved Results in 2012 with the corresponding allocated resourses in progress.

7 Challenges identified in April 2013 7 Stabilize the mandates classification based on recommendations from the Member States. Strengthening the ability to report on the compliance of these mandates.

8 Mandates Registration Aggregation and Classification of Mandates Linking Mandates to Planned Results and Programmed Resources Programmatic Reporting and Follow-up Integration with OASES and OAS core systems Phase 1 Phase 2 Development Plan 8

9 Aggregation and Classification of Mandates Estructura de Mandatos y Resultados 9 Immediate Outcomes Intermediate Outcomes Final Outcomes Outputs Pillar Sub-pillar Group of Mandates Aggregation and Classification of Results

10 Mandates Registration and Classification Progress in the Implementation of the Development Plan during 2012 The new Mandates approved in 2012 were registered and classified at the levels of pillars and sub-pillars. The current total of Mandates surpass 2,300. Linking Mandates to Planned Results and Programmed Resources: Planned results at the level of immediate results and their resources were linked to groups of mandates. Planned results at the level of intermediate results and their resources were linked to sub-pillars. Planned results at the level of immediate results and their resources were linked to groups of mandates. Planned results at the level of intermediate results and their resources were linked to sub-pillars. The Member States started a process of reviewing the validity of the mandates

11 Mandates Registration and Classification: Ongoing activities Recording and classification of mandates is now a regular process in the management of the General Secretariat. Linking Mandates to Planned Results and Programmed Resources: A new additional format for the program-budget, based on the mandates structure, is being presented to the CAAP as the first draft for a Results Based Budget. Final results, linked to pillars, will be elaborated and presented to the CAAP during 2013. A new additional format for the program-budget, based on the mandates structure, is being presented to the CAAP as the first draft for a Results Based Budget. Final results, linked to pillars, will be elaborated and presented to the CAAP during 2013. Linking Mandates to Planned Results and Programmed Resources: Programmed results and achieved results are being incorporated into the quarterly reports.

12 Pending activities Integration with OASES and OAS core systems

13 Moving to a Results-Based Management Environment 13

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