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Building Strong Library Associations | Library Associations in Society: An Overview DAY 1 Session 6 Analysis of Constraints and Opportunities (using SWOT)

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Presentation on theme: "Building Strong Library Associations | Library Associations in Society: An Overview DAY 1 Session 6 Analysis of Constraints and Opportunities (using SWOT)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Strong Library Associations | Library Associations in Society: An Overview DAY 1 Session 6 Analysis of Constraints and Opportunities (using SWOT) and determining Outcomes: Slides

2 Building Strong Library Associations | Library Associations in Society Learning Outcomes At the end of this session participants should be able to:  Identify constraints and opportunities for their library association’s proposal.  Consider the intended outcomes of their proposal for their library association. Outcomes for participants

3 Building Strong Library Associations | Library Associations in Society It is a framework that can be used to scan the environment or to analyse a key issue. S is for Strength W is for Weakness O is for Opportunity T is for Threat What is SWOT?

4 Building Strong Library Associations | Library Associations in Society Most organisations use SWOT as part of their (strategic) planning to undertake an environmental analysis. In this instance, the organisation looks at its vision (where it sees itself headed), its mission (what it is set up to achieve) and its values. Then the landscape in which the organisation operates is examined (political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal) prior to formulating goals and objectives for a defined planning period. SWOT is a tool for this analysis. How is SWOT used?

5 Building Strong Library Associations | Library Associations in Society SWOT in the planning context Vision Values / Beliefs Mission SWOT Goals Objectives

6 Building Strong Library Associations | Library Associations in Society SWOT analysis involves looking at the positive and negative, or challenging, factors that face the organisation. Some are: SWOT Analysis

7 Building Strong Library Associations | Library Associations in Society Questions to ask and answer: What do we do exceptionally well? What advantages do we have? What valuable assets and resources do we have? What do members/stakeholders identify as our strengths? Strengths

8 Building Strong Library Associations | Library Associations in Society Questions to ask and answer: What could we do better? What are we criticised for or receive complaints about? Where are we vulnerable? Weaknesses

9 Building Strong Library Associations | Library Associations in Society Questions to ask and answer: What opportunities do we know about, but have not been able to address? Are there emerging trends on which we can capitalise? Opportunities

10 Building Strong Library Associations | Library Associations in Society Are any of our weaknesses likely to make us critically vulnerable? What external roadblocks exist that block our progress? Are our competitors or quasi-competitors doing anything different? Is there significant change coming in our members' sector? Is technology dramatically changing the sector and services to it? Are economic conditions affecting our financial viability? Threats

11 Building Strong Library Associations | Library Associations in Society SWOT analysis can be very helpful to identify the issues impacting on an association. The results can: Open up new opportunities that had not yet been considered Guide the development of the strategic plan Help focus on the challenges that the association will face when moving to the operational plans. Strategic Awareness

12 Building Strong Library Associations | Library Associations in Society Small Group Activity The SWOT worked example is based on a library association preparing a proposal for a professional development programme using BSLA materials. If your library association were preparing a similar proposal would it have the same constraints? Opportunities? Discuss within your group. SWOT : Worked Example (20 mins)

13 Building Strong Library Associations | Library Associations in Society Outcomes can be defined as broad, desired end-states brought about by a specific intervention ( e.g., an initiative; a project; a plan). Example: a professional education programme using BSLA materials. If this proposal were to be supported by IFLA, or similar organisation, the outcomes and benefits might include: Improved educational opportunities for members and affiliates. Improved benefits to attract and retain association members. Improved skills and capabilities of members and affiliates. Heightened expertise of library association staff to manage and sustain the association. Increased expertise and capability of members to advocate for the profession. Outcomes

14 Building Strong Library Associations | Library Associations in Society Indirectly, the outcomes might also influence: An enhanced image of the profession Increased authority and respect for the profession from government agencies, partner organisations, sponsors and potential donors. Indirect Outcomes

15 Building Strong Library Associations | Library Associations in Society 1. Association SWOT Distribute Handout 4: Blank SWOT and ask each participant to work in association pairs to analyse their chosen development proposal topic using the SWOT framework (15 minutes). This will help identify the internal (strengths and weaknesses) and external (opportunities and threats) factors to be considered when framing their proposal. Participants should be encouraged to refine or modify their proposals if the SWOT analysis reveals potential barriers or opportunities. Activity: Application of SWOT by participants 15minutes

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