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3 (256) 679-4241 (256) 883-3993 Facebook: Kenny Anderson City of Huntsville Multicultural Affairs Impact with Kenny Anderson Twitter: therealKennyA MculturalHsv

4 Caring for the Caregiver 31 ST INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CHILD ABUSE THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 2015 8:30 – 10:00 AM

5 My key learning for this seminar was……………… In my current position, I can use this information to……………………….. I am going to share this information with........ I plan to develop my skills in this area by……… My Contract with Myself

6 Learning Objectives  Identify the major and minor signs of caregiver fatigue  Identify when caregivers should seek help  Identify where caregivers can find help

7 Emotional Intelligence (EI)

8 What’s your EQ?

9 Caregiver’s Checklist  I feel selfish when I put my needs before others’ needs.  In many instances, I find myself unable to stop caring for others.  I love my work so much I find myself working during non- work hours.  If I don’t do it, no one will.  I want to exercise and eat right, but I can’t find the time.

10 Caregiver’s Checklist  I rarely have a choice as how I use my ‘spare’ time.  I get exhausted easily.  I tend to worry a lot.  It’s hard for me to sleep at times because there’s always a lot on my mind.  I skip meals sometimes or remain at my workplace while eating meals.

11 Perspective  “Caregiving is universal. There are only four kinds of people in the world: those who have been caregivers, those who currently are caregivers, those who will be caregivers, and those who will need caregivers.” ~Rosalyn Carter

12 Balance is the key….

13 This looks like a job for ………..!

14 Creation of the Super”Caregiver”  Understaffing  Limited resources  Scheduling  Deadlines  Desire to Succeed  Commitment  Competence  Passion

15 Balance is the key….

16 One of the family…..

17 The Law of the Oxygen Mask

18 The Challenge of One-Directional ‘Caring’  Sleep deprivation  Poor nutritional habits  Lack of exercise  Poor time management  Poor stress management

19 The Challenge of One-Directional ‘Caring’  Mental confusion (poor decision making)  Substance use/abuse  Acute/chronic illness (physical/mental)  Burnout  Premature death

20 Dealing with the “Guilt” of Taking Care of Me

21 The Key

22 The Pursuit of ‘Me’

23 Stress Management Recognize and respond to the warning signs (don’t deny or ignore) Identify the source(s) of stress Controllable vs. Uncontrollable worry (do something)

24 Time Management Prioritize Establish boundaries Learn to say “No”

25 Constructive Communication Listen to yourself (learn from your emotions) Listen to others (most important tool) Ask for help and be prepared to accept it (be specific) Respect others’ rights/feelings Be accountable for what you say

26 Your Health Is Your Wealth Exercise (find something that you enjoy) Eat a healthy diet Get a good night’s sleep Think positively (surround yourself with a positive support system) Talk to a health professional

27 You Need a Network Find an accountability partner Nourish creativity Talk to a therapist Use technology Seek respite care

28 Change your Environment Daily


30 Take a vacation

31 Unplug

32 Invest in a Hobby

33 Celebrate Early and Often

34 Laugh… Cry

35 The Reward for ‘Hard’ Work

36 Two hands…

37 My key learning for this seminar was……………… In my current position, I can use this information to……………………….. I am going to share this information with........ I plan to develop my skills in this area by……… My Contract with Myself


39 (256) 679-4241 (256) 883-3993 Facebook: Kenny Anderson City of Huntsville Multicultural Affairs Impact with Kenny Anderson Twitter: therealKennyA MculturalHsv


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