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Tier 2/Secondary Interventions Rachel Saladis Kim Miller Kathy Halley.

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Presentation on theme: "Tier 2/Secondary Interventions Rachel Saladis Kim Miller Kathy Halley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tier 2/Secondary Interventions Rachel Saladis Kim Miller Kathy Halley

2 Inclusion Activity

3 Outcomes for Day Two

4 Agenda -- Day Two Inclusion Review of Secondary Systems Understanding Behavior Understanding and Using Brief FBA/BIP Planning to use Brief FBA in school

5 Working Agreements

6 Parking Lot

7 Tier 1/Universal School-Wide Assessment School-Wide Prevention Systems SIMEO Tools: HSC-T, RD-T, EI-T Check-in/ Check-out (CICO) Group Intervention with Individualized Feature Brief Functional Behavior Assessment/ Behavior Intervention Planning (FBA/BIP) Complex or Multiple-domain FBA/BIP Wraparound ODRs, Attendance, Tardies, Grades, etc. Daily Progress Report (DPR) (Behavior and Academic Goals) Competing Behavior Pathway, Functional Assessment Interview, Scatter Plots, etc. Social/Academic Behavioral groups Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports: A Response to Intervention (RtI) Model Illinois PBIS Network, Revised October 2009 Adapted from T. Scott, 2004 Tier 2/ Secondary Tier 3/ Tertiary Intervention Assessment


9 InterventionsCheck in/Check out (CICO) Check in/Check out with individual features Behavior Pathway (Brief FBA/BIP) Students Participating Students Responding Students Participating Students Responding Students participating Students Responding September October November December January February March April May Total for Year Tier 2/Tier 3 (Secondary/Tertiary) Interventions Tracking Tool School Name: __________________________________ School Total Pop:________

10 3-Tiered System of Support Necessary Conversations (Teams) CICO Groups Group w. individual feature Complex FBA/BIP Problem Solving Team Tertiary Systems Team Brief FBA/ BIP Brief FBA/BIP WRAP Secondary Systems Team Plans SW & Class-wide supports based on data Uses System data; determines overall intervention effectiveness, manages student assignment to interventions Standing team (SSIT); uses FBA/BIP process for one youth at a time Uses System data; determines overall intervention effectiveness Sept. 1, 2009 Universal Team Universal Support

11 Brief FBA/BIP Behavior Pathway Behavior Support Plan

12 Decision Rules How do we decide whether a student is appropriate for a Brief FBA? –First try a CI/CO. WHY? share –CI/CO with individual features –Instructional group possibilities. –Don’t attempt Brief FBA if the student has multiple behavioral problems across multiple settings. This probably merits a complex FBA.

13 Process for Brief FBA Student is identified and referred to the SSIT. This team assigns a Brief FBA facilitator. Facilitator collects data and completes the Brief FBA. (This is you!) Facilitator shares Brief FBA and completes the Behavior Intervention Program with Team. A follow-up is scheduled to review progress and make decisions.

14 Behavior Pathway Definitions Problem Behavior –What is the behavior of concern? –Describe it in measurable, concrete, observable language. Role Play Practice

15 Data Collecting Tools Teacher Interview Tools Ratings Observation Tools

16 Behavior Pathway--Antecedents When does the behavior happen? –What happens immediately before the behavior occurs? –Under what conditions is the student most successful (fewest instances of behavior)? –Under what conditions is the student least successful (most instances of behavior)? –Role Play Practice

17 Behavior Pathway-Setting Events What factors, more distant in time/space, affect the likelihood of the behavior occurring? –Medical or psychological conditions –Family factors –Environmental factors –Student conditions, abilities, traits –Interpersonal factors Role Play Practice

18 Behavior Pathway-- Consequences Maintaining Consequence –What have been responses to the behavior? –What are observable result of the responses? –What have been the unintended results or consequences? Role Play Practice

19 Behavior Pathway--Function What does the student get? What does the student avoid? –Interaction, attention –Psychological needs (status, power, control, belonging, rejection, embarrassment) –Sensory stimuli –Assistance –Activity –Tangible object

20 Functions Pos ReinfNeg Reinf


22 Giv Function of Behavior

23 Setting Events Has reading struggles. Few friends. Financial stresses at home. 3 Antecedent Quiet, independent seatwork. Usually reading or writing. 2 Problem Behavior Makes noises in the classroom. 1 Acceptable Behavior Being quiet but not working 7 Function To GET: Peer attention Peer acceptance To AVOID: Reading and writing 5 Desired Behavior Working quietly & raising hand for help 6 Consequence Students laugh. Teacher reprimands. Teacher send to Office. 4 BEHAVIOR PATHWAY

24 Hypothesis Summarize antecedent, behavior and consequence into a hypothesis. Box 2,1,3. When: The student does: In order to: When doing independent seatwork, usually reading or writing, Russell makes noises to get peer attention and to avoid work by getting sent to the office.

25 Setting Events 3 Antecedent 2 Problem Behavior 1 Acceptable Behavior 7 Function 5 Desired Behavior 6 Consequence 4 BEHAVIOR PATHWAY

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