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Presented by Education Solutions Development, Inc. ANUA 2013, San Antonio, Texas INTRO W2s and Employee Portal Education Solutions Development, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Education Solutions Development, Inc. ANUA 2013, San Antonio, Texas INTRO W2s and Employee Portal Education Solutions Development, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Education Solutions Development, Inc. ANUA 2013, San Antonio, Texas INTRO W2s and Employee Portal Education Solutions Development, Inc.

2 Presented by Education Solutions Development, Inc. ANUA 2013, San Antonio, Texas It is recommended that you maintain a spreadsheet and balance your numbers quarterly (at a minimum) to the amounts on the APECS W2 Report Balancing W2s

3 Presented by Education Solutions Development, Inc. ANUA 2013, San Antonio, Texas The W2 job has a parameter for 941 Totals. When you check this box and click Search your payroll jobs will display. Mark the jobs that should be used to determine the unduplicated employee count Balancing W2s

4 Presented by Education Solutions Development, Inc. ANUA 2013, San Antonio, Texas 941 Totals A line will be added in 2013 for Additional Medicare Tax on High Earners (Employee additional.9% on wages over $200,000) Balancing W2s

5 Presented by Education Solutions Development, Inc. ANUA 2013, San Antonio, Texas Employers are required to report the total cost of health benefits on the W2 for reporting year 2012. The total cost of health care benefits reported must include both the employee’s contribution as well as the employer’s contribution The reporting of the cost of health care benefits is for information purposes only The total cost of health care benefits will be reported in Box 12 of the W2 Form with a Code of ‘DD’ Cost of Coverage on the 2012 W2

6 Presented by Education Solutions Development, Inc. ANUA 2013, San Antonio, Texas On the Deductions and Benefits Setup Screen you must check the appropriate boxes (Employer, Employee or Both) on codes that are applicable to this reporting requirement. If you use a Major Category code to group like records you need to check these boxes only for the Major Category Code Cost of Coverage on the 2012 W2

7 Presented by Education Solutions Development, Inc. ANUA 2013, San Antonio, Texas The W2 Report will show the new code DD and a total is provided at the end of the report Cost of Coverage on the 2012 W2

8 Presented by Education Solutions Development, Inc. ANUA 2013, San Antonio, Texas Box 14 can be used to report any information you want to provide your employees. Enter in priority order as there is only room to print 3 lines per employee in box 14 Balancing W2s

9 Presented by Education Solutions Development, Inc. ANUA 2013, San Antonio, Texas W2 Adjustments Balancing W2s

10 Presented by Education Solutions Development, Inc. ANUA 2013, San Antonio, Texas Account Ability is used to produce the W2 forms and file(s) Import employee data from APECS into Account Ability Medicare Qualified Government Employer Two employer (client) records are created in AA One for the R client One for the Q client Requires two imports into Account Ability to extract the different record types Account Ability

11 Presented by Education Solutions Development, Inc. ANUA 2013, San Antonio, Texas Registration Agreement Employee Portal

12 Presented by Education Solutions Development, Inc. ANUA 2013, San Antonio, Texas Registration Agreement – When the employee clicks Accept an Event is written Employee Portal

13 Presented by Education Solutions Development, Inc. ANUA 2013, San Antonio, Texas Access from the application Employee Portal

14 Presented by Education Solutions Development, Inc. ANUA 2013, San Antonio, Texas Attendance – You can control the categories that show Time Worked – Data source is Employee Timesheets Reimbursements – Payments made through Accounts Payable using the Employee ID as the Vendor Number Mileage – Employees can enter a new claim or view claims submitted Direct Deposit – Entries from the Deduction/Benefit Screen will show in addition to the TAX Screen net information Employee Portal

15 Presented by Education Solutions Development, Inc. ANUA 2013, San Antonio, Texas Paycheck History – You can prevent checks from displaying on the screen prior to the actual pay date Addr/Phone/Email – Employees can make changes Emergency Contacts – On option has been added to allow employees to update this information Employee Portal

16 Presented by Education Solutions Development, Inc. ANUA 2013, San Antonio, Texas Reimbursements Employee Portal

17 Presented by Education Solutions Development, Inc. ANUA 2013, San Antonio, Texas Addr/Phone/Email Employee Portal

18 Presented by Education Solutions Development, Inc. ANUA 2013, San Antonio, Texas Addr/Phone/Email Employee Portal

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