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Welcome to NS499 Nutrition Capstone
Unit 1 Seminar
Seminar 1 - Agenda Let’s get to know each other. :) Review syllabus
Discuss Course outcomes related to your project Answer your questions Discuss possible population for your project
Introductions -- A little about me … -- A little bit about you …
Questions? Question breaks will be incorporated within the seminar.
I can answer questions at any time. To get my attention – type just a ??? As soon as I finish my thought, I will answer your question. If you are still unclear – send me an after seminar.
Moving forward Let’s look at the syllabus
Course Syllabus: NS 499 Instructor Contact Information Course Information Course Calendar Grading Criteria Late Work Policy Seminar Grading Rubrics Attendance/Tardiness Policy Plagiarism Policy Netiquette
Syllabus Course Description Grading “How to Label work”
5 110 points each Projects submitted via drop box “How to Label work” Course outcomes Look ahead to upcoming projects/assignments Each project builds on the next
Instructor Contact Information Here is my contact info: Kaplan Address: AIM Instant Messenger Name: SusansWellness
Course Information TEXT: This course does not have a textbook.
SOFTWARE: Kaplan requires Microsoft Word to submit projects. Word is different than WordPerfect or Microsoft Works. Please check to be sure your software is compatible. AOL INSTANT MESSENGER: (free download)
Course Description This capstone course is the culminating experience for the Bachelor’s of Science in Nutrition Science. This course builds on the concepts of all the courses students have taken within the program of study. The capstone course provides students with the opportunity to integrate and synthesize the knowledge and skills acquired throughout their coursework in an original comprehensive project, and to assess their level of mastery of the stated outcomes of their degree program in nutrition science.
Why do I need to know this?
Having read the course description, how will this course be important to your career?
Course Calendar Unit Projects are due at the end of each unit (Tuesdays, 11:59 pm EST) Late work policy: Late work not accepted w/o extenuating circumstances Documentation will be required
Course Policies - Late Work Policy - Extenuating Circumstances:
Extenuating circumstances - please contact me to make alternative arrangements. Examples of extenuating circumstances may include but are not limited to: personal/family member hospitalization, death in the family, weather/environmental evacuation due to fire/hurricane, or active military assignment where internet connectivity is unavailable for a limited time period. Computer-related issues, internet connectivity issues and clinical blocks are not considered extenuating circumstances.
Grading Criteria/ Course Evaluation
Total Points 9 Discussion Questions (50 points each) 5 Assignments (110 points each) 550 TOTAL: points
When will I get my grades?
Discussion and assignment grades will be updated each week no later than Sunday of the week following the Unit’s completion Approved late work will be graded within five days of the submission date
Course Policies – How to Label Your Work
Assignments: Please label your projects: username-assignmentunit#.doc. For example, a student named Tina Allen would name her file TAllenUnit 3Assignment.doc. Subject Lines: Please start your subject lines in correspondence with Course & section username: SUBJECT_OF_MESSAGE (for example, NS499 TAllen: Question regarding project
Seminars A description of all seminars to be held can be found under each of the units in the course (Units 1 – 9) Seminars for this course are NOT graded, but attendance is encouraged
Discussion Boards Each unit you will be required to participate in the discussion board. Unit 1 is the only time you will find two separate discussions (the Introduction Discussion is not graded). The other units will only have one discussion.
How do I get an A in the Discussion boards??
Post initial response no later than Saturday Post a minimum of three posts per unit discussion thread by Tuesday, end of unit (includes initial response) Responses need to be on topic, create, original & contribute to the quality and advancement of the discussion; frequently attempts to motivate group discussion References are utilized where appropriate and are cited using APA format Responses meet posted length requirements. Responses are clearly written and contain few spelling/grammatical errors.
Referencing in the Discussions
When you are posting to the discussion boards, please remember to reference your material! If it is not a thought that comes straight from your head, you must reference the source of your material Points will be deducted if material is not referenced We must give credit where credit is due
Plagiarism – Don’t do it!
Plagiarism - Using another person’s words, ideas, or results without giving proper credit to that person Please read the syllabus regarding the specifics of plagiarism Kaplan University subscribes to a third-party plagiarism detection service Penalties for Plagiarism: 1st offense: Failure of the assignment in which the action occurred. 2nd offense: Failure of the class in which the action occurred 3rd offense: Expulsion or permanent dismissal from the University.
APA Format Required Be sure to use correct format
Title Page Double spaced Reference page in APA format You can potentially drop your grade Use the tools, on line help, and tutors available to you (Writing Center) You must use in text citation to list a reference at the end of your paper
APA Review – What is APA? APA = American Psychological Association
National standard for the layout of an academic paper and gives a universal method for referencing sources used in these types of papers. Please remember, we need to use APA in our discussions and assignments.
APA - Citations We cite another author’s data to avoid plagiarism, to give him or her credit for his or her work, and to make it easy for your reader to do follow-up research. You must, absolutely, give credit to the original author. Failure to do so results in plagiarism. Would you want someone else taking credit for your hard work? Research scientists, government officials, and other experts don’t like it either.
APA – Citations Examples
Paraphrasing Some dietitians choose to try owning their own business, or entrepreneurship, as they spend more time in their careers (King, 2010) Direct Quote “As many dietitians and dietetic technicians reach the top of their professional career ladders, they look for new ways to grow”(King, 2010, p. 3)
How To Reference a Text in APA Format
King, Kathy. (2010). The Entrepreneurial Nutritionist. Baltimore, Maryland: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Tutoring and Help KU Writing Center Tutoring APA citation
Review grammar See sample essays Chat with a live tutor Submit a paper and receive feedback in 48 – 72 hours.
Syllabus questions???
Capstone Project Unit 1 – begin focusing on your capstone project population Unit 2 – begin creating a case study individual amount your chosen study population Unit 4 –create a meal plan for the case study individual you created Unit 7 – create a Nutrition Education Program based on your chosen study population and case study Unit 8 - create a proposal regarding your Nutrition Education Program
Unit 1 Assignment Describe the main health issues of your population or community. Of the health issues you describe, choose one to be the focus of your project. For your health issue, explain the role of nutrients and food in the prevention of disease for your population or community.
Unit 2 Assignment Create a case study individual who is among your chosen study population. Include the individual’s age, race, height, weight, BMI, demographics, and lifestyle/cultural choices. Describe what a typical meal for this individual would include (what s/he actually eats before s/he had any nutrition counseling) Indicate and describe what clinical assessment tools you would use to evaluate the case study individual’s overall and nutritional health.
Unit 4 Assignment Submit a two-day recommended meal plan indicating what you as the Nutritionist would recommend to your case study individual (that includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks). Start with the nutrient requirements for your case study individual (recommended calories, fat, protein, etc…). Explain why you chose these recommendations. Create your meal plan to meet the above nutrient requirements - Make one day of the meal for a typical day during the week, and make the other day a weekend or special occasion such as a holiday. Include a nutritional breakdown of the meal plan you created to show the meal plan meets the nutritional requirements of your case study individual.
Unit 7 Assignment For this assignment, you are going to start creating a nutrition education program. In other words – take what you have already discovered about your community and case study individual, and develop a program that takes what you know and translates that information into news your population or community can use in their everyday lives. Very often, the job of a nutritionist is to translate high-level, hard-core scientific information into 7th-grade reading materials. You will want to make sure you address the following points in the nutrition education program you create. Name of your program Purpose of the program Program goals Target Audience Components of the program - How is the program to be set up?
Unit 8 Assignment Create a proposal to send to the contact person you identified in this week’s discussion question. You will be trying to convince the person you are sending the report to that they should implement your nutrition education program on a wide scale. Your proposal should be a professional report that includes: The letter you created for the contact person in the discussion question Why this topic is important (Unit 1 assignment) The details of the nutrition program you created (Unit 7 assignment) Conclusion
What are some ideas you have for your capstone project??
Thanks for attending tonight’s seminar!
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