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My Reflections Jennifer L. Ceville ED573-EC01 Dr. Matthews Kaplan University December 07, 2005.

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2 My Reflections Jennifer L. Ceville ED573-EC01 Dr. Matthews Kaplan University December 07, 2005

3 2 Using Technology: Fundamentals of Integration Prior to this course, I knew the importance of technology education. Since I teach computer technology, I have had the opportunity to use various strategies for technology integration. However it is through my coursework I was able to learn and implement strategies on preventing and detecting misuses of the internet. Additionally, from this course I was able to see the value of using the TIP model. Finally, I understand the importance of developing a technology proposal.

4 3 1. Improvement in Teaching Practice Using course theory and independent research, describe how your teaching practice has been improved. The artifact of your choice should show a direct relationship between practice and outcome. It should demonstrate your deep understanding of concepts/strategies and your improved knowledge, skills, behaviors. –The Artifact: The Uses and Misuses of the Internet

5 4 1. Improvement in Teaching Practice –The Artifact: The Uses and Misuses of the Internet Click on the picture to activate this document.

6 5 1. Improvement in Teaching Practice I have been able to demonstrate my deep understanding of concepts/strategies and my improved knowledge, skills, and behaviors in the course Using Technology: Fundamentals of Integration by explaining in this document my plans to teach lessons on plagiarism while tying in character education qualities, honesty and integrity. Additionally, I was able to draw from my research ways to detect plagiarism in work submitted by my students.

7 6 2. Mastery of Program Competencies The artifact of your choice should match one or more of the five program competencies. Thoroughly describe how the artifact displays your mastery in the specific program competencies. –The artifact: An Educational Technology Proposal

8 7 2. Mastery of Program Competencies –The artifact: An Educational Technology Proposal Click to activate this document.

9 8 2. Mastery of Program Competencies As demonstrated in the Final Project: An Education Technology Proposal (Ceville, 2005, December 1), the work I did in this course continued to build my knowledge of assessment (Program Goal). I expanded my knowledge plan and provided equitable learning opportunities for all students (Program Competency #1), and managed and monitored student learning (Program Competency #3). Using the Technology Integration Planning (TIP) Model I was able to analyze the efficacy of incorporating technology into student learning experiences. From the coursework I was able to explain in my proposal how to incorporate technology into curriculum and develop guidelines for integrating technology into the classroom. For example, in the proposal, we suggested providing at least 8 hours of training for teachers to develop their own strategies of technology integration.

10 9 3. Impact on Student Learning Reflect on how your K-12 student learners clearly exhibit vast improvement in critical thinking skills, subject matter and/or behavior. Describe how the artifact documents evidence of specific classroom tools used to show a positive impact on student learning in the short-term or long- term. The artifact proves a direct relationship between practice and impact. –The Artifact: Midterm Project: Lesson Incorporating Technology for Keyboarding--6th Grade

11 10 3. Impact on Student Learning –The Artifact: Midterm Project: Lesson Incorporating Technology for Keyboarding--6th Grade Click on the picture for document to load.

12 11 3. Impact on Student Learning This lesson plan focused on using the TIP model to define objectives that used NETS and local school system standards. Included were self-assessment rubrics that provided guidelines for students to follow. Using the TIP Model to assess the needs of my class I was able to develop a better lesson prior to those I planned before this course. The Using Technology: Fundamentals of Integration course effectively taught me how to select and implement effective strategies for motivating students and for adapting and modifying instruction for students who are considered at risk (Performance Indicator 3P5). It is apparent from this lesson plan that creativity and technology integration go hand in hand. Using cooperative learning groups helped students learn their lesson objectives. Another strategy was to develop acrostics for learning remembering the home row keys. Learning how to use the TIP model to determine the relative advantage of integrating technology before the lesson begins and coming up with implementation ideas couldn’t have been more profound had it not been for the lively seminars and thought provoking questions that Dr. Matthews provided on the discussion boards. The internet readings and web research gave me insight on the importance of technology integration.

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