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Lysteria monocytogenes and Shigella flexerni

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1 Lysteria monocytogenes and Shigella flexerni
use actin based motility to spread to other cells -Cause diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and can lead to menningitis and spontaneous abortions -Causes death in immunocompromised people (children, elderly, AIDS patients) -Produce a protein that encourages production of actin filaments at the cell surface -Propels bacteria through the cytoplasm (Comet tails) -Rams into the cytoplasmic membrane and pushes through into the next cell -Avoids much of the immune system Movies:

2 Vibrio fischeri and its host, the bobtail squid
Close up of single bacterium (Vibrio) Bacteria (Vibrio) glowing on a petri dish Light organs on squid belly use Vibrio to reflect the same wavelength of light as the moon, hiding their shadow from preditors A squid that uses glowing bacteria to avoid being eaten (the glow from the bacteria mimics the moonlight so the squid can’t be seen from below-just looks like moonlight from below)

3 Vibrio and its host, the Pineapple fish
Pineapple fish-lower jaw contains a photophore where Vibrio reside. The bioluminescence attracts zooplankton. -glows orange during the day, blue green by night.

4 The angler fish uses bioluminescent bacteria to attract prey

5 Quorum sensing in Vibrio
Bioluminescence is very expensive so the cells only want to bioluminesce when other cells are around. No point if they’re not in the squid light organ.

6 The amazing Myxococcus xanthus

7 Myxococcus Myxococcus xanthus cell A Myxococcus swarm

8 Aggregation and “rippling” of Myxococcus

9 Fruiting bodies Myxococcus fruiting bodies
Dictyostellum discoideum-slime mold fruiting bodies (amoeba)

10 Slime mold fruiting bodies
Dictyostellum discoideum-slime mold fruiting bodies (amoeba)

11 Sporulation sites on the surfaces of WT colonies.
Bacillus fruiting bodies Bacillus fruiting body. A sporulation gene was fused with lacZ and the cells were plated on medium containing x-gal. You can see the where sporulation occurs by the dark blue color Branda S S et al. PNAS 2001;98:

12 Movies

13 Healthy ant

14 Zombie ants





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