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Community Grids Lab at Pervasive Technology Labs Geoffrey Fox

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1 Community Grids Lab at Pervasive Technology Labs Geoffrey Fox

2 Fickle Interdisciplinary Background 0X00X0 0X0X 0X0X 0X00X0 -t 200 GeV hp Theory, phenomenology, experimental Physics, computational science, Internetics, computer science …. E260 E350

3 Caltech Hypercube NASA JPL Mark II 1985 Chuck Seitz 1983 One of the first successful parallel computers (initially 64-128 simultaneous CPU’s)

4 Sundry Roles Caltech 1970-1990: Professor of Physics, Department chair; Co-founder CNS Computation and Neural Systems Program; Dean for Educational Computing, Associate Provost for Computing Syracuse 1990-2000: Directed InfoMall economic development program 1992-2000; Professor Physics & Computer Science; developed Internetics curriculum FSU 2000-2001: Chief Technologist Distance & Distributed Learning Program; Professor of Computer Science Co-founder and Anabas corporations Indiana July 2001-:Director Community Grids Laboratory; Professor Informatics, Computer Science, Physics

5 InfoMall and Partners 1995 virtual corporation April 1994 Telemedicine

6 JSU Syracuse Teaching Jackson State Fall 97 to Fall 2001

7 Fall 2001 Technology Desktop A/V Community A/V The Access Grid

8 Startup first round VC funding September 2000

9 Teaching X-Informatics This semester, teaching “Opennet Technologies” – XML and Java for defining and manipulating data Next semester will offer X-Informatics locally and probably at a distance (current course to 27 students in Jackson & Vicksburg Miss.) X-Informatics is an overview of information-based applications and their associated technologies –Internet Infrastructure, Data-mining, Search, XML, Semantic Web, (Peer-to-Peer) Collaboration, Security, Portals, Information Visualization, Grids.. –Bio/Geo Informatics, New Media, Experimental physics, Distance education, Health including Telemedicine


11 Community Grids Research 27 Students, 4 Postdocs (~50% new) PDA Interface and other new approaches to Collaborative Environments Online Knowledge Center – Interactive XML based resource for web pages, reports etc. (modern library built with.opennet technologies) Computing and Information Environment to support Earthquake Science –Real time discussion of quake data Science Research and/or Education as a Web Service –Interoperable modules Indian Nation Community Grid – cultural customization and collaboratory to allow preservation of tribal lands Information System for new Physics Experiment

12 Some Issues/Futures Other expertise: –Parallel and high performance algorithms –Multi-media infrastructure –Neural Networks –Complex Systems Expect to start other IU collaborations –Gannon(CS), Dzierba(Physics) Issues –Security –Conflict of Interest

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