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Alfred Nobel's Life and Work By Angelina Kostyukova Form 11-A School 23.

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Presentation on theme: "Alfred Nobel's Life and Work By Angelina Kostyukova Form 11-A School 23."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alfred Nobel's Life and Work By Angelina Kostyukova Form 11-A School 23

2 Plan: The Nobel Prize Alfred Nobel’s family Alfred Nobel’s work Conclusion

3 The Nobel Prize is awarded annually for outstanding achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and peace

4 His father Immanuel Nobel was an engineer and inventor who built bridges and buildings in Stockholm

5 Alfred's mother, Andriette Nobel, came from a wealthy background

6 In 1833 Immanuel Nobel’s business went bankrupt

7 When Alfred was 9 years old, the family followed him in St. Petersburg

8 In Paris he worked in the private laboratory of Professor T. J. Pelouze and became interested in nitroglycerine




12 By the time of his death, he had 355 partners in the fields of electrochemistry, optics, biology, and physiology


14 Thank you for your attention!!!

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