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Transformation of the Vehicle Systems Program Dr

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1 Transformation of the Vehicle Systems Program Dr
Transformation of the Vehicle Systems Program Dr. Rich Wlezien Division Director (acting) Vehicle Systems Aeronautics Research Advisory Council May 3, 2005

2 Overview Independent review outcome Revised structure Vehicle Systems plan

3 Vehicle Systems Program Non-Advocate Review (NAR)
NAR conducted Oct , 2004 Chairs Ken Szalai Jeff Jones, NASA IPAO Team Lee Beach Pete Petersen Gene Covert Vince Russo Chuck Heber Gus Guastaferro John McCarty Stephen Boyd, FAA Bob Fairbairn, NASA IPAO Anita Thomas, NASA IPAO Tim Flores, NASA IPAO Ron Sepesi, NASA Glenn (cost and acquisition)

4 Review Team Assessment
A. Compatibility with NASA policy Pass and baselined documentation B. Clarity of goals and objectives Pass C. Thoroughness/realism of technical Pass plans, schedules, and cost estimates (incl. reserves and descoping options) D. Adequacy of management plans, Pass including organizational structure and key personnel credentials E. Technical complexity, risk Pass assessment, and risk mitigation plans

5 Cost Process Assessment
General Category Assessment Improvement Clarity Pass ---- Methods Integrate Costing Tools Across WBS Levels Completeness Specify Labor, Procurement, Facilities at Task Level Assumptions (See Uncertainty) Traceability (Will result from improvements in completeness and methods) Uncertainty Analysis Conduct Quantitative Uncertainty Analysis for Key Assumptions (e.g. rates, acquisition costs) Overall Incorporate Improvements in Next Planning Cycle

6 NAR Conclusions There are no issues that would prevent the Vehicle System Program from moving into the implementation phase. There are moderate risks to the Program which can be mitigated through specific Program actions. There are some VSP Issues that affect Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) and NASA that deserve attention at those levels. The Program is highly commended for its disciplined planning methodology, which has produced a well-structured program, and has advanced the “One NASA” Agency goal. VSP NAR Team used Independent Cost Assessment (ICA, reference NPR c), as the cost estimation process. The ICA is an independent analysis of the program/project resources, budget and schedule, and relationship of program/project elements It includes the analyses of portfolio management, logical distribution of resources, verification of future estimating methodology, and resource planning

7 Aeronautics Research Priorities and Programs
Programmatic Priorities Ensure NASA contribution to Joint Planning & Development Office (JPDO) Emphasize public good research Enhance uninhabited aerial vehicles (UAV) research Assess possibilities for supersonics Increase planetary aircraft research Determine if there is a requirement to continue hypersonics research Programs Aviation Safety & Security Airspace Systems Vehicle Systems

8 FY2006 President’s Budget Request
$M 919.2 956.7 937.8 925.8 941.9 Vehicle Systems 576.8 606.4 576.2 575.3 582.9 Airspace Systems 154.4 175.2 183.7 176.7 179.8 Aviation Safety & Security 188.0 175.1 178.0 173.7 179.2 * $M Proposed FY 2006 President's Budget 906.2 852.3 727.6 730.7 727.5 717.6 * Vehicle Systems 568.6 459.1 373.6 385.5 373.5 365.6 * Airspace Systems 152.2 200.3 180.5 174.6 177.9 175.7 * Aviation Safety & Security 185.4 192.9 173.5 170.5 176.2 176.3 * The FY2005 budgets reflect the NASA Initial Operating Plan, December 2004

9 Reorientation to Demonstration Projects
ZERO EMISSIONS AIRCRAFT — Demonstrate an aircraft powered by hydrogen fuels cells. SUBSONIC NOISE REDUCTION — Demonstrate a 50% noise reduction compared to 1997 state of the art. HIGH ALTITUDE LONG ENDURANCE REMOTELY OPERATED AIRCRAFT — Demonstrate a 14-day duration high-altitude, remotely operated aircraft. SONIC BOOM REDUCTION — Demonstrate technology to enable an acceptable sonic boom level.

10 Science and Exploration
Program Structure Environment Noise Reduction Demonstrations Subsonic Noise Reduction Sonic Boom Mitigation Zero Emissions Aircraft Demonstration Science and Exploration HALE Demonstrations

11 Environmentally Friendly Aircraft
Smog-free Noise within airport boundaries Minimize the contribution of air vehicles to the production of smog Constrain objectionable noise to within airport boundaries No impact on global climate Minimize the impact of air vehicles on global climate

12 Air Vehicles for New Missions
Space exploration Earth science Develop innovative air vehicles for science missions in the atmosphere of other planets Use innovative air vehicles to conduct autonomous earth science missions

13 Environment

14 Subsonic Noise Reduction Demonstration
Keep noise within airport boundaries

15 Subsonic Noise Reduction Overview
Demonstrations Flight demonstration of 10dB noise reduction Key Elements Engine noise reduction Airframe noise reduction Flight trajectories for noise reduction NASA and other agencies should sustain the most attractive noise reduction research to a technology readiness level high enough (i.e., technology readiness level 6, as defined by NASA) to reduce the technical risk and make it worthwhile for industry to complete development and deploy new technologies in commercial products, even if this occurs at the expense of stopping other research at lower technology readiness levels. For Greener Skies, NRC ASEB

16 Noise Reduction Approaches
Airframe Noise Reduction (Slats, flaps, gears) High Noise Regions Low Noise Flight Procedures (Continuous descent approach, low noise guidance) Continuous mold line flap and slat cove filler Baseline Jet Noise Reduction (Advanced chevrons, vortex breakdown control, offset fan flow) Fan Noise Reduction (Forward swept fan, porous stators, variable area fan nozzle)

17 Sonic Boom Reduction Demonstration
Define an acceptable sonic boom level

18 Sonic Boom Reduction Overview
Noise Reduction Sonic Boom Reduction Overview Demonstrations Flight demonstration of integrated subscale “low boom” aircraft Key Elements Sonic boom reduction technology Sonic boom metrics Flight testing NASA should focus new initiatives in supersonic technology development … airframe configurations to reduce sonic boom intensity, especially with regard to the formation of shaped waves and the human response to shaped waves (to allow developing an acceptable regulatory standard Commercial Supersonic Technology, NRC ASEB

19 Validated Techs Feed Capability Evolution
Validated Technologies Mission-Driven Development Toward Increasing Size and Efficiency Sonic Boom High Lift/Drag Initial Applications Propulsion Integration Increased Capacity Materials & Structures Increased Efficiency Cost-Effective/ Mission Effective High Speed Air Transportation Mission Enabling Technology Feedback and Maturation Sonic Boom Mitigation Addresses the First Step

20 Near-Term Program Schedule

21 Zero Emissions Demonstration
A Leap Forward in Emissions Reduction

22 Zero Emissions Overview
Demonstrations Flight demonstration of all-electric aircraft using hydrogen fuels cells Key Elements All electric propulsion system Lightweight structures and hydrogen storage Flight testing Finding: Fuel Cells. The use of fuel cell technology to create an all-electric, zero-emission aviation propulsion system is a paradigm-shifting approach consistent with NASA’s mission. The committee … urges NASA to pursue future work in this area, which leads to the long-range goal of a zero-emissions propulsion system. Review of NASA’s Aerospace Technology Enterprise, NRC ASEB

23 Zero Emissions Attributes
Maximum payoff to Goals Hydrogen fueled Zero CO2 Other technologies might achieve a 10-20% reduction in pollutants – this approach gets a 100% reduction. Fuel Cell Energy Conversion Zero NOx High energy efficiency Electric drive Lowest noise The zero emissions system delivers maximum benefit towards public good goals; nothing else comes close

24 High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE)
HALE Demonstrations High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE)

25 HALE Overview Demonstrations Key Elements
Flight demonstration of 14-day duration HALE “hurricane tracker” Risk reduction to enable Mars flight Key Elements Autonomous flight Regenerative fuel cells Ultralightweight structures Flight testing The committee fully expects that the Helios (HALE) vehicle will yield significant results for the earth sciences portion of NASA, its primary customer. The committee further applauds NASA for innovative thinking in identifying other possible uses and other possible markets for the aircraft, such as serving as a low-cost, high-altitude (relatively) stationary telecommunications. Review of NASA’s Aerospace Technology Enterprise, NRC ASEB

26 HALE Aircraft Sequence
Sub-Orbital Long Endurance Observer SOA: Stratospheric flight demonstrated by the Helios (ERAST) flight research program capable of up to 1 day endurance. Goal: Flexible, light weight hydrogen powered aircraft to demonstrate multi-day endurance of 14 days with 200kg payload. Global Observer SOA: Same as above. Goal: Flexible, light weight airframe with a regenerative fuel cell power system and light weight high efficiency solar array capable of multi-week to multi-month endurance with a 150kg payload. Global Ranger SOA: 50 to 60K ft (Global Hawk & Predator B) Goal: Global reach with a 48 hour endurance at 75K ft with a 1000kg payload Heavy Lifter SOA: NASA DC-8 Airborne Science platform approximately 35k ft. Goal: 60k+ ft carrying a 10,000kg payload with multi-week to multi-month endurance capability using advanced regenerative fuel cell power system and a solar array. No change to the consumable fueled vehicle from the baseline plan. The regen POC vehicle development would be accelerated and flight research would be completed. Building on the experience of the ESS POC vehicle, a second vehicle will be designed and built that would have the capability of carrying a useful payload for up to 2 weeks. In the 5 year run out, time would not permit flights of this vehicle. Additional funding would be available for technology development. Additional funding would be available for demonstrations to potential user groups.

27 Planetary Flyers ARES

28 Planning Update

29 Planning Status Overall Vehicle Systems plan remains intact
GOTChA process and roadmaps represent a much larger program than is currently funded Technology demonstrations consistent with existing roadmap set We are now executing a different mix of technologies to a higher TRL than previously planned

30 Subsonic Propulsion System GOTChA Pre-FY2005
GOALS Reduce LTO NOx Emissions by 70% SOA = 75kg NOx/LTO cycle (777/GE90) Reduce TSFC Goal: -10% SOA: (777 w/GE90) Improve Propulsion System Thrust/Weight Goal: +15% SOA: (GE90) 4 5 6 OBJECTIVES Increase Thermal Efficiency Goal: 60% SOA: 55% (GE90) Increase Propulsive Efficiency Goal: 68% SOA: 65% (GE90) Reduce installation penalties Goal:-100% SOA: 777 w/GE90 Reduce Bare Engine Wt. Goal: -15% SOA: GE90 Reduce Pod/Enginesub-system Wt. Goal: -15% SOA: GE90 Reduce Particulates and Aerosol by 10% Goal: -10% SOA: 777/GE90 Eliminate NOx Emissions from Secondary Power Goal: -100% SOA: 777/GE90 Reduce Engine NOx emissions over the LTO cycle Goal: -55% SOA: 777/GE90 17 18 12 13 14 16 19 15 TECHNICAL CHALLENGES Limited theoretical Efficiency with Current Turbine-based Engines Turbine Cooling Tech. Limit OPR & T4 Increase for Higher Thermal Efficiency Maintain Compon-ent Perf. at Small Size/High Stage Loadings Engine com-ponent degrada-tion generates particu-lates SOA fuel cells too heavy and power limited Combus-tion based systems produce NOx Higher Cycle Temp. & Pressures Increase NOx Production Wt, Life, Oper-ability, Safety Difficult to Maintain in Low NOx Combus-tor Improving Combus-tion process to reduce NOx w/o impacting CO, UHC, & Smoke Fan/LPT speed mismatch & nacelle drag limits bypass ratio Highly integrated inlets produce high distortion Customer Bleeds and HPX Reduce System Efficiency Current High Temp/ High Strength Materials are Too Heavy Current Integration Approaches Limit Engine Design Options 25 26 27 28 29 30 19 23 24 31 32 20 21 22 APPROACHES Advanced Materials for reduced combustion liner cooling Advanced turbine hybrid propulsion systems Flow management and control techniques Improved Materials, w/ higher temp. capability& strength per/wt. Improve combustion process to reduce particulates Electric drive propulsion systems Advanced engine components (e.g., intelligent, adaptive, flow control) Innovative Adaptive Engine Structure Technology 32 40 43 28 37 34 Measurement tools and validated Physics Based codes for highly loaded turbomachinery Intelligent combustion control 31 35 Fuel cells for secondary power Highly efficient sec. power systems Advanced Combustor techniques to reduce NOx 44 39 Highly reliable, lightweight mechanical systems Validated combustion codes for design & control of low emission combustors 41 29 36 33 Measurement tools and validated global and local models to improve cycle designs Advanced materials and cooling technologies for reduced cooling Water injection at take off for NOx and Particulate Reduction 30 45 38 42

31 Reduce LTO NOx Emissions by 70%
Subsonic Propulsion System GOTChA Post-FY2005 GOALS Reduce LTO NOx Emissions by 70% SOA = 75kg NOx/LTO cycle (777/GE90) Reduce TSFC Goal: -10% SOA: (777 w/GE90) Improve Propulsion System Thrust/Weight Goal: +15% SOA: (GE90) 4 5 6 OBJECTIVES Increase Thermal Efficiency Goal: 60% SOA: 55% (GE90) Increase Propulsive Efficiency Goal: 68% SOA: 65% (GE90) Reduce installation penalties Goal:-100% SOA: 777 w/GE90 Reduce Bare Engine Wt. Goal: -15% SOA: GE90 Reduce Pod/Enginesub-system Wt. Goal: -15% SOA: GE90 Reduce Particulates and Aerosol by 10% Goal: -10% SOA: 777/GE90 Eliminate NOx Emissions from Secondary Power Goal: -100% SOA: 777/GE90 Reduce Engine NOx emissions over the LTO cycle Goal: -55% SOA: 777/GE90 17 18 12 13 14 16 19 15 TECHNICAL CHALLENGES Limited theoretical Efficiency with Current Turbine-based Engines Turbine Cooling Tech. Limit OPR & T4 Increase for Higher Thermal Efficiency Maintain Compon-ent Perf. at Small Size/High Stage Loadings Engine com-ponent degrada-tion generates particu-lates SOA fuel cells too heavy and power limited Combus-tion based systems produce NOx Higher Cycle Temp. & Pressures Increase NOx Production Wt, Life, Oper-ability, Safety Difficult to Maintain in Low NOx Combus-tor Improving Combus-tion process to reduce NOx w/o impacting CO, UHC, & Smoke Fan/LPT speed mismatch & nacelle drag limits bypass ratio Highly integrated inlets produce high distortion Customer Bleeds and HPX Reduce System Efficiency Current High Temp/ High Strength Materials are Too Heavy Current Integration Approaches Limit Engine Design Options 25 26 27 28 29 30 19 23 24 31 32 20 21 22 APPROACHES Advanced Materials for reduced combustion liner cooling Advanced turbine hybrid propulsion systems Flow management and control techniques Improved Materials, w/ higher temp. capability& strength per/wt. Improve combustion process to reduce particulates Electric drive propulsion systems Advanced engine components (e.g., intelligent, adaptive, flow control) Innovative Adaptive Engine Structure Technology 32 40 43 28 37 34 Measurement tools and validated Physics Based codes for highly loaded turbomachinery Intelligent combustion control 31 35 Fuel cells for secondary power Highly efficient sec. power systems Advanced Combustor techniques to reduce NOx 44 39 Highly reliable, lightweight mechanical systems Validated combustion codes for design & control of low emission combustors 41 29 36 33 Advanced materials and cooling technologies for reduced cooling Measurement tools and validated global and local models to improve cycle designs Water injection at take off for NOx and Particulate Reduction 30 45 42 38

32 Subsonic Noise GOTChA Pre-FY2005 Reduce Community Noise by 20 EPNdB
GOALS Reduce Community Noise by 20 EPNdB SOA = Stage 3 – 8 EPNdB (777/GE90) 3 OBJECTIVES Reduce noise from airframe sources by 8 dB SOA: 777/GE90 Demonstrate operational procedures that reduce approach noise by 2 dB SOA: 777/GE90 Integration of noise reduction technologies to demonstrate overall system noise reduction Reduce noise through advanced Propulsion / Airframe configurations by 20 dB SOA: 777/GE90 Reduce noise from propulsion sources by 8 dB SOA: GE90 11 07 08 09 10 TECHNICAL CHALLENGES Current fan designs require reduction of both tone and broadband noise while maintaining performance Jet noise reduction conflicts with performance requirements Separation of core noise from other engine noise sources is needed to identify source mechanisms Weight & drag increases offset reductions in noise and TSFC from low specific thrust engines Noise from complex airframes is neither well identified nor understood Noise reduction technology conflicts with other require-ments SOA operational procedures do not fully minimize community noise Cannot account for all contributing aircraft sources, interactions and installation effects to predict total system noise accurately Current propulsion/airframe configurations will not provide needed noise reduction 10 11 15 12 13 14 16 17 18 APPROACHES Reduce identified noise sources through methods derived from physics-based understanding Sufficient lift to enable steeper descent and climb out trajectories by increasing CL via quiet, innovative, high-lift system Real-time calculation of noise-minimal trajectories and pilot/controller tools to fly noise minimal trajectories Develop and validate tools to enable aircraft level system assessments for conventional and unconventional configurations Advanced concepts with integrated low-noise airframe features (e.g., shielding), and low noise propulsion & power concepts (e.g., distributed propulsion, fuel cells) Reduce jet noise sources through methods derived from physics-based understanding Unconventional propulsion systems which retain the noise benefits of low specific thrust engines 18 25 19 20 21 Advanced low noise fan designs, liner concepts and active control technologies Identify, account for and reduce noise via propulsion/airframe interactions 27 Application of advanced low-spool technologies for core noise reduction 22 23 24 26

33 Subsonic Noise GOTChA Post-FY2005 Reduce Community Noise by 20 EPNdB
GOALS Reduce Community Noise by 20 EPNdB SOA = Stage 3 – 8 EPNdB (777/GE90) 3 OBJECTIVES Reduce noise from airframe sources by 8 dB SOA: 777/GE90 Demonstrate operational procedures that reduce approach noise by 2 dB SOA: 777/GE90 Integration of noise reduction technologies to demonstrate overall system noise reduction Reduce noise through advanced Propulsion / Airframe configurations by 20 dB SOA: 777/GE90 Reduce noise from propulsion sources by 8 dB SOA: GE90 11 07 08 09 10 TECHNICAL CHALLENGES Current fan designs require reduction of both tone and broadband noise while maintaining performance Jet noise reduction conflicts with performance requirements Separation of core noise from other engine noise sources is needed to identify source mechanisms Weight & drag increases offset reductions in noise and TSFC from low specific thrust engines Noise from complex airframes is neither well identified nor understood Noise reduction technology conflicts with other require-ments SOA operational procedures do not fully minimize community noise Cannot account for all contributing aircraft sources, interactions and installation effects to predict total system noise accurately Current propulsion/airframe configurations will not provide needed noise reduction 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 APPROACHES Reduce identified noise sources through methods derived from physics-based understanding Sufficient lift to enable steeper descent and climb out trajectories by increasing CL via quiet, innovative, high-lift system Real-time calculation of noise-minimal trajectories and pilot/controller tools to fly noise minimal trajectories Develop and validate tools to enable aircraft level system assessments for conventional and unconventional configurations Advanced concepts with integrated low-noise airframe features (e.g., shielding), and low noise propulsion & power concepts (e.g., distributed propulsion, fuel cells) Reduce jet noise sources through methods derived from physics-based understanding Unconventional propulsion systems which retain the noise benefits of low specific thrust engines 18 20 25 19 21 Advanced low noise fan designs, liner concepts and active control technologies Identify, account for and reduce noise via propulsion/airframe interactions 27 Application of advanced low-spool technologies for core noise reduction 22 23 24

34 Lift to Drag Ratio (L/D) Roadmap
GOAL ST1: Increase L/D to 25 at cruise; SOA = 20 (777/GE90) 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 04 19 ST101: Decrease skin friction drag by 20% ST : Turbulent flow control ST : Novel approaches to integration of higher BPR engines or BLI inlets ST : Advanced configurations and components with lower wetted areas ST : Laminar flow control ST : Low-drag configurations and components designed through physics-based optimization Low TRL ST102: Decrease wave drag by 50% Low TRL ST : Develop and validate naturally area-ruled configurations ST : Advanced airfoils to enable attached flow, and maintain t/c with high cruise Mach QAT/UEET Flight Demos 10 EPNdB redux in Community Noise 45% redux in LTO NOx ½ Scale BWB Flight Demo SBW Flight BCW Flight Demo 20EPNdB redux in community noise 70% redux in LTO NOx Unfunded Program Funded Program

35 Summary Transformed Vehicle Systems Program is focused on breakthrough technologies for the nation Significant opportunities for additional breakthrough research exist FY06 Aeronautics budget will require significant realignment of workforce and facilities

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