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Boating is fun… we’ll show you how America’s Boating Course 3 rd Edition 1 Alabama Laws/Regulations Chapter 2 Section 8 >>

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Presentation on theme: "Boating is fun… we’ll show you how America’s Boating Course 3 rd Edition 1 Alabama Laws/Regulations Chapter 2 Section 8 >>"— Presentation transcript:

1 Boating is fun… we’ll show you how America’s Boating Course 3 rd Edition 1 Alabama Laws/Regulations Chapter 2 Section 8 >>

2 Continuing Education – DO IT Keep up-to-date with New Boating Laws Stay Abreast of Evolving Safety Equipment Frequently Visit Alabama’s Boating Web-sites Subscribe to “Outdoor Alabama” 2

3 STATE REGISTRATION Alabama Boat Registration Certificate - certificate of number Number placed forward / Port & Starboard Certificate On-board When Boating Renewable Annually – Shown by Validation Decal placed w/in 6 inches of number Off shore - Federal Rules Apply 3

4 FEDERAL DOCUMENTATION Federal Procedure / Documented with USCG Permanently Affixed Number 5 Tons / Most Longer Than 25 Feet Must Comply with State and Federal Pay State Registration Fee / Display validation decal Display Name and Hailing Port 4

5 Hull Identification Number(HIN) All boats have a 12 character HIN (built after 1972) First three characters identify manufacturer Next five characters are the hull serial number Next character is month of manufacture Last two numbers are the year of manufacture (Model Year) HIN for home-made boat is assigned by AL Marine Police ABC 67689 J8 99 5

6 OPERATIONS IN CONTIGUOUS STATES Reciprocal Agreements Know and Comply with Neighbor’s Rules Know Child Life Jacket Must-wear Age Fed-under 13 / Al-under 8 / Fl-under 6 Know Visual Distress Signal Minimums 6

7 Boating Equipment Life Jackets Are Required Life Jackets for All – USCG Approved for type of boating, proper size (or for child weight size) and serviceable Life Jacket label must be legible Inflatable lifejackets must be worn – others worn or ready On Children Under 8 Years Wear (Unless Inside) PWC – All Operator, Passenger, Being Towed impact rated Boat 16 feet plus additionally have throwable flotation aid All Being Towed – Tubing, Skiing, Knee boarding - wear All MUST Wear When Within 800 Feet of Lock or Dam 7

8 Additional Equipment to Federal Minimum Trash bag – no trash overboard All around white masthead light at least 3.28 feet above side lights Human powered boats less than 23 feet with hand-held light or lantern Engine turn-off switch with lanyard attached to operator on open boat less that 24 feet with more that 50 HP engine Gasoline-kerosene-oil-stove alcohol =fire extinguishers required PWC-if towing must have hull-mounted rear view mirrors (10 sq. in. each side) Visual Distress Signals (VDS) 8

9 Marine Environment and Noise RESPONSIBLE BOATING INCLUDES PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT NO Littering! Take trash home Human waste discharge to designated pump-out stations The International MARPOL Decal = zones Waste Management Briefing and Plans Placards required as reminder on boats 26 feet and larger 9

10 AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES Section 7 in your ABC3 Student Manual pg. 91-92 Section 8 in your ABC3 Student Manual pg. 96-98 Alabama Waters include: Red Lionfish Zebra Muscles Asian Carp Tiger Prawn Report location, type of structure, depth, numbers and date to 251-861-2882 (AL. Marine Resources Division) 10

11 POLLUTION PREVENTION Clean boat at ramp before leaving area of boating Spills–Pre-boating briefings Fueling procedures Pump-out stations–location and use Engine exhaust mufflers required 11

12 Age and Education Requirements BOAT OPERATORS Age 12-13 with an adult 21 yo with “V” endorsement 14 to operate a power boat independently Boating Safety Education REQUIRED Minimal training for rental boats Operator license “V” on driver’s license NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 12 MAY OPERATE A MOTORIZED VESSEL ON ALABAMA’S WATERS! 12

13 Safe Boat Operation DEFINITIONS Enforcement by Alabama Marine Police/Sheriff/State Parks/City Reckless Operation Careless Operation Homicide by vessel Accident Reports w/in 10 days for – loss of life / injury / damage exceeding $2000.00 13

14 REGULATORY AND ADVISORY MARKS White buoys and boards with ORANGE geometric markings Prevent damage and personnel injury Mark pump-out stations 14

15 Regulatory Marks Exclusion Mark 15

16 BOATING UNDER THE INFLUENCE (BUI) REAL PROBLEM! BUI level = 0.08% as measured by breathalyzer w/AL State Troopers Penalties as with DUI 16

17 ACCIDENT REPORTING Report within 10 days loss of life injury over $2000 damage To Alabama Marine Police, County Sheriff, local State Trooper post or dial 911 17


19 Speed and Hours of Operation 19 Alabama – sunrise to sunset for water-jet boats Florida – ½ hour before sunrise to ½ hour after sunset for water-jet boats. Alabama and Florida – NO WAKE means slowest speed at which it is still possible to maintain steerage. Florida – speed zones include specific geographic areas for the safety of swimmers and manatees.

20 Other Laws and Safety Information ALABAMA ACT 2006-398 Applies to Lake Harris, Lake Martin, and Weiss Lake only Bans 26-ft 11-in boats capable of speeds over 60 mph Bans houseboats – residential and recreational Bans recreational boats more that 30-ft 6-in 20

21 PWC Alabama has specific rules for Personal Watercraft 1.Impact rated life jackets 2.Engine shut-off lanyard connected to switch 3.No-one under the age of 12 may operate 4.Safe operation practices 5.Towing procedures 6.Obey USCG Rules and Regulations 21

22 SPORT DIVERS Divers Flag: A rectangular red flag with a white diagonal stripe attached to a vessel, float or buoy. Stay away 100 feet.

23 Boating is fun… we’ll show you how End Section 8 Alabama State & Local Regulations 23 END

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