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Republicans must stay with Hoover or take blame for Depression Democrats choose Franklin D. Roosevelt Hoover says F.D.R. will destroy the American economy.

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Presentation on theme: "Republicans must stay with Hoover or take blame for Depression Democrats choose Franklin D. Roosevelt Hoover says F.D.R. will destroy the American economy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Republicans must stay with Hoover or take blame for Depression Democrats choose Franklin D. Roosevelt Hoover says F.D.R. will destroy the American economy

2 F.D.R. traveled 25,000 miles, promised to help “the forgotten man” - “New Deal” F.D.R. wins - Inaugural Address - “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Reality was that he was the first to give the nation hope

3 Group of intellectuals who advised the President Raymond Moley - Law professor Rexford Tugwell - Agriculture professor Adolph Berle - Corporate finance lawyer and speech writer

4 The first “New Deal” March 9 - June 16, 1933 Honeymoon period when the President told the Brain Trust “If all fails admit it frankly and try another, but above all try”

5 Declared a “Bank Holiday” - fastest bill in history Sec. of Treasury called in all gold in the country ($10,000 fine if you didn’t) Examined all banks - sound ones were allowed to reopen

6 First “Fireside Chat” he says “I assure you it is safer to keep your money in a reopened bank than under a mattress” By end of next week 3/4 of nations banks reopened Emergency currency issued to halt bank runs

7 Prohibited commercial banks from selling stock or financing corporations Created Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) which insured investors up to $2,500

8 F.D.R. had the U.S. taken off the gold standard in April, 1933 By 1934, the dollar is worth 59 cents

9 Goal was to see major businesses shortened hours and raised wages “Codes of Fair Competition” - minimum wage, no child labor, and collective bargaining Established N.I.R.A.

10 Effort to join the federal gov’t with business and labor to fight the depression Set codes of fair competition Headed by Hugh Johnson Blue Eagle “We do our part”

11 People encouraged to only go to NIRA businesses Small and large businesses didn’t like it (too pro-labor) NIRA and NRA declared unconstitutional - can not establish codes of fair competition

12 National Labor Relations Act - 1933 Saved part of the NIRA No coercion of employees No firing due to union membership Guarantee collective bargaining

13 CCC - March 31, 1933 Provide employment for men age 18-25 Built parks and battlefields Paid $30.00/month, $25.00 had to be sent home

14 To advise and assist farmers May 12, 1933 Government paid farmers not to produce Paid subsidies for unplanted land By 1934 - size of Illinois

15 May 12, 1933, FERA To provide direct relief to needy Americans. System set up $5 million to state and local governments to directly help the needy

16 TVA, May 28, 1933 To help develop the resources of the Tennessee Valley 25,000 miles long, 25 dams, 7 states benefit from electricity provided Encouraged industry in area

17 HOLC, June 13, 1933 To help townspeople refinance their mortgages Low interest rates and 15 years to pay mortgage Helped middle and upper middle class homes

18 PWA, June, 13, 1933 Provide employment on public works Help business help people Usually were construction jobs Enterprise and Yorktowne

19 June 13, 1933, NRA To revive American business

20 FCA, June 16, 1933 Set up credit system for farmers

21 CWA, November 8, 1933 Provided employment at federal expense Rake leaves, pave roads, Real goal was to get people through the Winter of 33-34 Airports, schools $15.00/week

22 SEC, June 6, 1934 Protected public and private investors in stocks

23 FHA, June 28, 1933 Inside loans for home construction


25 Wanted to pay every American over 60 $200/month To be paid by 2% sales tax Person could not hold a job Had to spend money every month Popular idea with the people Cost $24 billion/year

26 “Radio Priest” Received more mail in 1934 than FDR - very popular Wanted government ownership of banks, natural resources and public utilities

27 “Kingfish” Proposed gov’t take money from the rich and give to the poor Give every family a car, home, & a radio College education if wanted Tax the rich at 70% - he was assassinated


29 WPA, April 8, 1935 Provide jobs and training for 16- 25 year olds Accounted for over 1/2 of schools built in the 1930’s, 800 airports, 13,000 playgrounds, 2,500 hospitals Kept artists and actors employed

30 NLRB, July 5, 1935 Purpose was to guarantee rights to workers

31 SSB, August 14, 1935 To provide a sound social security system Helped children, handicapped, and the aged Every worker had to take part

32 Provided for unemployment compensation Employers and employees made mandatory contributions out of wages Idea came from Francis Perkins, first women to hold a cabinet position

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