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Strategic Planning The What, Why, Who and How for Crafting a Desired Future Sister Carol Cimino: CSAANYS Sister Carol Cimino: CSAANYS.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Planning The What, Why, Who and How for Crafting a Desired Future Sister Carol Cimino: CSAANYS Sister Carol Cimino: CSAANYS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Planning The What, Why, Who and How for Crafting a Desired Future Sister Carol Cimino: CSAANYS Sister Carol Cimino: CSAANYS

2 What is it? ßMission, goals, vision you wish to pursue; ßWhom you will serve; ßOrganization’s role in the larger community; ßKinds of services you will offer; ßResources needed; ßHow you will combine resources, programming, relationships to accomplish the mission.

3 Present How What Desired Future

4 Finding the Fit “What do you hope to accomplish?” “What are you capable of doing?” “What is needed and feasible in your area?” Strengths & Weaknesses Opportunities & threats Mission The “Fit”

5 Why Plan? ßResults ßFocus ßProblem-solving ßBroader ownership ßMarketing ßCommunication

6 Step 1: Get Organized A.Note why you are planning and any concerns. B. Select a steering group to keep things on track. C. Determine if you need outside help. D. Outline a planning process that fits. E. Get commitment to proceed.

7 Step 2: Take stock A. Pull together necessary background information. B. Review your past, present and future situation. C. Identify key issues or choices.

8 SWOT analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

9 Take an Audit ßWhat are your assets? ßBuildings, grounds ßPersonnel ßEquipment ßWhat are your liabilities? ßDebts ßAged equipment,buildings ßHistory

10 HISTORY ßOver the past five years: ßEnrollment patterns ßStaffing patterns ßBad debt ßCosts vs income ßStudent performance ßCurriculum development

11 ID Critical Areas ßCatholic ID ßCurriculum ßStudent life ßFinances ßRecruitment ßTeacher development ßPR

12 Step 3: Set direction A. Develop a vision of your organization’s future: Critical issues approach Scenario approach Goals approach Alignment approach B. Determine how to move toward a desired future. C. Develop a first draft of the plan.

13 LARGE questions ßMission ßVision ßCore values ßKey result areas

14 CORE VALUES ßThe charity of Christ urges us to: ßRespect ßQuality service ßSimplicity ßAdvocacy for the poor ßInventiveness to infinity

15 TRY: ßDraft goals ßMission alignment ßStrategic objective ßAction steps

16 Step 4: Refine and adopt the plan A. Check with constituencies. B. Get commitment C. Ritualize

17 Step 5: Implement the plan A. Monitor the progress. B. Make adjustments C. Periodically update the plan.


19 Timeline ß3-6 months: Identify areas in need of planning, craft goal statements. ßConsult stakeholders, hold focus meetings ß-Assess resources at hand, resources needed. ß3-6 months: Craft objectives, identify timeline. ß-Craft projects, align with mission, assign tasks, design assessment instrument. ß1-2 months: Refine objectives, projects, determine validity of goals, objectives.

20 Timeline, cont’d. ß3-6 months: Disseminate plan, ritualize plan and monitor progress. ß3-5 years: Monitor progress aligned with assignment of tasks, calendar, re-align projects, plan to plan.

21 Final thoughts ßStart the planning ßMaintain alignment ßKeep track of your progress ßReport your progress to all stakeholders ßPut out a draft ßCelebrate/ritualize the plan ßMonitor its progress and report it.

22 REMEMBER: If you fail to plan for the future, you probably won’t have one.

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