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PACT Implementation Conference Designing and Managing the MS Subject Matter Tasks at Notre Dame de Namur University.

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Presentation on theme: "PACT Implementation Conference Designing and Managing the MS Subject Matter Tasks at Notre Dame de Namur University."— Presentation transcript:

1 PACT Implementation Conference Designing and Managing the MS Subject Matter Tasks at Notre Dame de Namur University

2 What did NDNU pilot last year? Subtask or Teaching Event (TE)-- When and Where Elementary History-Social Science Task-- Planning EDU 4339, 1 st or 2 nd semester Elementary Science Task-- Planning EDU 4339, 1 st or 2 nd semester Elementary Literacy Task-- Planning EDU 4330, 1 st semester Elementary Math—Full Teaching Event EDU 4345, 2 nd semester

3 What was successful during the pilot year? Mock scoring of subtasks generated data about student performance All students passed subtask rubrics with a score of 2 or better (1 scores were on Academic Language and Assessment as part of the full TE in math) Faculty comfort level with tasks increased Student feedback honest and used to inform changes for implementation

4 What was challenging during pilot year? Student anxiety/stress level over PACT Student displeasure over additional MS tasks (that SS candidates are exempt from) Faculty morale about PACT in general, scoring specifically Organizing a mock scoring to give students feedback about their performance and assist NDNU in making changes

5 Science and History- Social Science Planning Tasks Embedded into science/social studies methods course (seemed logical) 2 unit course, meets 10 times during semester (not enough time to do 2 tasks) Omitted lesson plan assignments in lieu of PACT planning tasks Used instructor generated rubrics to give course grade (based primarily on lesson plans content) Used PACT rubrics to score

6 Science and History-Social Science Planning Tasks, part 2 2 MS Subtasks burdened the class Instructors wanted focus to remain on good lesson planning within context of PACT tasks, but students were more worried about “passing” Confused ed specialist students in course Left no course time for other important assignments

7 MS Subtasks during Implementation Subtask or Teaching Event (TE)-- Where and When Elementary History-Social Science Task-- Assessment EDU 4342, 1 st semester Elementary Science Task-- Assessment EDU 4342, 1 st semester Elementary Literacy Task-- Planning EDU 4330, 1 st semester Elementary Math—Full Teaching Event EDU 4345, 2 nd semester

8 Rationale for moving subtasks Subtasks needed to be spread out among courses/faculty for balance Science/social studies methods course needed to regain assignments to support student learning Mock scoring showed students needed more support in assessment as opposed to planning Seminar course= science and history-social science assessment tasks English-Language Arts Course= literacy planning task

9 Conclusion Students completing program in one calendar year are still stressed General feedback is that arrangement of subtasks is more manageable Seminar PACT support focused on matching content standards with learning objectives and assessments to assist students NDNU hosted 2 Elementary Math trainings this fall to score subtasks and TE

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