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Welcome and Introduction Departmental Research & Education Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome and Introduction Departmental Research & Education Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome and Introduction Departmental Research & Education Overview

2 Today’s Agenda


4 Department of Oceanography General Information Three divisions coordinate research and education activities Biological Oceanography Physical Oceanography Marine Geology and Geochemistry Divisions provide: Research fiscal support Common-use equipment and other facilities Seminar series to encourage research communication and collaboration Oversight and direction of graduate education

5 Faculty and Students Tenure-track faculty36 Total faculty (BU07)51 Regular graduate faculty - in OCE 39 Cooperating graduate faculty - in UH, not in OCE 17 Affiliate graduate faculty - not in UH 8 Total64 Graduate students72 Undergraduate students (GES)50

6 Divisional Makeup DivisionTenure-track faculty Graduate students Biological Oceanography1031 Physical Oceanography1219 Marine Geology & Geochemistry1422

7 Undergraduate Courses 100 Seminar in Global Environmental Science (3) 201 Science of the Sea (3) 201L Science of the Sea Laboratory (1) 310 Global Environmental Change (3) 310L Global Environmental Change Laboratory (2) 312 Geomathematics (3) 315 Modeling Natural Systems (3) 320 Aquatic Pollution (3) 330 Mineral and Energy Resources of the Sea (3) 331 Living Resources of the Sea (3) 363 Earth System Science Databases (3) 401 Biogeochemical Systems (3) 402 Solar Nebula to the Human Brain (3) 403 Marine Functional Genomics and Biotechnology (3) 423 Marine Geology (3) 480 Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems: Biological-Physical Interactions in the Oceans (3) 490 Communication of Research Results (3) 499 Undergraduate Thesis (3)

8 CourseFallSpring 201 Science of the Sea 344228 201L12894 310 Global Environmental Change 47-- 320 Aquatic Pollution 3720 Largest Undergraduate Courses Average enrollment over past 5 years

9 Department Extramural Funding Including JIMAR but excluding IPRC and CMORE Source: ORS website Data by calendar year

10 Calendar 2007 Extramural Awards


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