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Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 Highly Qualified Teacher Information for Pennsylvania’sTeachers Edward G. Rendell Gerald L. Zahorchak,

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Presentation on theme: "Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 Highly Qualified Teacher Information for Pennsylvania’sTeachers Edward G. Rendell Gerald L. Zahorchak,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 Highly Qualified Teacher Information for Pennsylvania’sTeachers Edward G. Rendell Gerald L. Zahorchak, D.Ed. Governor Secretary

2 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 No Child Left Behind in the Commonwealth NCLB’s Highly Qualified Teacher Requirements All public school teachers with primary responsibility for direct instruction in one or more of NCLB’s core academic subjects are required to demonstrate that they satisfy the definition of a “Highly Qualified Teacher.” This requirement includes: Elementary level teachers who teach all subjects to a particular grade; Middle- and secondary-level core academic subject instructors; Special education teachers who provide direct instruction in one or more core academic subjects; English as a second language (ESL) teachers who provide direct instruction in one or more core academic subjects; and Alternative education teachers who provide direct instruction in one or more core academic subjects.

3 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 NCLB: Federal Definition of Core Academic Subjects

4 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 Pennsylvania’s Definition of ‘Highly Qualified’ To satisfy the definition of a Highly Qualified Teacher, teachers must: 1)Hold at least a bachelor’s degree; 2)Hold a valid Pennsylvania teaching certificate (i.e., Instructional I, Instructional II or Intern certificate but not an emergency permit); and 3)Demonstrate subject matter competency for the core academic subjects they teach.

5 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 NCLB’s HQT Formula + BACHELORS DEGREE + VALID TEACHING CERTIFICATE + DEMONSTRATED SUBJECT MATTER COMPETENCY ----------------------------------------------- = Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT)

6 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 The Tricky Part: Demonstration of Subject Matter Competency “Demonstrate subject matter competency for the core academic subjects they teach.” In PA, subject area competency is traditionally demonstrated through the successful completion of the appropriate Praxis exams. Thus, the FASTEST way to achieve HQT status is to TAKE THE TEST!

7 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 In Pennsylvania, who is HQT? 1.ALL Elementary Certified Teachers who received Instructional certification and who currently teach ELEMENTARY students (see Note for State HOUSSE plan that enables EL ED teachers certified PRIOR to 1988 to be HQT) 2.ALL Middle & Secondary Core Content Teachers who currently teach IN THEIR CORE ACADEMIC SUBJECT and instruct students in GRADES 7-12 3.ALL ESL teachers who hold an Instructional I in the CORE ACADEMIC SUBJECT they are instructing and who teach ESL populations

8 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 In Pennsylvania, who is HQT?, cont. 4. ALL ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION teachers who hold an Instructional I in the CORE ACADEMIC SUBJECT they are instructing and who teach ALT ED populations 5. ALL Special Education Certified Teachers who are teaching ELEMENTARY LEVEL Special Education Students or students taking an Alternative Assessment and who took and passed the Praxis: Fundamental Subjects or its predecessor (thus proving ‘subject matter competency’)

9 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 If you are in one of these five categories: CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE Highly Qualified under the standards set forth by the United States Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Education. If you have further questions, please consult your school district’s Human Resource office.

10 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 If you are NOT Highly Qualified: There are three basic ways to demonstrate subject matter competency: –Pass the Praxis! (ALL teachers) –Complete a graduate degree or subject area major (Middle and Secondary teachers) –National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification (NOT New to the Profession, 3 years + experience)

11 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 If you are NOT Highly Qualified: There are two additional ways to achieve HQT designation: –The Bridge (now closed for new participants) –The HOUSSE

12 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 The Bridge Program for The Bridge is now closed for new participants. Unless you are ALREADY on the Bridge, you may not use the PA Bridge to pursue HQT Designation. The Bridge closed in July, 2006. If already on the bridge, you must be making progress. You have three years from the time you started the Bridge program to complete the program, and achieve Instructional I certification.

13 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 The HOUSSE: What is it? Much like building a real house, the Pennsylvania Highly Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation, or HOUSSE, is a program through which core content teachers who do NOT have the appropriate Instructional Certificate in the CORE ACADEMIC SUBJECT they teach can ‘build’ points towards HQT Designation. THIS IS NOT A CERTIFICATION PROGRAM, RATHER AN HQT DESIGNATION.

14 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 HOUSSE: Core Academic Subjects Pennsylvania is now able to offer the new HOUSSE program (a High Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation) for those teachers who still need to meet Highly Qualified requirements for the core academic subject in which they instruct. The core academic subject areas, taught at the elementary, middle, or secondary level are: –English –Mathematics –Reading/ Language Arts –Science –Foreign Languages –Arts (Art and Music) –Social Studies (Economics, History Civics/Government and Geography

15 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 HOUSSE: 100 Point System Under Pennsylvania’s “Highly Qualified Teacher” (HQT) HOUSSE program, experienced Pennsylvania teachers may demonstrate subject matter competency through the documentation of a total of 100 points.* *See Note for Flexibility under IDEA for NEW Special Education Teachers

16 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 Teachers obtain 100 points by documenting achievements in the following areas: Years of satisfactory teaching experience in the core academic subject (5 points per year, minimum of 5 points required, maximum of 45 points) College and graduate coursework in the core academic subject, verified by a transcript from a regionally accredited college/university with each course passed at a 2.0 level or above (5 points for every 1 semester credit in core academic subject, maximum of 95 points) Professional education courses in core academic subject and/or in related teaching and curriculum instruction or assessment courses related to the core academic subject (5 points for every 30 professional development hours) Advanced degree in teaching, curriculum instruction or assessment related to the core academic subject (25 points) Academic scholarship and awards related to core academic subject, examples include: teacher awards, authored journal articles or textbooks, instructor of college course. (5 to 50 points) Pennsylvania Instructional II, Special Education Certificate (25 points).

17 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 College and Graduate Coursework in the Core Academic Subject Area: Note : Courses for credit MUST be directly related to the core content subject area, and they MUST be CONTENT focused, as opposed to PEDAGOGICALLY focused.

18 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 Examples of College and Graduate Coursework in the Core Academic Subject Area: Math Calculus Algebra Geometry Trigonometry Elements of Math 1 and 2 Finite Math Intro. to Modern Math 1 and 2 Probability and Statistics Survey of College Math 1 and 2 Science Anatomy Astronomy Biology Botany Chemistry Earth Science Ecology Environmental Science Evolution Geology Meteorology Oceanography Physical Science Physics Zoology Social Studies Economics Geography History Government Political Science

19 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 Examples of College and Graduate Coursework in the Core Academic Subject Area: Arts Printmaking Two-dimensional Design Non-Western Art History Life Drawing Music Music Technology Form and Analysis Arranging Conducting English/ Language Arts Adolescent Literature English 1 and 2 Literature by Minorities in America Literature electives Nature and History of Language Non-Western Literature Poetry Oral Communication (Speech) Survey of American Literature Survey of British Literature Traditional or modern grammar Written Composition

20 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 HQT Status Designation HQT status is designated immediately upon verification of the 100-point documentation by the teacher’s school district superintendent. The Chief School Officer, her/his designee, or the LEA Human Resources office can assist in answering questions and providing guidance.

21 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 HOW TO BEGIN THE HOUSSE PROCESS 1.Teachers submit their applications* and appropriate documentation to the chief school officer (or designee) or human resources office immediately. 2.School district staff designee will work with teachers to complete the application form and review the teacher’s current assignment(s), certificate status, existing transcripted academic course content, professional development experiences, etc. An application is needed for each subject area one is teaching, other than elementary. NOTE: Elementary teachers must submit one application for all core content while middle/secondary must submit one for each assignment area.

22 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 HOW TO BEGIN THE HOUSSE PROCESS, cont. 3.If the required 100 points is achieved, the teacher is eligible to receive the HOUSSE HQT designation through use of the PDE website at 4.Teachers become Highly Qualified at the time the application is accepted and verified by the district/IU and logged into the Department’s HOUSSE database. A central listing of HOUSSE Highly Qualified Teachers will be maintained. Note: No certificate action is involved in this process. Consult your Teacher Education Record on the Teacher Certification System (TCS) of the PDE website for verification of HQT Designation.

23 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 HQT Individualized Professional Development Plan (IPDP) Any teacher who is not Highly Qualified and has not demonstrated subject matter competency by June 30, 2007 (e.g., has not accumulated 100 points in HOUSSE), must develop, in consultation with his/her school district, an Individualized Professional Development Plan (IPDP) to attain Highly Qualified Teacher status by December 31, 2008.

24 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 HQT Individualized Professional Development Plan The teacher and the district must create the HQT Individualized Professional Development Plan (IPDP) before June 30, 2007. The teacher must complete the HQT Individualized Professional Development Plan (IPDP) on or before December 31, 2008.

25 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 HQT and IPDP Teachers who are neither Highly Qualified nor engaged in an Individual Professional Development Plan should not be assigned as the primary instructor of any core content area class.

26 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 Potential Challenges: Assignments of Concern Special Education (particularly on the Secondary level) ESL (all levels due to demonstration of subject matter competency) Alternative Education (all levels due to demonstration of subject matter competency) Elementary Education certified teachers teaching Middle & Secondary core content areas (This is NOT permitted in PA and is a violation of both PA and HQT requirements). Charter Schools

27 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 Highly Qualified Teachers

28 Pennsylvania Department of Education, September 2006 For more information on No Child Left Behind’s Highly Qualified Teacher initiative, please contact: Pennsylvania Department of Education Bureau of Teacher Certification & Preparation Virginia Montgomery, Bureau Director 333 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333 CALL CENTER HOURS: M-F, 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Telephone: 717-787-3356

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