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Pre-Scheduling Presentation. MARYLAND GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Graduation Requirements 25 Credits Career Clusters Arts & Communications Business, Finance.

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-Scheduling Presentation. MARYLAND GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Graduation Requirements 25 Credits Career Clusters Arts & Communications Business, Finance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-Scheduling Presentation

2 MARYLAND GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Graduation Requirements 25 Credits Career Clusters Arts & Communications Business, Finance & Marketing Health & Human Services Science, Engineering & Technology A Completer Program *Foreign Language *Advanced Technology *Career Technology Completer *CCST Must PASS State Assessments Service Learning Projects

3 25 CREDITS English……………...4 Mathematics………..4  1 credit must be algebraic concepts  1 credit must be geometric concepts  A student must take one math credit per year beyond grade 8 Science……………..3  1 credit must be in Biology Social Studies………4  1 Government  1 World History or AP European History  1 U.S. History or AP US History  1 from the following three: Contemporary World Studies AP Human Geography AP Psychology AP US Government and Politics

4 25 CREDITS Fine Arts………..…...1 Physical Education…1 Health……..……..…..1 Technology Education……..…......1 Pathway Requirements…….…6  Pathway Required Courses  Completer Program  Pathway Options Completer Program Choices  Foreign Language…………...2  Advanced Technology…….……2  CTE Completer......3-6  School of Technology Program……….…..4-6

5 PROMOTION Cecil County Public Schools requires the following minimum number of credits to advance from one grade to another: Grade 9 to 10 -- Five (5) Credits  Two of the five credits must be earned in the following subjects: English, science, math or social studies Grade 10 to 11 -- Eleven (11) Credits  Five of the eleven credits must be earned in the following subjects: English, science, math or social studies Grade 11 to 12 – Eighteen (18) Credits  Nine of the eighteen credits must be earned in the following subjects: English, science, math or social studies

6 NCAA GUIDELINES The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has specific guidelines for high school student athletes who wish to be eligible to compete in college athletics. There are four basic criteria which include: 1. graduation from high school 2. minimum core grade-point average 3. minimum ACT or SAT scores 4. completion of 16 core courses Planning for college and college athletics begins in grade nine in order to complete the core courses. Check with your guidance counselor or the NCAA website for information concerning the specifics of the above criteria. NCAA website:

7 Things to consider

8 Academics You should be taking at least one English, one Math, one Social Studies, and one Science, regardless.

9 Fulfill your Completer Requirement 2 years of the same foreign language? 2 advanced tech credits (pg. 67)? CTE Completer (pg. 67)? School of Technology Program?

10 Fulfill your Pathway Required courses Look at your pathway and find the courses that relate (pg. 6-22) If you don’t have a formal pathway picked yet, look at your “extra credits” and see if they can fulfill that requirement Last option, look at all the pathways and find the one that has two courses that you want.

11 Planning on College? Try taking at least one AP course or a Cecil College course.

12 AP Art History AP Biology AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC AP Chemistry AP Computer Science AP English 11 & 12 AP Environmental Science AP Human Geography AP Music Theory AP Physics AP Psychology AP Statistics AP Studio Art AP US Government and Politics AP US History AP World Languages Honors Drama

13 Hoping to work your senior year? Take Career Research & Development

14 Want to be a student aide? You must have a 2.5 GPA You must complete and return a Student Aide application with your registration sheet.

15 Do you want to take Honors Drama? You must complete and return an Honors Drama application with your registration.

16 What do I do with this registration? Review the credit check for correctness. Choose classes that will fulfill requirements by circling them on the registration side of the paper. Circle a MINIMUM of eight courses for your junior year. Return to guidance so that we can meet.

17 If you do not hand in a registration sheet, your schedule will be created for you. First come first served. Please try to hand in registrations by February 22 nd.

18 Follow teacher recommendations for course selection. Talk with your parents about your schedule Return your registration sheet if you want input in your schedule!

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