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AABI Annual Meeting Preparing Flight Education Graduates for NextGen, ADS-B, and PBN/RNP JIM MINER E190 TRAININGSTANDARDSSUPERVISOR.

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Presentation on theme: "AABI Annual Meeting Preparing Flight Education Graduates for NextGen, ADS-B, and PBN/RNP JIM MINER E190 TRAININGSTANDARDSSUPERVISOR."— Presentation transcript:

1 AABI Annual Meeting Preparing Flight Education Graduates for NextGen, ADS-B, and PBN/RNP JIM MINER E190 TRAININGSTANDARDSSUPERVISOR

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3 3 Where to start?  Advisory Circular 90-101A

4 4 RNAV (RNP) Performance Based Outcomes  Understand the basics of RNAV  Compare and contrast RNAV and RNAV (RNP) approaches  Understand speed limits on arcs (outside the FAF and inside the FAF)  Understand what fixes can be cleared DIRECT-TO  AC 90-101A  Controller Handbook  Understand the difference between a course change and a RF Leg  How is an arc (RF Leg charted)  How is an RF leg coded in the FMS  Understand temperature/pressure effects on RNAV approaches  Temperature and Baro compensating FMS  Understand approach naming convention  Z, Y, X, etc  How to properly read back the name of the approach  The importance of the parenthetical

5 5 RNAV (RNP) Performance Based Outcomes  Speed Limits on an arc  Category D Aircraft Limits  Initial Intermediate Arc 250 KIAS  Final Arc 165 KIAS  Missed Approach Arc 265 KIAS

6 6 RNAV (RNP) Performance Based Outcomes  Course changes and RF Legs  Know the difference between TF Leg (fly a TRACK to a FIX), and an RF Leg (fly a RADIUS to a FIX leg)  How is an RF Leg charted?  How is an RF Leg coded in the FMS?

7 7 RNAV (RNP) Performance Based Outcomes

8 8  Temperature and Pressure Effects on RNAV Approaches  Flying in temperatures lower than ISA will place the aircraft lower than indicated.  Flying in pressures lower than ISA will place the aircraft lower than indicated.  Some systems can provide temperature/pressure compensation.

9 9 RNAV (RNP) Performance Based Outcomes  DIRECT-TO Clearances  DIRECT-TO clearances are permitted outside of the FAF as long as that point does not begin an RF leg  Controllers should only issue DIRECT-TO clearances to fixes labeled as IAF or IF

10 10 RNAV (RNP) Performance Based Outcomes  Approach naming conventions  Understanding the difference between an approach labeled as X, Y, Z.  Where more than one RNAV approach with different ground-tracks are developed to the same runway, identify each with an alphabetical suffix beginning at the end of the alphabet. Title the procedure with the lowest minimums with the “Z” suffix, etc.

11 11 RNAV (RNP) Performance Based Outcomes  The importance of the parenthetical  How to be cleared for, and read back a clearance for the KJFK RNAV (RNP) Z RWY 22L approach.  The information contained inside the parentheses is silent.  “JetBlue 1234 is cleared for the RNAV Z 22L approach”

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